If you wish, anyone can grow a lemon tree at home. Care at home is not particularly difficult, but certain moments, of course, are available. If you do everything right, then in the 5th or 7th year you can wait for the fruit from the plant itself.
- Lemon Tree Care?
- How to water a lemon tree at home?
- If a lemon dries

A fragrant, tasty, healthy citrus is familiar to everyone, we see its bright yellow fruits on the shelves all year round. Lemon is good as a fruit, applicable as a preventive drug, tasty as candied candied fruit, and just beautiful, like an exotic indoor tree. However, even dark green leathery lemon leaves look beautiful, but at the same time have a beneficial effect on the human body. Leaves of an evergreen lemon tree emit phytoncides, refresh the air of the room, exude a gentle unobtrusive aroma.
Lemon tree, photo:
Depending on the variety, a lemon tree can be of different sizes. If the goal is to get the fruit, and not just a decorative function, then the result can be obtained in two ways. The lemon tree grown from cuttings will begin to bear fruit earlier( with proper care), but the plant from the seed will be more healthy and actively developing.
If you do not wish to bother yourself with the process of sprouting / cultivation, you can purchase ready-made lemon-seedlings in specialized departments and stores. You can buy lemon tree in the online store, which belongs to the botanical garden, for example, or from breeders. If you are not looking for easy ways, you are interested in the process of birth of a plant, then you will find information on how to grow a lemon tree from a stone in another article. The method of planting itself is not very different from the technology of growing other citrus crops.
Lemon tree care?
An important stage of care is the right lighting at home. Lemon's permanent seat should be well lit, but direct sunlight is still to be avoided. How to care for a lemon tree? Try to determine in advance the permanent residence of the plant, since it does not like when it is moved. In order for the crown to develop evenly, it is allowed to gently turn the lemon towards the light. This process must be done slowly and gradually.
For a harmonious growth and development, the lemon tree at home should be transplanted annually. Each time, the tank should be larger, while transplanting the roots and the ground are gently moved to the new pot, the missing amount of soil is filled to the required volume. The soil for indoor lemon should be similar in composition to the same soil.
When the plant reaches a certain size, and the pot will hold 10 liters, transplants can be stopped. Now you only have to periodically update the top layer of the soil( twice a year), to feed the plant with fertilizers( Vermisol, Humisol, Biohumus - for citrus crops).
Taking care of a young tree at home does not include top dressing at first, but with the onset of summer time you can add some fertilizer to the water for irrigation. Lemon tree is very capricious, it needs a delicate approach to the surrounding temperature and moisture. Sudden drops should not be - just something is wrong - the plant will react with loss of leaves.
How to prune a lemon tree? Crop forms a crown, does not allow it to grow to large sizes, which is very important if you have a small apartment. Care for the crown should start at a young age, when the plant reaches a height of 20-30 cm. Thus, the top of the tree is cut, the side shoots are cut at the level of the 5th leaf, the lower branches( those that are close to the soil) are also removed - this makes it possible to fully develop the trunk.
If you see a "bust" of the pomp of the crown on one side, then carefully cut off the excess, give the tree the desired shape. Pruning a branch is always done just above the leaf, the lower branches should be longer than the upper ones. Pruning should be done only when it is really needed( stimulation of the growth of new branches, rejuvenation of old wood), frequent cutting of branches can weaken the plant.
Do I need to prune a lemon tree according to the season? There are several approaches to this process: the best time for pruning is spring( March is best), often pruning is done during the flowering of the lemon and the budding. Winter pruning is also used: if a lemon tree is already bearing fruit, then it should be produced after fruit removal.
Lemon blooms very profusely and spreads a truly magical scent. Houseplant lemon tree has bisexual flowers, thus, fruit set to occur by itself. If you want to increase the yield, you can apply the technique of artificial pollination. To do this, the flowers must be ripe, using a soft brush to collect pollen from the stamens and gently transfer it to the pistil( on the sticky tip).This is a rather monotonous process, but very effective. Additionally, you can insure stimulants fruit formation and plant growth regulators - fertilizers Ovary and Bud( spraying).
The ideal temperature for the growth of foliage and branches is + 16..18ºC, for the harmonious development of fruits - 22..23ºC.Sudden temperature fluctuations, very high, as well as too low, extremely negatively affect the general condition of the lemon tree.
The temperature of the soil at home should be about the same as the air temperature. Sometimes they bring out a lemon to “air out”( or take it out for the summer), for example, to a balcony, and then bring it into the room — this is undesirable. Such changes are stressful for lemon, it reacts by dropping foliage, because cold earth and warm room air form an unfavorable temperature difference.
содерж to the content ↑How to water the lemon tree at home?
The most vigilant lemon care applies to the period from autumn to spring( October-March).In winter, at home, batteries and heaters are actively working, which dry the air. For this reason, the lemon tree should be placed away from sources of active heat, sometimes the batteries should be covered with a damp cloth and the crown should be irrigated daily with water. Such care also requires compliance with the measure, because excessive moisture lemon threatens the development of fungus. You can also place containers with water next to the pots - evaporation of moisture favorably affects the plant. With the onset of summer heat, lemon leaves are recommended to wipe with a damp cloth.
How often to water the lemon tree at home? Here you need to stick to the golden mean - not to allow the soil to dry out and not to overflow it. Boiled water of room temperature is suitable for watering, two times a week will be enough. If it happened that you overdo it with watering( the soil began to rot), then you need to change the land in a pot as soon as possible. Pots made of clay are ideal containers for growing lemons at home, they evaporate excess moisture well and allow the soil to "breathe".
содерж to content ↑If a lemon dries
Sometimes at gardening forums you can see requests for help: “the lemon tree dries, what to do? !” - often this situation occurs again due to lack of moisture and dry air in the room. Improper care: lack of lighting, stagnation of water in the soil - the secondary causes of lemon drying. Sometimes such adverse changes can occur due to the attack of a pest - a spider mite.
If we know how to cope with a lack of moisture, then we need more radical measures to fight the tick. Processing the lemon tree with insecticides will put an end to the harvest, since after it you will not be able to eat the fruit. But there is a way out - ultraviolet( UV lamp) kills a spider mite in 2-3 minutes, and such a short “exposure” to a plant at home will suffice.
Seasonal acclimatization of the lemon tree can also cause drying. We'll have to cut off the dried branches. And in the spring in their place there will be new shoots. The lack of micro-and macroelements is also expressed in the form of drying, the introduction of the necessary dressings and balanced fertilizers solves this problem. Nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium supplements or “Root feeder” fertilizer( KP-5) will help the tree to come to life and get all the missing nutrients.

As we can see, a lemon requires attentive care and compliance with the rules of cultivation, but the result of such efforts is good. A beautiful tree with vitamin fruits is a worthy gift that a lemon tree presents to us, care at home is not so difficult if you know all the nuances.