As a result of the breeding work in 2008, the determinant stem variety of Nastya tomatoes was obtained. Most gardeners opt for this hybrid variety because of the high yields of and the ability to grow in any climatic conditions. The description and characteristics of the Nastya hybrid variety are presented below.
- description and characterization of varieties of tomatoes Nastya
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Features of cultivation and planting
- requirements to the soil for planting
- seeding rules
- Transplant tomatoes in open ground
- Care grade after transplantation
- Disease Control and Prevention
- Harvesting tomatoes and rulesStorage
Description and Characteristics of Tomato Varieties Nastya
Tomato Nastenka belongs to varieties of medium early ripening. 95-105 days pass from germination to fruiting.

A plant up to 70 cm high forms compact erect shtambovy bushes that do not require additional supports. Small leaves with corrugated edges, painted in green. Abundant foliage densely covers the stems. The inflorescence of this variety is simple, and the stem has a joint.
The first inflorescences are laid after the 10-12 sheet , the next - after 2-3 sheets from the previous one. The main shoot stops its growth after the bush forms inflorescences in the amount of 12 pieces. The plant has many ovaries, so as it ripens it is necessary to constantly ripen ripened fruits, thus allowing you to ripen more actively next.Fruits are round-shaped, at the time of maturity have a delicate pink color. Medium-sized tomatoes in the stage of technical ripeness have a weight of 150-200 g. They are distinguished by fleshyness, juiciness and good taste.
Advantages and disadvantages of
Despite the fact that the variety Nastya is considered new, has already managed to win the love of many gardeners, both beginners and experienced, due to its positive characteristics:

- high yield , with proper care and comfortable conditions can give up to 10-12 kg with 1m2;
- the possibility of growing as in greenhouse conditions, and on open plots of land ;
- the ability to bind the fruits of in any climatic zone , perfect for cultivation in the regions of Siberia, as well tolerated all the vagaries of the weather;
- ripening and uniformity of fruiting throughout the growing season;
- resistance to major diseases of tomatoes, especially against late blight, which greatly facilitates the work of the summer resident;
- sufficiently long storage period , since the fruits do not fade or crack;
- are suitable for the use of fresh , preparations for the winter and the preparation of various dishes, which gives a spicy taste and specific aroma.
The disadvantages of the variety include:
- need for large quantities of mineral fertilizers ;
- knowledge of certain rules and skills when growing seedlings.
Features of growing and planting
When choosing this variety of tomatoes, you should be familiar not only with its strengths and weaknesses, but also with the rules of agricultural engineering and care for them.
Soil Requirements for Planting

Preparing the soil for seedlings is considered an important point when growing tomatoes. Since it is possible to get strong seedlings with stable active growth only in the presence of a nutrient soil substrate, is better to buy it in the store, choosing universal soil or special, intended for the cultivation of tomatoes. You can also make a soil mix yourself. To do this, it is necessary to combine garden soil with sand, compost and peat and add a complex of fertilizers containing potash and phosphorus substances.
Before transplanting into open ground, care should be taken to choose the place and soil on which the future crop of vegetables will depend.
It is impossible to cultivate a culture in low, damp areas, where groundwater is located close by. It is necessary to choose sandy-clay soil, , which holds moisture well or loamy soil, equipped with organic substances.
Seeding rules
The optimal time for growing seedlings - the end of February - the first days of March.
Seeds purchased in specialized stores do not need to be soaked and processed for the purpose of preventing diseases, since they undergo these procedures by an industrial method.

Tomato seeds should be sown in special containers or boxes. A mandatory requirement for containers is the presence of drainage holes for removal of excess moisture from the roots of the plant.
Step-by-Step Guide to Seed Sowing:
- Put 1-2
D at the bottom of the tanks with a layer of , then pour the prepared soil substrate and water well, using warm water.
- When moisture is absorbed by , plant planting material 1-2 cm , keeping the distance between the seeds 2 cm.
- Sprinkle with a thin layer of with moist fertile soil and moisten with a sprayer.
- After the end of the landing process, , place the container in a well-lit room with a temperature of 22-25 ° C, after covering them with film material.
- With the appearance of friendly shoots of , you need to remove the film, lower the temperature to 17-18 ° C and carry out moderate watering, as overwetting can cause the death of the plants.
- Seedlings need to dive in separate containers at an early stage of growth when forming 2-3 true leaflets.
Transplantation of tomatoes in open ground
A favorable period for planting seedlings on an open land bed - the beginning of May, after the air warms to a temperature of 12 degrees and above. The process of planting is best done in the morning in overcast weather, so that the plants have the opportunity to get stronger. By the time of planting, seedlings should be 60-65 days old and have 6-8 leaves and 1-2 flower tassels.

The main stages of planting:
- Before planting , water the seedlings of , which will help to remove seedlings from the containers without damaging the root system.
- Make the depth of the holes on the bayonet spade and fill them with water. For planting, you can apply the scheme 70x40, which means planting density of 4 plants per 1 m2.
- When moisture is absorbed, get the seedlings from the tanks and vertically to deepen into the ground .
- Sprinkle the roots with the primer .After that, scatter around the stem with compost and cover the hole with soil, carefully tamping it down.
- At the end of the planting, , each tomato bush, water 1 with water .
Grade care after transplanting
Excellent results in increasing yields and increasing the fruiting period give the correct timely care, which includes the following activities:
- to humidify with a moderately calculated amount of warm water;
- regularly to feed the plant using complex fertilizers;
- , during the period of active growth of , perform weeding of from weeds, loosen the soil so that it is always in a loose and clean state;

- remove the lower leaves of to increase growth and better ventilation of the bushes;
- implement preventive measures to protect the crop from diseases and pests;
- in the harsh Siberian climate mulch the soil with straw or grass , so as not to freeze the root system.
The main thing is to carry out procedures, following all the rules and recommendations of experienced gardeners.
Diseases and their prevention
When grown, culture needs care and attention. Even with good care, the grower may be left without a crop due to the influence of viruses, bacteria, fungi or pests. Diseases of tomatoes progress gradually, and often the gardener cannot detect the problem at an early stage of appearance.
Dangerous pests that cause irreparable harm to culture. is a spider mite and whitefly.
The most common diseases that fetuses suffer from are tobacco mosaic virus and late blight. According to the description, Nastena is immune to these diseases. But the ability to resist the disease does not mean that the culture can not be infected at all. Mostly at risk are infested weak plants or tomatoes, which are cultivated in violation of the characteristics of agricultural engineering.

Harvesting Tomatoes and Storage Rules
Fruits can be picked at different ripeness depending on the weather and methods of use. It is advisable to ripen the tomatoes consumed directly in food, and to store them at the blush ripeness stage. The advantage of this harvesting is to create a comfortable environment for the growth and maturation of the remaining specimens.

The main thing is not to miss the deadlines for the final harvest. To harvest, while temperature indicators of air at night are above 7-8 ̊С. At lower temperatures, there is a risk of disease of tomatoes , which may cause their damage while preserving.
In order for the crop to ripen and not deteriorate, it is necessary to observe several rules during storage:
- store only fruits collected in dry weather and without any damage to , stains and foreign matter;
- stalk should be left on the fruit - this will help to increase the shelf life for the maximum possible period;
- crop stacked in strong containers , covered with soft materials from the inside;
- choose a dark, dry ventilated room, the temperature indicators of which are not higher than 23̊ С, and the optimum humidity - 80-85%.
Cultivating a variety of tomato Nastya will deliver maximum pleasure to every gardener .Vegetable culture will generously reward for the care and attention of a rich harvest of juicy, tasty and aromatic tomatoes.