Persimmon - growing from the stone at home, tips, advice

In addition to garden and garden affairs, which have already become familiar, we are sometimes visited by the desire to grow something unusual or even exotic. Persimmon, growing from the stone at home - will this idea be crowned with success? Let's look at all the details in detail.

  • Selection and preparation of persimmon grains for planting
  • How to grow persimmon from a stone?
  • Persimmon from the pit - transplant, care
  • What will grow out of the pit of persimmon?

As they say - there would be a desire, plant lovers successfully practice the cultivation of lemons, pineapples, avocados, coffee bushes in a city apartment. So the persimmon at home can also grow from a seed!

Persimmon bones, photo:

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Selection and preparation of persimmon seeds for planting

First you need to select the ideal seed. Stop the choice on frost-resistant grades( for example, “Rossiyanka”, “Virginskaya”), they are more hardened, unpretentious. Take the most beautiful and juicy fruit, ripe, but not overripe and not frost-bitten, its peel should be whole, intact. Here you need to make a small digression - it will be better and much more productive if, for the selection of seeds, you take the fruit that has grown in your region( if, of course, the climate allows).Next, you need to put it in a warm place for a few days, it will become very soft and even begin to deteriorate slightly - this is important.

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After some time, the persimmon seed can be removed from the fruit, rinsed well with water and placed in a “bath” of slightly pink manganese for two days. This procedure is designed to decontaminate the seed and to identify non-viable specimens( spoiled seeds always float to the surface).

The next stage is how to germinate a persimmon bone, here we will be helped by special preparations, such as "Zircon", "Ekopin", "Ekosil", "Novosil".Also for these purposes, you can use aloe juice, it is diluted with warm water( 1 tea. L. Per 100 ml of water).

Advice - if you want your seed to “wake up” as soon as possible, carefully treat its sides with an emery paper or slightly scratch them with the edge of a needle. Next, take a clean gauze or a wide bandage, generously moisten the resulting solution, put the persimmon seeds between the layers of fabric and put everything in a plastic bag.

In order for the persimmon's seed to grow, the bag should be securely tied, but at the same time it must remain as if inflated, with air inside. Now it can be sent to the refrigerator for about a couple of months. In the department where the seeds will be stored, should be approximately +5. . + 7 ° С.If the arc processing method, opposite to cold, is heat, approximately +35. . + 40 ° С.To do this, put a bag of seeds closer to the battery, where the shoots will turn in 7 or 10 days. Periodically inspect the contents of the bag to prevent drying or mold growth of the grains.

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How to grow a persimmon from a stone?

If you are not satisfied with long ceremonies with preliminary germination, you can immediately plant the seeds in a tank with peat and clean river sand( 1: 1 ratio).Just before this, be sure to soak them for a couple of days in a solution of potassium permanganate. The more seeds you plant, the more viable copies you will have, from which you can choose the strongest representatives.

If you are thinking about how to plant a seed of persimmon sideways, then it is better to place it horizontally in the ground. There are no special rules here, but experienced gardeners recommend doing this process this way.

If you place it vertically, then under comfortable conditions, I think it will also sprout, maybe a little later. You can also immediately take disposable plastic cups, drain holes in the bottom, fill them with slightly moist fertile soil.

Remember that planting a persimmon seed implies the presence of the “right” substrate - it must be light, well aerated. Optimally mix the two parts of leafy land, plus one part of peat and sand. Or you can walk to the nearest flower shop and buy ready-made ground fruit mixes for fruit trees. It already includes various “long-lived” fertilizers, perlite, vermiculite, coconut fibers, coal, tree bark and other useful ingredients.

The stone of the persimmon should be buried no more than 1.5-2 cm, after that the pot or plastic tray should be covered with polyethylene( or glass), placed closer to the radiator. Do not forget to regularly raise the protective coating, to air and water the soil. The first shoots should be expected in about 15-20 days.

Pitted Persimmon, photo:

If you are planting seedlings already germinated( those that were previously placed in the bag), then the process of planting them is no different from that described above. The only thing - everything should be done very carefully, so as not to break off the sprout. When shoots appear in the pot, the polyethylene film can be removed. It often happens that the brown shell of the seeds remains at the end of the sprout.

Bone shell on sprouts, photo:

She can sit quite tightly, pinning the top of the plant, like a shell with sash. In this case, the germ needs help, otherwise he may die. Take a small knife or scissors, or even some kind of manicure tool and try to carefully remove the bone. If it does not give in, then irrigate this place with warm water from a spray bottle, cover the pot with plastic wrap and leave it overnight( better close to heat).In the morning it can be easily removed.

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Pitted persimmon - transplanting, care

If you originally planted the bones in the total capacity, and your seedlings have already reached about 10 cm in height and have appeared a couple of leaves, it can be seated in separate pots. Transplanting is done neatly, with an earthy lump at the roots. Make sure that the soil occupies the entire pot, so it should not be very large. At first, the sprout can be covered with a glass jar, but periodically remove it, air and irrigate the plant - this is how the seedling adapts to the external environment.

After a couple of months, the young persimmon from the stone will reach 35-40 cm in height, it will need to be transplanted again into a larger pot, again, using the transshipment method. Do not forget that this plant is a representative of a tropical culture, it is very fond of light, warm, moist soil, but not waterlogging( the roots may rot).Persimmon seedlings grow quickly, their roots are also developing very actively, so at first they will need frequent transplantation in large-sized containers. Further transplants are made once every three or four years, but the upper layer of the soil( 6-8 cm) needs to be changed every year.

Young persimmon, photo:

Persimmon house from a bone - care tips:

  1. For seedlings, choose a place with good lighting, but not under direct sunlight, otherwise tender leaves can burn.
  2. It is not necessary, but it is highly desirable to provide plants with additional illumination with lamps of artificial lighting in the evening and morning hours( at least 2 hours each).
  3. Ensure that the soil does not dry out, but is not oversaturated with moisture. Do not forget about the presence of a drainage layer at the bottom of the pots!
  4. Leaves of young( and adult too) persimmon are very fond of irrigation with warm water.
  5. Protect persimmon from drafts.
  6. Transplanting is done in the spring. Before the plants reach the age of five, this procedure must be carried out annually. After the persimmon is 5 years old, the transplantation can be done once every 2 or 3 years.
  7. Young livestock should be fertilized with organic and complex mineral supplements, 1 time in 2 months.
  8. With the onset of a warm season, containers with persimmon can be taken out on the balcony or on the street( if you have a private house or cottage).When the first cold snaps come, the plants should be brought into the room.
  9. With the arrival of winter, it is better to move the pots to a cooler room, no higher than +7. . + 10 ° С( dormant period at the plant).

In autumn and winter, it is important not to allow the soil and the stem to dry out; you can cover the ground with a layer of sawdust or coconut chips( mulch), and periodically moisten it. In order to avoid burns in the spring and summer, young plants should be gradually accustomed to the sun's rays, at first prune, briefly endured in the sun.

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What will grow from a persimmon stone?

In any case, you will receive a living decoration of the interior, since the glossy leaves of this culture are very decorative. At first they have a greenish-yellow shade, and as they “grow up,” they turn to a saturated dark green color. With the arrival of autumn, the foliage becomes bright yellow, orange or reddish. Such a tree certainly will not be overlooked, will attract eyes to itself.

At home, the persimmon grows from a stone to about a meter and a half. From the first years of life, the crown of the tree should be formed by trimming the branches. This procedure not only contributes to the attainment of a harmonious form( usually spherical), but also corrects the size of the plant. The stem is usually clamped when the persimmon reaches about 40-50 cm. When the shoots gain strength, they begin to branch, 2 or 3 of the most developed are selected, cut at 30-40 cm. The branches of the second and third order are cut off by a similar method. This procedure is carried out in early spring or late autumn.

If all agrotechnical rules were taken into account, then after about 6-8 years persimmon from the stone can produce fruit. To bring this time closer, the tree should be planted in the first year of its life. Here it is necessary to take into account an important nuance - the graft should be taken from the already fruiting persimmon, and this is not an easy task.

You can go the other way - when spring comes, transplant a mature tree into open ground. The chosen place should be lit, if possible protected from strong winds. Then you will need to take care of it: water regularly, during the growing season to fertilize mineral supplements with low nitrogen content( twice a month).

In order for the persimmon to flourish and begin to bear fruit, growing from the stone at home will require a lot of effort and time from you. But in any case, your efforts will not be in vain - a beautiful exotic tree will be appropriate to look in any room, to enliven the interior with your presence.

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