Characteristics and description of tomato varieties Lady fingers

As evidenced by numerous reviews, Tomato Lady fingers has a good yield and excellent taste. In addition, the seedlings of this variety feel good during growth in the greenhouse and open ground, so they are allowed to plant in a more convenient place for you.


Tomato Lady Fingers, whose fruits ripen quite early, belong to the determinant varieties. The big plus is that these tomatoes are not considered a hybrid, so anyone who wants can easily collect its seeds, selecting fruits for this from “better” bushes.

Despite the fact that the ladies fingers are recommended for outdoor cultivation, according to their characteristics, they feel good when growing in greenhouse conditions. In the first case, the bush grows to 0.5-0.6 m , whereas under the film shelters the plant height reaches 1.2 m .

A tomato is formed into 2 stems, so no staving is required.

On a compact bush there are leaves of a dark green shade and simple inflorescences. In one brush, which are tied through 1-2 leaves, there are 5-6 fruits each.

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The average weight of the fruit of the variety is 50-70 grams

. Description of the variety:

  • is oblong-cylindrical;
  • fruit length is about 10 cm;
  • deep red;
  • smooth surface;
  • average weight - 50-70 g , while large tomatoes often weigh 145 g;
  • fruit pulp - juicy, aromatic, with a slightly sour.

Variety Female fingers can be attributed to early ripe, because its fruits ripen the entire for 102-112 days .To harvest tomatoes start at the end of June, and the tomatoes themselves can hang on the branches until the beginning of autumn.

Breeding history

The variety of tomatoes Female fingers has long been known, since the end of the last century. However, until 2006, it was not entered in the State Seed Registry. Only after Lyubov Myazina brought out the selected form of tomato, this variety was officially recognized.

Currently, gardeners have several varieties of female fingers, each of which differs in the shape of the grown tomatoes.
There are several varieties of female fingers, which differ from each other in the form of

. These are also elongated-pear-shaped tomatoes with a pointed lower part, as well as elongated-cylindrical fruits with a “nose”.

Advantages and disadvantages of

The main advantages of the variety:

  • drought resistance;
  • good keeping quality and transportability;
  • excellent taste ;
  • unpretentious care.

Tomato fruits ripen well on the bushes or in a torn state.

The disadvantages include:

  • large amount of light requirement;
  • A good crop of tomatoes is possible only in regions with a warm climate ;
  • is not suitable for making tomato juice.

If the female fingers are provided with the necessary growth conditions for the female fingers, then the disadvantages of this variety can be avoided.

Planting Seeds

Seeds Tomato Lady Fingers

start planting seeds of this variety in mid-March, , 55-60 days before the expected planting of tomatoes in the ground. Before planting, seeds should be soaked for 15 minutes in a light pink solution of potassium permanganate, then rinsed with warm water.

Sowing of tomatoes is carried out at a depth of 1-2 cm( 2 seeds should be placed for 1 cm²).Then we cover the container for growing seedlings with polyethylene to create a greenhouse effect in it.

After the first shoots appear, the capacity must be installed on the most illuminated sill, and also to keep the temperature at 15-16 degrees for a week, so that the sprouts do not have time to stretch out. After that, the temperature is raised to 20-22 degrees. When 2 true leaves appear, the seedlings dive.

Transplantation of seedlings in open ground

The seedlings are planted at a permanent landing site 2 months after sowing seeds.

A maximum of 6–8 plants should be placed with an per 1 m² in order for the distance between the bushes to be 50 cm .Between the rows the distance should be 60 cm .

Further care of the tomatoes consists in timely watering, feeding, removing weeds. Of particular importance are preventive measures aimed at protecting the bushes from pests and diseases.

Saplings planted in the ground 2 months after sowing the seeds

Agrotechnika growing

To care for the tomato Lady's fingers is quite simple. Since this variety has a compact form, it does not need to be formed by pinching.

If a tomato is drawn out too much, then its must be tied up with so that a strong wind does not break the bush.

Tomato Lady Fingers needs abundant watering 2-3 times a week. If the weather is hot, watering is done every day. The optimum temperature for high yields is 19-26 degrees .

How to get seeds for planting next year

Seeds are required to choose fruits that are red and endowed with a characteristic form of the variety.

To collect seeds, the fruits must be slightly brown .Before harvesting the seeds, the tomatoes are washed, cut it with a knife and squeezed the juice with pulp into a small container.

After pushing up the pulp, the dishes are covered with gauze and then placed in a dark place. In this case, water is not added to the mass, as it will cause the death of the seed.

When the juice is lighter, the film and bubbles of will be visible on the surface of the contents of the jar of the , and the seeds will descend to the bottom of the container. After that, can be separated seeds.

To harvest the seeds, ripe fruits are suitable, slightly brown in color.

Then a number of actions are required:

  • the seeds are washed;
  • spread on a cotton cloth to remove excess moisture;
  • is laid out on paper in a thin layer to dry;
  • is mixed periodically.

Prepared seeds are stored in a dry place in paper bags, their germination remains 5-9 years , but it is better to apply them no later than 4 years .

Diseases and Prevention

This variety is distinguished by with moderate disease resistance .It is most susceptible to mosaic damage, which is manifested in a change in the shade of the leaf, on which emerald-amber spots appear. In addition, the branches of the plant twist and change, the bush looks sick.

The crop from the affected plant may be small or it will not be at all, so is sure to manually remove all the affected areas of the , taking care not to touch the sap of the plant through which the disease is transmitted. Remote plants burned. Mosaic is developing both in the greenhouse and in the open field.

For the prevention of disease, seeds are sown before sowing in a light pink solution of potassium permanganate.

In order to get a good harvest of tomato variety Lady fingers, it is enough to follow the basic agrotechnical methods. This is a variety that is not demanding to care, so a beginner can easily cope with it.

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