6 types of foliar nutrition of potatoes

Foliar application has a significant impact on the quality of the future crop. We need to figure out when and what to use bait for potatoes. About this and much more in the article.


  • Types dressings for potato
    • Sheet
    • The fertilized for a good harvest
    • As applied by spraying
    • Foliar
  • Types foliar feeding
    • Urea
    • Phosphorus
    • Humates
    • Nettle infusion
    • Chemical
    • Organic
  • Dosage
  • What foliar fertilizer to fertilize the potatoes

Types dressings for

potatoes The root crop can absorb substances not only if you put them in the hole dry or through the root system and the soil, but through the leaves is also .It makes sense to study what types of dressings exist and how they are applied for potatoes, strawberries and other crops.


It is a potato fertilizer through the bushes on the soil surface. Sheet top dressing should be carried out by in the evenings or in the morning .If fertilized in the sun, the solution will evaporate, causing damage to the leaf tissue.

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Well absorbs plant nitrogen and magnesium. The average absorption rate of sulfur. More slowly the process is carried out with fertilizer calcium, phosphorus. Although foliar top dressing is much faster than root.

Popular fertilizer solution of superphosphate. To do this, make a mixture: 10 liters of water mixed with 3 tablespoons of granules.

Than to fertilize for a good harvest

Each useful element has its own function. If you increase the potassium and nitrogen, then increases the weight of the tuber .If you add phosphorus, then you can increase the number of root crops in .

There is an organic and chemical feed. Each is good in its own way. Organic is not harmful and you can not be afraid to fertilize with excess. With chemical fertilizers one should be more careful and apply according to the instructions indicated on the package in the preparation.

As applied by spraying

Spraying fertilizer is a very convenient foliar feeding method that helps reduce the processing time of potatoes. This method is especially relevant for urea fertilizer. To prepare the solution, you need to take 50g of karmabid and dilute it in 10 liters of water. Consumption - 3 liters per 100 sq.m.

Although it is much easier to use immediately ready fertilizer for spraying: Ideal, Surprise, Impulse Plus .

Ideal - ready-made fertilizer for spraying potatoes


Implemented using a multi-drop sprayer. Processing is performed at temperatures above 15 degrees in the morning or in the evening.

The should be applied at various times during the growth period of the plant's .When flowering begins, half of the micronutrients have already been digested and foliar feeding will be ineffective. The best time is before the formation of buds.

Types of foliar feeding

Nutrients from top dressing are delivered through leaflets and stem .On the surface of the bush sprayed solution. This type of feeding is needed for plant disease.

When cooling and drought, the plant's metabolism significantly decreases, therefore, to maintain the strength of the root crop, it is necessary to spray the fertilizer on the leaves.


Fertilizer Urea( urea) is considered one of the best nitrogen bait .Available in the form of white-gray granules, rarely in tablets.

Urea - one of the best nitrogen supplements

Urea has a beneficial effect on the yield of , increases the number and weight of roots. Extra root dressing is carried out by the method of irrigation with a solution in the proportion of 3 liters per 100 sq. M.

Preparation: dissolve 50 g of urea in 10 l of water. Irrigation is 0.5-1% solution.


From phosphate fertilizers for foliar feeding, water extract of superphosphate is suitable. Phosphorus contributes to the development of the root system .Fertilizers are slightly soluble and are well retained by the soil.

The most popular phosphate fertilizers:

  • Superphosphate .To prepare a solution of superphosphate, you need to take 300 g of the mixture and stir in 10 liters of water. To prepare the aqueous extract you need to take 3 tablespoons of superphosphate and pour half liter of boiling water. Let insist for a day. After stirring the mixture with 10l of water;
  • Phosphate rock and bone flour .Bring in the period of autumn digging and after germination.300 g of flour should be mixed with 10 liters of water.
Phosphate rock
Superphosphate is best suited for autumn foliar fertilizer. Phosphate flour is introduced in the fall on

alkalized soil.


Humates are able to awaken the action of microorganisms responsible for the mineralization of organic substances. The benefits of humates are as follows: increases the growth of the fruits , mass increases the absorption capacity of the plant to take trace elements.

Humate is available in the form of tablets, instant powders, in liquid form.


Method of preparation: Dissolve 10 g of humate in 10 liters of water. Let insist for 15 hours. It is necessary to process bushes in a phase of emergence of shoots in the period of emergence of buds. Processing can be done a maximum of 2 times.

Nettle infusion

Nettle is a natural organic top dressing. It is rich in nitrogen.

The tincture should be made as follows: A 10-liter container for two-thirds is filled with nettle and filled with water, left to ferment for 14 days. The concentration is diluted with water 1:20.

Nettle can be mixed with other herbs: horsetail, wormwood, you can add ash, mullein. Fertilizer is applied after germination.

Natural nettle tincture is rich in nitrogen


The best recipe for chemical complex feeding: mix carambid in dosage 200 g, boric acid 15g, potassium monophosphate 300g, calmagnezia 40g, zinc sulfate 5g, if you are already using, you can get the same price, if you use the same amount, you will not need to get the same amount.copper sulphate 5g, iron sulphate 1g, water 10l.


Organic is good because does not have a toxic effect on the plant and you can prepare it yourself.

There are the following options for organic foliar fertilizer:

  1. 0.5 kg of weeds to fill in 5 l of water and let it brew for 10 hours. Filter the solution, pour it into the apparatus for irrigating potatoes and feed the plant;
  2. layer of peat and straw pour 5 liters of water and let it stand;
  3. process infusion of nettle.
Peat and straw tincture is organic and safe.


dosage. The main element that allows to improve crop quality is nitrogen .Proper application of this element helps the fruit to grow, improves keeping quality. Also important are magnesium, boron and zinc .In the spring you need to make nitrogen and a small amount of phosphorus and potassium. Closer to the fall, on the contrary, nitrogen is at a minimum, and there is more phosphorus and potassium.

46% of nitrogen is present in 100 g of urea.

Any preparation contains a large percentage of a specific trace element. It is necessary to understand when calculating which element your potato crop needs.

Effectively use the drug Nitrophoska or make a solution: 30 g of superphosphate, 30 g of urea, 60 g of potassium chloride. It is recommended to process urea shrubs: after flowering, then a month later and the last time 3 weeks before harvest.

Before applying feeding, you should carefully read the instruction .

Nitrofoska - a complex fertilizer for potatoes, containing immediately a complex of useful elements

How to use extra foliar fertilizers to feed

potatoesAsdcopper sulphate In the spring of Phosphorus, potassium, boron, zinc

To grow potatoes well, bushes need trace elements. The main ones are:

  1. Nitrogen .With a deficiency of the element, the leaves begin to lighten and acquire a light green shade, while the young shoots cease to grow. Falling of the ovary may occur. Urea is used for feeding;
  2. Phosphorus .When there is a shortage, the leaves of the potatoes stop growing, start to die. The microelement is responsible for the development of the root system, increases the resistance of plants to diseases;
  3. Potassium .It improves the resistance of potatoes to drought, disease, strengthens the root system and the stem.
  4. Manganese .Stimulates plant growth, ensures the movement of sugars in the plant.
  5. Bor .Improves plant resistance to drought, disease.
  6. Magnesium .The plant begins to grow faster.
  7. Iron .With a shortage of leaves begin to turn yellow.
  8. Copper .The leaves begin to curl and dry out with a lack of trace elements.

The most important thing is not to overdo it with fertilizers, otherwise the opposite effect will work. You have a rich harvest!

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