Detailed description and characteristics of eggplant variety Diamond
Eggplant is a very tasty and healthy vegetable grown in all parts of our country. In the central and northern regions of the vegetable is grown exclusively under the film. Each gardener wants to grow a rich harvest of this wonderful vegetable and for this choose seeds that produce large and large fruits. The description of the characteristics of eggplant Diamond will help you make sure that this is the right choice.
. ContentsDescription and characteristics of the variety Diamond
The variety is middle-ripened. From germination to harvest - 100 - 130 days.
The shrub grows compact, up to 60 cm tall. The leaf has a green color with purple veins.
Bearing cup, saturated green color with a purple shade. Formed at the bottom of the stem, at a level of 30 cm from the ground
In technical maturity the fruits are dark purple, the pulp is green with a small amount of seeds
Benefits:( H);from 1 square.meter, you can collect up to 8 kg of fruit
Resistance to fungal and viral diseases
Bush compact, lightly branched
Excellent transportability and storage time
Diamond has found wide application in cooking
There are no obvious shortcomings.
Bush Preparing Seeds for Planting
From pre-sowing seed treatment depends on the quality and quantity of the future crop.
The seeds of the variety are average. Before planting, pre-sowing treatment is necessary:
Selection of seeds
Stimulation of growth
Selection of seeds
Buying need to be released zoned seeds
It is better to buy
hybrids Check the validity period Since they do not need disinfection and have good germination.
Calibration of
This process consists of sorting seeds by density. The seeds are immersed in a saline solution( 5 grams of salt per 100.0 of water) and all the surfaced, empty, are removed. Weighing seeds, flush salt from running water.
There are cases when all the seeds pop up. Do not rush to throw them out, this may occur due to dry seed. It is necessary to try to germinate them.
All seeds not processed by the manufacturer need treatment.
1% solution of potassium permanganate:
It should be a saturated color, but not dark purple
. You can not keep the seeds in solution, the optimal time for complete disinfection is 15 - 20 minutes.
These drugs accumulate nutrients for good germination.
As stimulants, you can use: Kornevin, Zircon, Heteroauxin and Appin.
Preparing the soil for planting eggplant
Since the cultivation of eggplants is carried out by seedlings, it is necessary to prepare the soil for planting seeds.
Loose and nutritious soil, a guarantee of quick germination of seeds. You can buy it in flower shops or make it yourself. To do this, mix the humus, sawdust and peat. Before adding sawdust, they must be scalded twice with boiling water to remove tar.
You can also take the land directly from the garden.
The land where they grew tomatoes, peppers and potatoes, eggplants are not suitable for planting seeds. The best predecessors - cucumbers and cabbage.
Planting technology
How to plant diamond eggplants correctly?
Seeds are planted to a depth of 2 - 3 cm, in wet ground
Planted seed, covered with foil and retracted to a warm, bright place
After 2 weeks, the first shoots will appear, only if the temperature is comfortable( 24-26degrees)
Seedlings are watered with warm water using an
spray gun. After 14 days, the first feeding of young shoots
is carried out. For good germination, high temperature and moderate humidity are necessary.
After germination, the film is removed and the seedlings are hardened. For this it is necessary to gradually lower the air temperature to 18 - 20 degrees. Hardening is carried out for quick adaptation of the plant, when transplanting to a permanent place.
. Planting of eggplants. Diamond.
. Seedlings are planted at the age of 50 -70 days.
If Diamond Eggplant grows in open ground, the place must be prepared in a sunny, draft-free place.
The distance between the rows is 60 cm, and between the plants is 40 cm.
After-planting care
Leaving is reduced to:
Sprinkle the eggplant starting 10 days after planting the seedlings. An adult plant is watered with warm water, once every 3 to 4 days.
Loosening gives access to air to the roots, and timely removal of weeds protects the plant from all sorts of diseases, since weeds are a good carrier of fungi and viruses. Loosening, conducting superficially, so as not to damage the root system.
The plants are fed in three stages:
The first dressing with urea is done at the age of 18 - 20 days from transplanting to a permanent place.
The second using superphosphate and urea - a month after the first.
The third, during the formation of the fruit. You can use mullein.
If eggplant Diamond poorly forms the ovaries and fruits, the plant must be fertilized with potash fertilizers.
In case of weak pollination, you can additionally entice insect pollinators.
For this, the plant is sprayed with a sweet solution prepared: 100 grams of sugar, 2 grams of boric acid diluted in a liter of hot water.
Diseases and Prevention
Although the variety is resistant to various diseases, with the wrong care it can be affected:
Late blight. The disease is manifested by the appearance of white spots on the leaves. With no assistance, the fruits rot, and the aboveground part dies.
Cruciferous flea. Black spots are massively formed on the plant, which destroy young seedlings with great speed.
Black Leg. It occurs when soil moisture is high. The root collar turns dark and the bush begins to wither quickly.
Mosaic. On the leaves and fruits formed a kind of intricate pattern. As a result, the bush fades and dies.
Prevention consists:
In crop rotation
Seed preparation
Planting seedlings to cotyledon leaves
Timely removal of infected plants
Watering is carried out only with warm water
Black leg eggplant seedlings Phytophthora on eggplant leaf Tobacco mosaic Cruciferous flea close-up
Harvesting and storage rules
Eggplant ripens on the 30th day after the formation of fruits. Eggplant, a multi-ripening crop and therefore harvesting is done every 7 days as the fruit ripens. Fruits cut off with a sharp shears along with the stalk. Since Diamond has a non-piercing calyx, this procedure can be carried out boldly, without fear of pinning with sharp spikes.
Before storage, the fruit must be carefully sorted, removing all damaged and diseased fruit. A healthy vegetable has a resilient, clean surface without visible damage.
Selected fruits are placed on the stalk down with straw, covered with a bag and left for 11 days. Then carry out a secondary selection. Fruits that have passed the test of time, wrapped in paper and clean in a cool place.
To determine the maturity of eggplant, it is necessary to press on the peel: if it does not spring, the fruit is ready for cutting.
Carrying out all the recommendations for the care of Diamond Eggplant, wasted time and energy will not be in vain. Shrub will thank delicious, large fruits that can be used in the preparation of culinary masterpieces.
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