Full description of the cherry tomato variety of cherry red and yellow

When choosing seeds for planting, gardeners prefer unpretentious, high-yielding varieties with good taste. That such a variety is cherry red cherry. Description of the characteristics of tomato cherry, you will learn from the article.

Table of Contents

  • Description and Characteristics of Cherry Red
  • Pros and Cons1990 Russian breeders for growing in open beds and greenhouses. The most favorable for growing this variety are the southern and middle region of Russia. Cherry red cherry refers to varieties of early maturity. From the time of planting to aging, it takes an average of 90-100 days.

    The variety is not a hybrid, it reaches a height of 1.5 to 2 meters. Fruits are small, grow brushes. On each hand from 25 to 40 fruits. The weight of one fruit is 15-25 grams, the color is bright red. The taste of the ripened fruit is sweet. With a lack of heat and light may appear sour taste.

    In addition to red tomatoes cherry cherry can be yellow and black.
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    The advantages and disadvantages of tomato

    This variety has the following advantages:

    • high yield( from one bush from 1.5 to 2 kg);
    • early aging;
    • excellent taste;
    • sugar content 12%;
    • resistance to temperature changes;
    • can be canned brushes;
    • high disease resistance;
    • beautiful appearance.

    The disadvantages of this variety include:

    • tall bush;
    • need for garters;
    • cracks when overheated;
    • poor transportability;
    • is not suitable for storage;
    • increased demands on moisture, light and fertilizer.

    Seed preparation

    Good seedlings can only be obtained from quality seeds. Before planting, it is recommended to soak the seeds in a saline solution for 15 minutes. Splash seeds should be thrown away, and those settled on the bottom should be washed under running water. To enhance immunity and suppress viral bacteria, seeds are soaked in a strong solution of manganese for 30 minutes, washed, dried and set about to plant.

    Seed planted in late March.

    Features of growing tomato seedlings

    Before planting seeds, it is necessary to prepare the soil. It is necessary to mix in equal parts of the garden land, peat, river sand. To normalize the acidity in the soil add a little ash. Best for planting seeds fit oblong wooden boxes.

    It is recommended to water the soil with a strong manganese solution before planting. Then level the soil and make grooves with a depth of 1 centimeter. Between the grooves the distance should be 5 centimeters. In the grooves spread the seeds at a distance of 2 centimeters from each other. The grooves are filled with a thin layer of earth( the layer should be no more than 0.5 cm), watered gently so as not to wash the seeds from the grooves and cover with polyethylene to create the greenhouse effect.

    Seedlings of cherry cherry

    The boxes are placed in a dark room with a temperature of 25-27 degrees. After the first shoots appear, the polyethylene is removed and the boxes are transferred to a well-lit room. This variety needs good lighting, so it is recommended to make additional illumination with fluorescent lights.

    Watering is moderate, from a spray bottle. If there are 2-3 leaves on the seedlings, they should be transplanted into separate containers with a diameter of 10 to 12 centimeters.

    Replant seedlings should be carefully, undermining them with a clod of earth, so as not to damage the still weak root system.

    Hardening of seedlings

    After 3-4 leaves grow on the seedlings, it is necessary to perform a hardening procedure before transplanting them into open ground. On the first day, seedlings should be taken out on the street for 15-25 minutes. The drawers must be in a place protected from drafts and direct sunlight. The next two days, you can leave the seedlings in the open air for an hour. On the 4–5th day we leave for a full light day. Two days before disembarking - for the night, if frost is not expected.

    Carrying out seedlings in the open air for hardening

    Transplantation of seedlings in open groundOn the open beds can be planted in early June. Before planting, it is recommended to water the soil with a concentrated manganese solution for planting. In prepared soil, wells are made at a distance of 60-65 cm from each other.

    A small amount of humus is poured into the wells and watered. Seedlings are planted under an inclination, sprinkling the root and part of the trunk with soil. Then water again. The next watering should be done in a week. In the future, the plants are watered as the soil dries. Excessive moistening is unacceptable, as this will affect the quality of the ovaries.

    When there is a lack of moisture, the fruits dry out and become brown in color. With an excess of moisture, the fruits become watery.

    After irrigation, perform the loosening procedure to avoid the formation of a crust on the soil surface and to improve the penetration of oxygen to the root system. When the seedlings grow to 35 centimeters, they must be tied up. Tie them to a pole not less than two meters high. With further growth, the bush needs to be tied up continuously.

    Top-dressing with a cowshed after landing on the ground.

    The first dressing needs to be done two weeks after transplanting. For this, a fermented mullein is best suited. Bred it in the following proportions:

    • water - 10 liters;
    • mullein - 200 grams.

    A solution of ash is also suitable for this purpose. Divorced in the same proportion. The second and third dressing to make in the period of ripening fruit. Cherry bush requires a pinching, and at the beginning of August you need to pinch the top.

    Diseases and pests

    Since Cherry red cherry belongs to the early ripening varieties, it is quite resistant to the following types of diseases:

    • is brown spotting;
    • root rot;
    • late blight.

    It is necessary to fear such diseases as:

    • tobacco mosaic;
    • Fusarium.

    When infected with these diseases, the bushes must be pulled out and burned to prevent the spread of infection.


    The fruiting shrub begins 90 days after planting, that is, in July. The fruits ripen all at the same time. On one brush can be from 20 to 40 fruits that can be collected with brushes or one by one. Picking a brush is recommended when there are at least 90% of ripe fruits on it. This variety fructifies before the onset of cold weather. I use fruits for making salads, desserts and for canning.

    Cherry Red Cherry Tomatoes can be grown not only by experienced gardeners, but also by beginners. Enough to adhere to the recommendations for growing, to get a rich harvest.

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