Saneks for cesspools: a review of the advantages and disadvantages + Instructions for use

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autonomous water drain on a country site different from the centralized systems that require constant maintenance throughout - from flushing points to raking. Special attention should be given the final point, which is necessary to release from time to time.

To facilitate the process of cleaning and disinfection, Saneks used for cesspools - effective biological drug.

The content of the article:

  • How to solve the waste problem in the country
  • The principle of operation of biological products
  • Types of environmental assets brand Saneks
  • Cleaner Saneks for cesspools
    • Advantages and disadvantages of the drug
    • Detailed instructions for use
    • Reviews of regular users
    • The cost and the calculation for the year
  • Recommendations and tips truckers
  • Useful videos on the topic

How to solve the waste problem in the country

To choose the right type of drain and ensure fast and efficient processing of sewage, you must consider several factors, including:

  • number of occupants;
  • permanent or temporary residence;
  • the total amount of sewage;
  • the nature of waste, etc.
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Ideally, laying of sewerage system and septic tank selection takes place at the design stage, but this is only possible in the construction of a new home.

Communication often have to redo from the old - in connection with an increase in the number of permanent residents or the planned increase in the level of comfort.

Cottage outside toilet facilities
Driving a standard suburban toilet device that is located outside the house. Compulsory condition - the presence of openings for pumping solid waste

At the turn of the pipe or in-house repair does not end there, often require the installation of new capacity for the collection and recycling of waste. There are four options for solving the problem:

  • Local treatment facilities (VOC) - automatic station for cleaning effluents of 95-98%, followed by application of a secondary fluid for commercial purposes;
  • two- or three-chambered septic tank having more purification steps (or factory built with their hands);
  • accumulating single-chamber septic tank from which waste water is pumped partly recycled to the feedstock for compost.
  • absorption filter bottom well of producing additional purification treated in septic tanks effluents during their passage through the dirt filter backfill;
  • Cesspool - sealed container, require regular cleaning.

In fact, the latter two options - a variety of traditional holiday raking, with the difference that the possibility of filtering creates most of the natural cleaning drains, therefore, garbage wastes have much organize less.

Scheme two-compartment septic tank
The circuit device of the two-compartment septic tanks of concrete rings. Filtration is carried out using powerful gravel cushion and the geotextile layer (+)

Each type of treatment plant has its own characteristics. For example, for the smooth operation of VOC must have electricity. Construction of a septic tank requires sufficient area for digging a large excavation in the 2-3 branch or organization surround the filtration field. For recycling in the cesspools require special biological products - talk about them in more detail.

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Excellent means for processing the autonomous sewer
Saneks - an effective drug for the treatment of objects independent water drain on suburban areas with houses permanent and temporary residence
Appointment biological complex Saneks
The drug is intended for the processing of organic waste, which are in the sewage tank until emptying vacuum trucks
means the principle of action for cesspools
Adding the drug raked activates the decomposition of organic matter in the gray water, carbon dioxide and insoluble granular precipitate
Maintaining sanitation sewerage
Regular use Saneks means keeps in perfect condition autonomous sewer and get rid of the foul smell
Extremely simple method of preparing the drug
Prepare product for inclusion in the cesspool is not difficult - the powder mass is simply shuts in water
Reducing the number of calls scavengers
Decomposition of organic waste after the introduction of the drug leads to the formation of only 3% of the solid precipitate, which is necessary to extract much less ordered services scavengers
Absorption cesspit
Furthermore cesspools and plastic storage containers periodic processing tool is recommended filter wells, receiving wastewater from the kitchen
Multi-station biological sewage mass
The product is suitable for making not only in the cesspools, but also in the modernized waste management system - biological treatment plant
Excellent means for processing the autonomous sewer
Excellent means for processing the autonomous sewer
Appointment biological complex Saneks
Appointment biological complex Saneks
means the principle of action for cesspools
means the principle of action for cesspools
Maintaining sanitation sewerage
Maintaining sanitation sewerage
Extremely simple method of preparing the drug
Extremely simple method of preparing the drug
Reducing the number of calls scavengers
Reducing the number of calls scavengers
Absorption cesspit
Absorption cesspit
Multi-station biological sewage mass
Multi-station biological sewage mass

The principle of operation of biological products

Means for draining pits represent a viable environment, packaged in small dosage amounts (for ease of use) and which is in liquid, powder or solid form. This complex of microorganisms, bacteria and enzymes, living at the expense of decomposing organic waste.

Bioactivators to testify
Saneks - is not the only type of biological activator in the Russian market. In addition it is possible to meet not less efficient counterparts operating on the same principle: Dr. Robic, Green Grove, BioExpert, Biosept

Before you start using the useful additives, should be read with the following information:

  • to biological agent "earned", create special conditions, for example, to ensure a favorable temperature (from about + 4 ° C to + 40 ° C);
  • bacteria can almost completely processed sewage, but with a clear instruction execution (compliance dosage time bookmarks, etc.);
  • mass of treated micro-organisms, it is safe and in some cases can be reused;
  • correct application of biological agents capable of almost completely eliminate the odor;
  • bacteria "not compatible" with aggressive chemicals contained in disinfectant cleaning agents: chlorine, phenols, alkalis, aldehydes.

Consider how the recycling process is drained from start to finish. Microorganisms that are in "sleep" state, get into favorable (liquid and warm) environment, are activated and begin to multiply. Colonies of bacteria live off of recycling organic matter, which comes into the pit of sewer pipes, at least - directly.

Cleaning of cesspools and septic tanks
Biologically active products is equally effective for cleaning cesspools and septic tanks, with the help of maintenance works on disinfection of sewage systems can be carried out (+)

With bioactivators rapidly decomposes contents of litter, paper, leftover food, grease. In this case, plastic or concrete, of which often made modern rowed, remain intact. The result of the activity of microorganisms all waste is converted into water and carbon dioxide yl. Perhaps the relatively small formation of a solid precipitate which was subsequently removed manually.

The remaining waste is unclarified liquid, but without sharp odor. In the septic tank water is treated in the second chamber and out into the ground to final purification. The primitive storage capacitance - is pumped fecal type. Substance resembling yl used as compost.

Types of environmental assets brand Saneks

Biologies Saneks in recent years proven themselves and have a vast audience of regular users. It is an American production, which is produced in Poland. The official representative of the trademark in Russia - "K & K", is headquartered in Moscow. In other countries, the drug may have a different name.

Saneks in Russia
Means biological purification have Rospotrebnadzora popular brand certified (№ D.006185.09.05 from 30.09.2005), confirmed by letter dated 18 July 2014

The market is represented by line bioactivators for various purposes:

  • Saneks - means for suburban toilets and pit latrines;
  • EkoSliv - preventive preparation of the occurrence of blockages and to remove deposits in the sewer lines of communication;
  • EkoSeptik - means for purifying waste in septic tanks combined type;
  • EkoKompost - accelerator for the rapid compost maturation;
  • EkoPrud - means for maintaining the purity of water in ponds and aquariums.

As you can see, all the tools are designed for use in a country area. For drugs that help to effectively recycle sewage, can be attributed Santeks, EkoSliv, EkoSeptik. They have a similar operating principle, but differ in the scheme application.

Saneks Ekosliv
Saneks + Ekosliv established for the prevention and removal of blockages. It restores in sewer pipes and siphons natural microflora, concomitant rapid decay of organic substances

EkoSeptik designed to accelerate the decomposition of organic waste in all kinds of septic tanks mixed type, that is, in its composition and may include anaerobic and aerobic bacteria. One of the positive effects of changes in the biological environment - complete or partial removal of an unpleasant smell peculiar to sewerage facilities of a primitive type.

Ventilation device in toilet suburban
Remember that for aerobic microorganisms requires the access of air, therefore, the treatment plant must be equipped with ventilation. The simplest solution - tube outputted from the cameras 1 or 2 to the outside (e.g., a manhole)

Bacteria can multiply and release necessary for "digesting" enzymes drains only at zero temperature (the exact parameters are usually indicated on the package). Therefore, to increase the efficiency you need to take care of the septic tank insulation or install it below the seasonal freezing of the soil zone. The same requirements apply to the cesspool, which will talk in more detail.

Cleaner Saneks for cesspools

If there is no automatic treatment plant, and the only role of the tank at your cottage for sewage playing conventional septic tank, be sure to regularly use Bioactivator Saneks.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

If you've ever used a means to accelerate the decomposition of organic waste, Saneksa principle of operation will be familiar to you. Bacterial strains and enzymes included in the powdered or liquid substance are the same - they rapidly processed cellulose, starch, fat, vegetable fibers i.e. any organic products origin.

The main advantage is to increase the degree of comfort is to simplify maintenance cesspool. Instead of regularly calling scavengers require easy procedure additive substance. If the recycling process is started and adjusted, the result will be evident fairly quickly - within a couple of weeks. The first sign - the disappearance of a specific "flavor".

Using Saneksa toilet
For small suburban areas outside toilet is really a big problem - the obsessive smell can not hide even behind closed windows. Saneks ready to help in solving this problem

A list of the main advantages of bioaktivatory marked by regular users, vacationers, as follows:

  • accelerating the processing of waste water and sewage;
  • reusability degradation products (active sludge and fluid passing additional step of clarification);
  • preserving ecologically balanced climate in a country site;
  • optimal ratio of effective cleaning and minimum cost at its organization;
  • the absence of a part of the applied material the chemical constituents.

When using Saneksa disappears risk of contamination of the surrounding area, including soil intended for horticultural planting. Effluent coming into the ground after biological purification, is absolutely safe.

The manufacturer guarantees that the amount of solid precipitate, eventually accumulating at the bottom of the tank, there will be disturb residents of the house for a long period, as it takes only about 3% of the total sewage. This means that the scavengers services still be required, but not every 1-2 months, as usual, but once in 5-7 years.

action bioaktivatory
The diagram shows how over three months changing conditions inside the sump and on the surface: the unpleasant smell disappears, liquefy solid waste, liquid starts to penetrate into the soil

If you decide to clean the plums already almost filled cesspool, you will need at least 3-4 months. It is better to run the biological treatment process, when the container occupied by at least half.

The disadvantages of the use of micro-organisms normally considered whimsical, for reproduction of which is necessary enabling environment: a special temperature range, a sufficient amount of liquid, for some species - access oxygen. Sometimes you have to completely change the usual assortment of cleaning products used on the farm.

The main disadvantage - defective wastewater treatment, but it is impossible, even with a multi-level processing in VOCs.

Detailed instructions for use

Bioactivator can be purchased at a specialty store or online intermediary company. It is implemented in small, easy-to-use packages weighing 100 grams. and 400 gr. For calculations and dosing typically takes dessertspoonful whose volume 10 c. Any product of this type is provided with detailed instructions, which specify when, how and in what proportions agent should be added to the storage tank.

Sale Saneks
Online stores provide an excellent opportunity to acquire funds for suburban toilets in online mode, without leaving your home. Some companies provide a delivery to an entrance or apartment

There is such a thing as the starting dose. This means a certain amount, which is necessary to run recycling process. It depends on the type of sump and its volume. Under the terms of the manufacturer, all the tanks can be divided into three categories:

  • Chalet standard type toilets outside the apartment building;
  • cesspools without drainage;
  • drain hole with a filter bottom (drainage).

Thus, in order to activate the process of bioprocessing of waste into the pit toilet suburban 2-3 m³ have to use the starting filling 50 gr., Ie 5 dessert spoons. For drainage without raking up to 6 m³ require 120 c, a drain hole for the filtering of 12 m³ -. 160 c.

The starting dose greater monthly additives, as "work" for the bacteria in the first stage is much greater for the same part of them may be lost. Subsequently regular dose decreases. Exact figures are given in the instructions in the form of a table:

To active microorganisms, powder or tablet was diluted in a bucket or other container warm, comfortable for their activity water (about + 30-40 ° C) volume of 5-6 L (+)

Then, the contents thoroughly mixed, held for a further half an hour and was poured directly into the septic tank. If the house is installed a toilet, then to fill, you can use them.

The recycling process starts faster, if the first time after the start of filling you limit the amount of domestic waste water associated with washing or cleaning. The basic principle of quality cleaning - more organic, less chemistry.

Stages preparing a drug for treatment of the water
In order for a drug for treatment of the water in the sump has acted according to the purpose, it is necessary to strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions in the process of its preparation (+)

Reviews of regular users

Many gardeners do not trust advertising campaigns and draw conclusions about the effectiveness of a drug on the reviews of people who previously used Saneks. Recommendations can also be subjective, so it is best to focus on the real facts, for example, experience with bioaktivatory neighbor country. You can actually see the result of biological treatment and decide whether or not this brand products are suitable for your sump.

Saneks applies to those funds, which have long been popular among truckers, so finding a clean hole is not difficult. Pay attention to the presence of odor and ask, how often sediment excavation. If the answers and a clear pattern suits you, try to carry out the experiment on your site. Approximately 90% of the newcomers are fully satisfied with the results.

A cesspool of bacteria
So is the process for recycling waste water and organic waste of biologically active material. Besides foam black oily film or thin crust may appear on the surface to be removed

The cost and the calculation for the year

Now the drug is available in packs of 100 grams. or 400 gr., is most common products produced in Poland. On January 2017 packets of 100 grams. cost from 230 to 300 rubles, 400 gr. - from 630 to 810 rubles.

Pay attention to the wholesale lots, convenient to purchase and use. Typically, the seller is a set of 4, 6, 10, 20 packages resets price, as a result, you can buy a couple of extra pieces. For example, if the price for 1 package -. 630 rubles, it will cost you 20 already at 530 rubles. a piece.

Saneks Ekoseptik
If cesspit performed in septic format with multiple purification steps and well-established ventilation, you can use the drug Saneks EkoSeptik, which is based on the aerobic bacteria and mixed type

Calculate the amount of bioactivators for a particular sump can be on the table. For example, if you have a normal outside toilet, a large 400-gram package will be enough for the coming year (12-14 months), and in the future will require even fewer.

Recommendations and tips truckers

Even strict adherence to the instructions are not always gives 100 percent result, sometimes you have to deal with the nuances that are not described in the application. Solve small problems can help more experienced colleague-gardeners. Here are some tips:

  • Do not worry about liquid level change in the settler - it may decrease due to the action bioaktivatory or increased permeability due to a decrease of the drain layer. There are also some influence groundwater levels.
  • If the amount of effluent seems great - use for pumping drainage or sewage pumps.
  • In winter, the biological treatment may be suspended due to severe frost: Insulate the pit, or wait for the thaw.
  • Safe and healthy products better hide away from children and animals - they are not intended for ingestion.
  • Do not be surprised if your "sealed" pit suddenly began to leak into the soil - over time, the bacteria is purified and a bottom, a thick layer of waste.
  • To soften hard crusty residue, add more liquid.

As you can see, the service sump with additional biological treatment is easy.

Useful videos on the topic

Use the following videos you can expand the knowledge about the means to suburban toilets.

Overview of biologically active agents:

The experience of the practical application of biological products:

Using the tools on the basis of nitrate oxidizers:

If your summer cottage has a septic tank, requiring permanent waste disposal, be sure to use bioaktivatory Saneks. It not only saves you from regular communication with vacuum trucks, but also improve the ecological situation in the country, and it is very important for your comfort and to obtain a good harvest.

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