Instructions for use of fungicide Ridomil Gold for tomatoes and other vegetables

Ridomil Gold is a fungicide that is used by modern gardeners and gardeners to combat the main fungal diseases of plants. Most often used to protect potatoes, grapes, vegetables.

Table of contents

  • Composition and prescription of the drug Ridomil Gold
    • Solution of the process of the solution
    • solution Advantages of using
  • fungicide deficiencies Instruction services
  • Compatibility with other drugs
  • Storage conditions and shelf life
  • Reviews

Composition and prescription Reedmil Gold

used to combat Alternaria, late blight, downy mildew in vegetables and to kill mildew on grape vine. Iodium pathogens do not affect the action of the drug

Ridomil Gold - A quality fungicide for the prevention and treatment of plants.

Ridomil Gold is available in the form of powder or granules. They contain 2 active ingredients: mefenoxam and mancozeb. They contribute to the complete protection of the plant: from the roots to the fruits.

The mechanism of the impact of the

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solution The active effect on infected plants has the above 2 components.

  • Mancozeb : in the process of spraying it settles on the crop, providing external protection against fungal diseases.
  • Mefenoxam .Acts systematically. After spraying, full penetration into the plant occurs. The component, moving through the tissues( captures both the roots and the fruits), protects them from diseases and infections.

Benefits of using

  • In any case of developing a disease, exhibits high effectiveness .
  • Able to control development of infection throughout the growing season.
  • After processing, all parts of the plant are protected against infection for a long time. Even if some parts of the plant did not have a direct hit.
  • Resistant to moisture .Treated plants can be watered after half an hour. Sudden rain fungicide is also safe.
  • Safe for crops that are processed and their "neighbors".
  • Packing with Ridomil Gold is convenient to store .
Ridomil Gold is available in the form of powder and granules

. Disadvantages of the fungicide

  • . represents a danger to fish and mammals, but not harmless to bees .Therefore, the solution should not be allowed to enter the reservoir. Belongs to the 2nd class of danger. Spraying the plants, be sure to use protective equipment: gloves, mask, goggles.
  • Low level environmental safety .
  • Packaging does not contribute to economical use .
  • Do not use with other chemicals .

Instructions for use for tomatoes and other plants

Ridomil Gold is a preparation for modern gardeners, which is used in the fight against Alternaria, late blight and other fungal infections of plants. Particularly effective in processing tomatoes .

To avoid infection of tomatoes with late blight in rainy summer conditions, you should definitely use Ridomil Gold.

The product is available in water-soluble granules. Non-toxic, if you follow the dosages specified in the instructions.

The active substance( mefenoxam) quickly penetrates into all parts of the culture and for a long time completely protects the whole plant from infection. Mancozeb provides external protection. Thus, it completely saves the plant from infection both outside and inside.

How to use

How to use depends on what will be processed:

Flowers .To obtain a solution using 2.5 grams.funds for 1 liter of fluid. First, 150-200 ml of water is poured in and the mixture is thoroughly stirred, after which the rest of the water is added and mixed again.

Vegetables and fruits. 10 gr.the drug is dissolved in 4 liters of water, well mixed before use. Standardly on 1 hundred parts 10 liters of the prepared means are spent. Spraying is carried out in dry sunny weather, without wind. Spraying the leaves and stem should be uniform.

This fungicide is diluted in water in the proportion of 25 g per 10 l of water( in special cases 50 g per 10 l)


  • is used The first treatment of is carried out for the purpose of prophylaxis during the growing season.
  • The second is conducted during a period of high risk of late blight( about 2 weeks after the first treatment).
  • 3 processing( if necessary) no earlier than 2 weeks before the crop reaches.
Do not conduct more than 3 treatments per season. The prepared solution can be used only for 1 day. Keep it longer can not.

Preparation of the working solution

The mixture for spraying is prepared with the calculation of 25 gr.drug on 10 liters of water. If the infection is very strong, then the amount of fungicide should be increased by 2 times.

A working solution of this concentration is suitable for the prevention of both mildew and phytophthora and peronosporosis

. Before preparing the solution, make sure that the tank for it is clean. Then pour half of the specified water( room temperature) and pour the drug, mix thoroughly. After the powder has dissolved, top up the rest of the water and mix again.

Terms and methods of spraying

During the season 2-3 treatments are carried out, depending on the level of infection. To do this, apply a standard working solution.

  • 1st treatment - prophylactic, during active development.
  • 2nd processing - 12-14 days after the first.
  • 3rd treatment - 2-3 weeks before harvest.
Spraying is carried out exclusively in dry and calm weather.

Spraying is carried out in such a way that the solution is evenly distributed throughout all parts of the plant.

Experienced gardeners do not recommend using Ridomil Gold if there are no signs of infection.

Culture should be sprayed with the drug, and not flooded. The solution should not drip from the foliage.

Safety measures when working with

To reduce the level of phytotoxicity to a minimum, you need to carefully study the instructions and use the drug only under the specified conditions. For fish, it is destructive. Be sure to use protective clothing when spraying the solution. There should be no open areas of the body.

Before spraying, wear rubber gloves, a respirator and clothing specially designed for such cases.

are compulsory. In very rare cases, by negligence, a small part of the drug gets on the skin or the body. If skin contact occurs, the area is thoroughly washed more than once with soap and water. If an agent has entered the body of , drink a large amount of water and immediately consult a doctor.

Compatibility with other drugs

The possibility of simultaneous use of Ridomil Gold with other antifungal agents depends on the reaction upon the compound. If mixing gives an alkaline reaction, then at the same time they are prohibited from using .If the mixed substances are neutral, their compatibility can be found in the instructions.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Ridomil Gold fungicide can keep its useful qualities for three years from the date of manufacture of
  1. Fungicide is not afraid of sudden changes in temperature. In the courtyard, where people and animals have access to the drug, it cannot be stored. To do this, choose a secluded place indoors. So that the product does not quickly lose its active properties, put the printed package into another one so that no moisture penetrates to the preparation.
  2. Fireproof. Fungicide qualities can be maintained for 3 years from the date of production.


Elena. There was a panic because it could not find an effective remedy for late blight. Tried more than one tool. But only after applying Ridomil Gold the desired result was obtained.

Michael. I use the drug for the second year. He became a real salvation for my vineyard. The effect appeared almost immediately.

Vladimir. I am a farmer. I have repeatedly made sure that I use one of the most effective fungicides. He will rescue those who are in despair for more than one year looking for a reliable tool for the garden.

Natalia. The result is noticeable almost immediately. A big plus is the fact that plants are not afraid of moisture immediately after treatment. A possible disadvantage is increased phytotoxicity.

Alexander .Effective drug for a reasonable price, easy to use.

With proper use of , Ridomil Gold will help every gardener and farmer keep plants and fruits of healthy.

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