The freezer does not freeze: what to do

In a two-chamber refrigerator, you can not immediately notice that the freezer does not freeze. The refrigerator compartment is more often used, so you can find out about the freezer breakage by a puddle on the floor. Why did the technology fail? Consider the possible options.

material Contents:

  • 1 What if the freezer has ceased to freeze
  • 2 Causes problems freezer
    • 2.1 freezer Engine runs for 5-10 seconds and off
    • 2.2 Engine starts, but breaks too long
    • 2.3 freezer compartment freezes poorly, but
    • 2.4 works Bottom freezer does not cool;
    • 2.5 rust is found on the cabinet. After defrosting and washing, the chamber does not freeze
    • 2.6 Regardless of the brand of the refrigerator - "Stinol", "Atlant", "Indesit" - you need to check the position of the thermostat.

      Ensure that the temperature controller is not set to defrost mode.

      For normal operation, the position of the thermal switch must be on a two or three, that is -18-19 degrees. If it is lower, adjust readings.

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      A thick layer of ice and snow is one of the reasons for the camera to freeze. Heat transfer is disturbed, because of the snow, the door is loosely attached to the body. As a result, warm air enters the compartment, ice melts, and water flows to the floor.

      If nothing like this is found in the freezer, then you need to diagnose the parts in order to find the damage.

      Causes of problems with the freezer

      In the refrigerators "Biryusa", "Hotpoint Ariston", "Bosch" there are such problems that require serious repair and professional intervention. We will consider all the causes of failure, perhaps you can solve the problem yourself.

      The freezer engine starts for 5-10 seconds and shuts down.

      The similar “behavior” of the equipment with two motors indicates a compressor breakdown. Then the freezer does not cool, and the refrigerator works. One of the reasons is the wear of parts when the motor is working with increased load. To avoid such problems, do not set the thermostat to too low a value in hot weather.

      Independently replace the motor is quite difficult. You need to be able to use the burner, as well as unsolder the compressor tubes. You will need a storage tank for the refrigerant that will start to come out. The broken filling pipe is replaced with a copper one by soldering. Such repairs require the presence of a master with special equipment.

      The engine starts, but the breaks are too long

      In electronic models, the air sensor fails, so the module does not receive information about the temperature in the chamber. In Liebherr refrigerators, the display may show the code F3, which indicates this breakdown.

      In models with the Nou Frost system, behind the back wall there is an evaporator, and its sensor is located there, which regulates the temperature in the chamber. Therefore, to replace the need to disassemble the rear wall.

      It is recommended to contact the service center for troubleshooting.

      In devices with electromechanical control, a similar fault occurs with the thermostat. In such cases, the freezer does not freeze, but cools or does not function at all.

      In the latest models of “Bosch”, LG, “Samsung” the regulator is placed outside the camera to ensure fire safety. If the part is inside, most often it is located at the side wall. To replace the need to remove the cover, unscrew the thermostat and install a working part.

      The freezer compartment is slightly freezing, but works

      The problem is relevant for single-chamber refrigerators with the Know Frost system. A valve that switches the flow of cold between the chambers is stuck in or out of order: this happens during abrupt voltage surges. Therefore, the refrigeration department is working properly, and in the freezer heat.

      Valve needs to be repaired or replaced.

      Bottom freezer does not cool;

      rust has been found on the case. This happens in refrigerators with a drip system. Normally, during the defrost the condensate is collected on the evaporator, the moisture drains into the drain hole and is removed from the system. When a drainage hole is clogged, water flows to the bottom of the chamber and falls on the freezer.

      Just there is a circuit along which the refrigerant moves. Moisture leaks onto steel parts and leads to corrosion. Gas leakage leads to poor cooling. It is necessary to call the master and repair the circuit.

      After defrosting and washing the camera does not freeze

      If you used foreign objects to remove ice from the walls, you could pierce the camera and damage the contour. Freon flows out, it is not enough for normal cooling.

      We describe the problem in detail in a separate article.

      Freezer stopped working

      No more problems detected? So, the problem is in the electronic board. She manages the work units and parts in the refrigerator. In the event of a fault, the module does not give a command to the compressor to turn it on.

      Flashing or replacing an item.

      All problems are serious enough and require surgical intervention. If you are not sure that you will cope with the repair, it is better to contact the service center, especially when the equipment is under warranty.

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