Which to choose a warm floor under the laminate is better for electric or water

A laminate coating has good performance, effective and diverse design. In combination with underfloor heating, it is an excellent option for residential premises.

In order to decide which to choose a warm floor under the laminate, it is necessary to compare the nuances of how to install and use water and electric versions. Let's take a closer look at all these points.

The content of the article:

  • General rules for floor covering
    • Technical requirements for laminate
    • The problem of formation of toxic substances
  • Floor heating systems
    • Option №1 - the use of water heating
    • Variant №2 - Heating electric cable
    • Variant №3 - applying infrared film
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

General rules for floor covering

Warming lamella thickness using a warm floor is much stronger than with the ordinary "air" heating. Therefore, the laminate is used, additional requirements for its physico-chemical properties.

Technical requirements for laminate

Due to thermal effects possible curvature of the slats. the thermal expansion coefficient of small plates, but even with that in mind it is necessary to use only models with a compound of the locking type. In contrast to glued laminate, such coupling has a floating effect and prevent buckling during heating.

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To apply a special floor heating perforated substrate. It is more rigid, has a reduced thickness and a small thermal (thermal) resistance (0.04 - 0.06 m2* K / W). Under the standards specified in the standard EN 4725, the total resistance value of the substrate and the laminate should not be more than 0.15 m2* K / W.

Therefore, for example, can not use environmentally clean cork base, since it has good insulating properties.

The floor must be free to give warmth, so you need to ensure access to it of air. On the laminate, which houses the heating elements, it is impossible to lay carpets and put the cabinets without feet. Otherwise overheating of the enclosed floor area will occur.

Deformation of the laminate caused by overheating

Failure temperature leads to thermal expansion of the laminate panels. With their tight connection occurs distortion of the floor surface

Floor heating area extends beyond the boundaries of water stacked pipes, electric cables or electrical system erected from infrared film. Therefore, it is desirable to pull back some distance from the walls to prevent heating of the lower part. It dries the glue that holds the wallpaper and moldings.

It is also necessary to calculate the offset from radiators, stoves or other heat sources. So you need to do to prevent the escape of the laminate temperature of range.

After floor installation you need to make a plan diagram of the position of pipes, cables or infrared panels. As a result of re-planning may be necessary to physically fix to the floor of various objects such as bar or wall of children's sports. In this case it is necessary to perform drilling floor to its base. Having a plan to avoid the deformation of the heating elements.

Marking of laminate floor heating

There is no unified labeling for laminate, designed for use with underfloor heating. However, intuitively by icons mean you can guess about its purpose

The problem of formation of toxic substances

In the manufacture of the laminate used binders of phenol-formaldehyde resins which contain methanal (formaldehyde). This gas refers to toxic substances first hazard class. Its intensity of evaporation depends on the magnitude of heating the impregnated boards.

Manufacturer party indicates a permissible contact temperature above which evaporation process can begin (typically 27-30 ° C).

For this reason, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Do not exceed the limits set by the manufacturer of heating slats. To control the temperature is sufficient to use temperature sensors.
  • Comply with the requirements for residential ventilation. The concentration of methanal as other harmful gases (phenol, styrene, benzene, etc.) is easily reduced by ventilation.
  • Choosing products with class E0 (no formaldehyde emission) or E1 (minimum emission). Safe laminate is more expensive than usual, but it will ensure the absence of health problems in the case of temperature control system failure.

After installation, to check the efficiency of heating and setting optimal parameters, make a test run. It is better to do without permanent residence occupants in the room. When the smell of formaldehyde, which is similar to the smell of new furniture, you need to check the temperature characteristics of the floor and perform airing.

Gas analyzer for measuring the concentration of formaldehyde

To determine the concentration of formaldehyde can purchase a portable gas analyzer. Single MAC this gas is 0.05 mg / m3, average - 0.01 mg / m3

Floor heating systems

There are three common ways of organizing heating the floor covering: using water circuit, the electrical cable and infrared plates. To understand how best to install a warm floor under the laminate, it is necessary to consider their differences in technology, complexity and cost of installation and operating features.

Option №1 - the use of water heating

For this type of heating used is located under the floor contour consisting of small diameter pipes, which circulates hot water or another heat transfer fluid.

To apply this method with every apartment heating is only allowed on the first floor, but there is inappropriate, since the connection to the common system requires coordination, as well as have difficulties with adjustment temperature.

This way of heating is often successfully used for private homes. With proper heat exchange and quality calculating installation it is quite effective. The main advantage of water underfloor heating - slight heat medium heating value compared to electrical analogs.

Gas boiler for heating

Cost of producing hot water for heating is much less than the cost of electricity bill. The only obstacle in financial terms can be the cost of equipment

However, when choosing a solution for the benefit of a warm floor, working on the basis of the circulation of a hot liquid, will be faced with some difficulties. Correct installation with all the rules is quite complex, but essential for the smooth operation of the system. Because the repair is very labor-intensive and prolonged in case of damage, it is best to install from all the rules.

For larger spaces, such as living or combined with the hall kitchen, underfloor heating scheme is divided into several areas. It is also necessary to allocate separate circulation pump, since the natural movement of the coolant is not possible in the presence of long horizontal pipe portion of a small cross section.

For the bathroom or the toilet system can use a special design of pipes, ensuring the movement of water without the use of a pump.

For the uniform delivery of coolant used manifold with mixing unit. Place it should be a separate locker for easy access to system adjustment. It will also need to have an idea of ​​its many elements to allow independent adjustment of temperature and pressure.

Laid on the basis of a piping system is filled screed three lobes sand to one part cement, which will perform the function of the accumulator and the heat spreader. Use anhydrite (gypsum) or magnesite pouring is not recommended, as they are sensitive to moisture and even small defects in the pipes will cause problems.

Pouring cement screed for underfloor heating

Screed - it is always dust and dirt. Even if the room was made finishing the repair, it will have to be carried out after this procedure again

After laying the pipes must wait about 28 days for hardening the mixture filled. Then you need to apply the cold coolant, gradually increasing its temperature by 3-5 degrees during the day. It will be adapted to the operational realities of the base, to avoid it from cracking pipe temperature.

The maximum temperature at the inlet to a system of floor heating depends on the thickness of the screed and is in the range from 40 to 55 degrees.

Thus, the whole process of starting the system takes about a month. The finishing process - laying the laminate substrate and should be carried out on the tie, which is totally cool.

Radiant floor heating can be installed on a "dry" technology. In this case, the tube is placed in the slots by polystyrene foam insulation panels or shaped plank system.

By hardwood floors arrange the floor with water pipes, laid in a metal heat exchanger plates which contribute to the uniform heating of the laminate. The effectiveness of this method is lower than that of the classical variant with concrete screed.

For detailed instructions on connecting the water floor heating can be found in this article.

Variant №2 - Heating electric cable

Method of heating with an electrical cable from a position similar to water heat transfer method. Wires also comprise the coupler, heat which accumulates and distributes it uniformly coating a substrate.

Use anhydride or magnesite screed as possible, as the risk of a breakthrough of water there. Their use will reduce the curing time of the concrete bases, which will reduce the period between the beginning of the laying of cables and mounting, laminate up to 10-12 days.

Pouring anhydrite screed

Anhydrite screed have two advantages over cement: it is self-leveling and dries much faster. It is important for the quality of the rough surface and the speed of execution of works

Just use three types of cables:

  • Single-wire resistive. It has a constant heat output along the entire length. Connect both ends of the cable to the wiring occurs at a single point.
  • Two-wire resistive. It has the same characteristics as the single-core cable, but there is no need to connect all in one place.
  • The self-regulating. Self heating power varies depending on the environmental temperature. It helps to establish a uniform temperature with different coefficients of thermal conductivity of individual floor segments.

Also, the electric field can be purchased in the form of mats - a special grid on which the cable is fixed. It will be slightly more expensive than ordinary wire, but the installation will be faster and there is no risk of shift cables. Rules laying, the total heat transfer, and the recommended thickness of the screed is described in the instructions for the product. A selection of the intricacies of the electric floor heating can be read here.

Yourself installation of electric cables or mats a little easier and less expensive than similar work on laying of water heating tubes. Power control in the electrical system is also easier, but fixed costs for heating is much higher.

Technological obstacle to the preferential heating a house with electricity could be exceeded in relation to the maximum total load attachable. In this case, it is necessary either to abandon such ideas, or apply to the provider to increase the limit of electricity withdrawn from the general grid.

Calculation of energy consumption

The total energy consumption during use of floor heating may exceed standard 15 kW maximum permissible power that is allocated to a dwelling house

Variant №3 - applying infrared film

The film heating system is a coiled flexible tape. Electrical energy is converted into infrared radiation that is falling on the surface of the object, heats it.

Since the radiation goes in both directions, the current reflects underlie nonconductive material to prevent heat loss from the bottom roll. Usually used for this purpose insulating materials with aluminum foil on the working side.

The main advantage of infrared method - no need for heating installation in concrete screed. This significantly shortens the time between the start of work and the launch of the system in operation.

The process of laying the infrared heating

When carrying out the installation of the infrared floor free of dust and dirt. If the room has a fine finish has been made, the risk of damage is minimal

But on the other hand the absence of ties poses one of the main problems of the film heating. The film should not be placed under the cabinets, sofas and other heavy items. Otherwise, as a result of the work of the panels in the pressed-state will overheat fragmented system with the total output of its failure.

Energy efficiency infrared heating up of the cable due to lack of the need for heating screeds. The response to heating of the film is also faster. However, water and cable option longer holds the heat, since it has a greater inertia.

When installing cables or infrared film electrician needs skills. The installation process will have to carry out works such as conducting wires, isolating contacts, connection of sensors and thermostat.

Also we recommend that you read the detailed instructions on the installation of floor heating system under laminate on various floor coverings:

  1. Concrete floor.
  2. Wooden floor.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Pouring concrete screed water circuit:

Stacking mats with electric cable:

Step by step instructions on the device of infrared floor:

The first choice of floor heating depends on the ability to connect to the desired hot water temperature or electricity required power, as well as the economic feasibility of a option. Compliance with the requirements for mounting the heating elements and the correct choice of the laminate specifications and promotes long-free operation of the entire system.

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