- №1.What is the cottage change house for?
- # 2.What is important to consider before buying a dog house?
- №3.Material of execution of change houses of
- Wooden panel board change houses of
- Wooden frame change houses of
- Wooden change houses from
- bar Frame metal change houses of
- Metal block-containers
Recently it became known that the company IKEA has entered a new revolutionary level and began to produce whole houses, cheap, eco-friendly and requiring a minimum of time for construction. Hearing this news, domestic gardeners and builders only grinned, because in our open spaces there were already long sheds, small mobile buildings that are made in a matter of days and can be used both for storing inventory and for living. The cabins at the cottage are built when a house is being built, and there is a need to spend the night somewhere, but the greatest art is to find a hut at the end of construction, turning it into a summer kitchen or a guest house. To make this possible, it is necessary to be attentive at the stage of selection and not to buy the first available product.

# 1.What is the cottage change house for?
When the dacha is purchased, the happy new owner begins to make plans for what house to build, what to plant in the beds, and where to place the recreation area. In the dreams of a cozy summer cottage, it is important not to forget that construction is often a lengthy process that can be delayed depending on factors beyond your control. All this time, arriving at the site to perform construction work, you will need to spend the night somewhere, prepare food and fold tools. There may be several solutions to this problem, but the best is to take a shed.
Country dog houses are made of from different materials and in different sizes, can have internal partitions or dispense with them. These are mobile buildings, which are manufactured in the factory, and then transported to the site for subsequent installation. If desired, at the end of construction, the shed can be easily removed from the site, moved or even sold. The most sensible thing is to immediately arrange the building so that in the future it will become an important part of the summer cottage from the auxiliary temporary room.
If during the erection of the main house, a shed is used for overnight storage and storage of tools, then can be used to organize a summer kitchen, a guest house, a shower, a bathhouse, or just garden equipment there. You can turn a change house into a chicken coop or any other room.
Country cabins have conquered the domestic expanses of with low price and mobility, and there is a minimum of time from order to delivery and installation. Stability, insulation and neat appearance - these are the qualities that allow the use of shed in the future. For permanent residence such constructions, of course, are not suitable. In spite of the fact that there is a heat-insulating material in the construction of the walls, in winter at low temperatures the room will quickly freeze, and to maintain a comfortable temperature there you will have to keep the heater on at all times.
In addition to the dacha, there are also construction sheds, bath-sheds, sheds, guard posts and sanitary change houses.

№2.What is important to consider before buying a dog house?
In order for the barn to last as long as possible and to be used even after construction is completed, it is important to find a responsible manufacturer and select a suitable place for the building. There are a lot of intermediaries working on the market of country cabins, whose prices are too high. It is much more profitable and safer to contact the manufacturers. One of the largest domestic enterprises in the sphere is the Bytovkin company, which has been operating since 1997 and is engaged in the production and sale of change houses from various materials. The company also provides a rental service cabins, delivers buildings and carries out their installation.
When ordering a shed, you should definitely clarify the desired dimensions and material of execution, inquire about the need to make partitions, additional windows and doors. At this stage, it is important to know where the shed will stand and what role it will play after the construction is completed. It is better to take a piece of paper, to scale an plot of the plot of the plot and mark the places where the house and other buildings, beds, recreation areas and children's games will be located. If in the future it is planned to have a shed, a summer kitchen or a guest house on the plot, then it is better to place the bungalow in exactly the place designated for these buildings. Then you will have to do the minimum work on the conversion.
Consider everything to the smallest detail in order to place the dog house in the most advantageous place and to order exactly such material of performance that will as accurately as possible meet the requirements put forward to that building, the functions of which will be performed by the dog house in the future.
When planning the location of objects on the site, remember that all buildings should be located at a distance of at least 5 m from the street, and at least 3 m from the neighboring garden plot.

№3.Material performance cabins
Quality cabins are evaluated on the totality of such qualities as:
- insulation;
- durability;
- waterproofing;
- mobility;
- interior and exterior;
- cost per square meter.
Not always the warmest, durable and durable cabins - the best option. If the building will be used for only a couple of months, and then not needed, then you can take and purchase the simplest and cheapest cabins. In general, it all depends on the mass of features that will be characteristic of the future operation of the structure.
For how warm and durable the house will be, first of all, the material of its production is responsible. Today, wood and metal are used for this purpose. We will deal with the most popular options.

Wooden panel box cabins
Cheapest, lightest and mobile cabins. The outer lining is made of low quality lining, less often - from particle board, fiberboard or plywood, internal - from sheets of fiberboard. Between the plating layers stack a small layer of insulation. Usually, foam plastic or mineral wool is used for this purpose. The floor is made of board with a thickness of 21 mm.
These cabins are very inexpensive , but do not have high durability. Due to the lack of stiffeners, such a structure will last for a very short time - after some time the trailer will lead. But such buildings are very mobile due to their minimum weight. It is possible to advise this sort of change house for storage of the construction tool for a short period( several months).

Wooden frame sheds
At the heart of such buildings is a frame from a bar of 50 * 50 mm, from which they create a "skeleton" of walls, floor and ceiling. On the frame mount the inner and outer plating, between which is insulation. The result is a solid, reliable and durable structure that will stand on the site for sure, not just one season.
The outer casing is made of clapboard. From it can make the interior trim. As an alternative, plywood or fiberboard is used, but lining is still more durable and preferred material. Plywood and fiberboard are less resistant to moisture, and over time( as shrinkage) walls made of such material can be deformed.
The ceiling and the floor are made double: first comes the draft board, then the floorboard 32 mm thick. Between the inner and outer layers in the walls, ceiling and floor lay insulation( mineral wool) and vapor barrier( glassine or ordinary cellophane film).The latter will protect the interior from the damaging effects of high humidity levels.
Such a change house will cost, of course, twice as expensive as a switchboard, but it will also serve much longer. Subsequently, it can be converted into a guest house or even a bath.

Wooden dog huts from
timber Of all wooden huts, timber houses have the highest durability and thermal insulation. For their arrangement they use a coniferous bar with a section from 100 * 100 to 100 * 150 mm with inter-coat weave tow or lnovatin. The ceiling and floor are insulated additionally.
The walls are not only strong and resistant to any kind of load, but also quite aesthetic, so that sheathe huts either from the inside or the outside is not required. Doors and internal partitions can be made of lining.
The downside of durability is price and low mobility. After construction is completed, it can be converted into a summer kitchen or a cozy guest house. However, for any other purposes it can be used, because it is actually a small house from a bar. That's just for conversion into a barn, such a hut is not very suitable - it is just a pity.

Frame metal change houses
They resemble similar wooden structures. The basis here is a frame of wooden timber, which from the outside is sheathed with a profiled sheet, and inside - with clapboard. Between them is a layer of insulation material with a thickness of at least 50 mm.
The advantages of this kind of structures include durability, a high level of waterproofing and heat insulation. Among the minuses is the high price, but then this change house can then be adapted for any purpose.

Metal block-containers
Similar structures can not be called ordinary change houses, because you can use for year-round living , unlike many analogues. The frame here is made of corners and channels, it turns out monolithic. The outer lining is made of metal, the inner one is made of expensive, high-quality and highly aesthetic materials. The layer of insulation is quite thick, so in the winter you will be comfortable.
This kind of construction is not cheap, but some enterprising summer residents manage to use it instead of a country house. If we compare with the price of the construction of even the most compact house of traditional materials, it turns out to be several times cheaper. The advantages include a high level of waterproofing, strength and durability.
Do not forget that you can always build a change house with your own hands. It will cost a little cheaper than the finished version, but the troubles will be many times more.

№4.Size of the shed, windows and roof
Typically, sheds perform a length of not more than 7 m and a width of not more than 2.3 m. The reason for such restrictions is quite simple: to transport a larger item, you need permission from the traffic police. The number and location of windows and doors, the material of interior decoration, the presence of a partition and its size depend only on your preferences.
As for roofing, there are few options: single or dual. You won't notice much difference. As a rule, change houses with a length of up to 5 m receive a lean-to roof, buildings of larger size - a gable. In most cases, galvanized iron is used.
Standard equipment of a change house assumes existence of one oar window of 80 * 80 cm in size with one glass, in long buildings make two windows. If you want to add a second glass or window, you will have to pay extra, as well as for a double layer of insulation or an additional door.

№5.Preparation for installation of
The change house is a fairly light construction, but you cannot put it directly on the ground. It will be enough to organize the simplest column foundation. The posts are located in the corners of the future shed and around the perimeter every 2 m. They can be laid out of brick, stone, or the prepared pits can be filled with concrete. As an option, you can order reinforced concrete blocks. The companies which sell change houses, as a rule, realize also all necessary elements for their installation. Even easier, of course, entrust all installation work to specialists. The employees of the company where you ordered a change house can act as these experts. If she doesn’t have her own brigade, you’ll be advised by 99% of cases.
Do not forget that when the barn turns from a place for temporary overnight stay and storage of tools into an integral architectural element of the site, it can be ennobled both from the outside and from the inside so that it fits into the landscape design and decorates the area.