Have you tried kumquat yet? What kind of fruit is it? Sweet tasty citrus will surely surprise you with its taste and aroma. I want to tell you about him, as well as about how the kumquat is useful, where I came from, how to grow a tree from a stone in my house.
- What is kumquat
- Kumquat - how is it eaten?
- Kumquat - the benefits and harm
- Kumquat dried: useful properties
- How to grow kumquat out of the stone at home?
- Choosing the soil for kumquat
- What kind of kumquat seeds can be planted and how
- We pour, apply fertilizer
- Kumquat care, transplanting
- Reproduction of kumquat by cuttings
I always treats the unusual fruit, I’m treating the plans, and I will treat the plans for the heart, and I will treat the children for the heart and the heart, and I will treat the children for the heart and the heart, and I will treat the children for the rest of the world, I will take the money for the heart and the heart, and I will always make the heart for the heart, and I will treat the children for the rest of the world, I will take it, and I will bring it to the heart, and I will treat the children for it, I will take it, and I will bring it to the children for the rest of the world, I will take it and I will apply for it to the heart and I will take it for me, for the sake of kumquat. She also introduced me to the kumquat, bringing back dried fruit. For a long time I could not understand what kind of fruit it is, what it looks like. The taste of citrus, sweet, with a slight bitterness. I did not immediately understand that I was eating it together with the peel, since it did not seem like there was any. But I ate the hotel with lightning speed, as much as I liked it.
содерж to the contents ↑What is kumquat
In the photo above, the same fruit is fresh, dried in syrup and dried. What fruit is it most like? At first glance, it resembles a small orange( externally), but when you try it, you will discover completely new flavors. Its fruits are quite small, their length is about 5-6 cm, and the diameter of the is not more than 3 cm.
If we compare all the citrus fruits we know, then according to the taste data, it looks more like a sweet tangerine. In China, it is called the "golden orange" not only because of external similarity, but also because of the benefits it brings to our body.
Kumquat is low-calorie, so you can use it fresh without fear for your figure, 70 kcal per 100 g of the product is an indicator of the caloric content of fresh citrus. However, you should be aware that dried or dried fruits are more caloric, in a 100 g sachet, which is usually sold in stores, there are approximately 280 kcal.
Another interesting question related to its names. This representative of the family of rutovs has two more names, quite widely used in colloquial speech and on the respective thematic forums. One of them is Fortunella, and the other is Kinkan. In China, in the homeland of the plant, it is often referred to as kumquat, the Japanese call it kinkan. Fortunella it is called because of belonging to an independent genus, while citrus is the generalized name of this culture.

Fortunella fruit is 80% water, contains potassium - it is the most in the fruit, also contains a lot of carbohydrates and organic components( monosaccharides).Calcium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iron and sodium are also included in the list of mineral substances present in this small sunny fruit. Vitamin C in kumquat is the most( almost 50%), slightly less vitamin A, E, B3 and B5, P.
The list of useful components can be continued for a long time: antioxidants, essential oils, fatty acids( unsaturated and saturated, polyunsaturated), lutein, carotene, pectin. This citrus has one remarkable feature worthy of the attention of - , wherever it grows, it will not “pull” nitrates from the soil, respectively, will not accumulate in the peel or pulp.
By the way, about the peel - it is incredibly useful, along with the pulp of the fruit.
Where does kumquat grow? Today this evergreen representative of the citrus family grows in almost all countries. Its homeland is China, and in the nineteenth century it was introduced to America and Europe. In southern China, in the Middle East, in Japan, in Southeast Asia, it grows like a wild tree, and is also grown for commercial purposes on an industrial scale.
He loves heat and humidity, sunlight. In many countries, grown as a home pot culture.
Kumquat - how is it eaten?
Quite often you can meet this question. For those who try it for the first time, the answer will be somewhat unexpected - it can( and should) be eaten directly with the peel! You take a fresh kumquat, wash it well, take a bite and enjoy the sweetness, juiciness, aroma of this amazing citrus. It is believed that to feel the taste of the fruit is fully possible only when you use it entirely. Different flavors of skin and pulp blend to form the perfect tandem. Here is the answer to the question of how kumquat is eaten - with or without sandpaper. This is the only representative of citrus, which you can eat with the skin. It is sweet, sometimes with a touch of light spicy bitterness, thin, sometimes even sweeter than the flesh( in some varieties the flesh may be sour).He is also officially considered the smallest member of the citrus family.
As we have fresh kumquat, we have already found out, the question immediately begs itself: how else can you use this tasty and valuable fruit in cooking? And here opens the widest field of gourmet activities! From the fruits of the kinkan they make jams, Mamereladas, jams, make various sauces( spicy, spicy, sweet or sour).These sauces are in perfect harmony with meat dishes, pilaf, vegetable puree. Kumquat is cut into slices and baked with poultry, fish, put into various salads, added to cereals, desserts, puddings.
Kinkan-kumquat can be stewed with vegetables, added to biscuits, decorated and put in cakes. And how tasty and fragrant is an invigorating Moroccan tea with the addition of this fruit! It also skillfully emphasizes the taste of seafood and is used as an additive to nut mixes. Candied kinkan are very good, according to their taste data they are much better than the usual caramels and candies. They make delicious homemade ice cream with it, it is a fashionable snack for alcoholic beverages( vermouth, liqueurs, wines, etc.).It canned and make juices, syrups.
So the answer to the question: how is the kumquat and with what will be unequivocal - whatever you like and with everything.
Photo of different dishes using fortunelly:

addition to the use ofin food, it is used in the preparation of masks for the face, as an ingredient for various cosmetic creams. Clean the juice whiten the skin, age spots. Kinkan essential oils are used for aromatherapy and in soap making.
When buying fresh kumquat, look to make it solid, have a rich orange color, be without any stains. It can be frozen, in this form it can be stored for about six months. If you buy dried( dried), also pay attention to its color. High-quality fruits should not have a pronounced bright red tint( this indicates their artificial coloring).Choose light, slightly brownish or amber fruits, ideally they have a light citrus scent.
Dried kumquat, photo:
Kumquat - benefit and harm
In ancient China, healers noticed its bactericidal effect. Juice and gruel have long been treated fungal diseases, this tradition has reached our days. In addition, the use of these fruits helps to quickly cope with bronchitis, cough and even a hangover( due to the high content of vitamin C).It optimizes the work of the liver, contributes to the accelerated breakdown of fat. The positive effect of kumquat on immunity and gastrointestinal activity has already been mentioned above. A pronounced sedative effect due to the presence of essential oils in the fruit. To do this, they are eaten, brewed into tea, and the fruit fragments just spread out on a hot battery are able to lift the mood of those present in the room. In addition to aromatherapy, essential oil is used to treat stretch marks on the skin, smoothing shallow scars.
Kumquat - what is useful:
- Has an anti-cough and antiviral effect - inhalations with essential oils, as well as crushed fruits with honey help to get rid of cough, relieve airway inflammation.
- Promotes the elimination of toxins from the body, normalizes the work of the digestive system.
- Is an ideal product for a diet, low-calorie, helps to cope with excess weight( fiber helps clean the intestines).
- Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system as a whole, suppresses a feeling of irritability, normalizes the emotional background - aromatherapy, teas, decoctions or infusions of finely chopped fruit.
- Improves heart function, normalizes blood pressure, is a good prevention against vascular diseases.
- Bactericidal effect on various skin diseases, fungi.
- Optimizes brain function.
As mentioned above, fruits contain active ingredients that help to cope with a hangover( i.e. they are an effective natural antioxidant).With nausea and heaviness in the stomach, you can also eat kumquat - you will immediately feel better. Even pregnant women can use it, but only at the beginning of pregnancy and after consulting a doctor! It will help to cope with toxicosis, will give strength, will have a positive effect on the emotional state.
With regard to the harm from the use of Fortunella, then under certain gastric diseases it can not be. This is due to the presence of acids in the composition, which can provoke an exacerbation of an ulcer( if any) or gastritis. In case of inflamed intestines, kumquat should also be abandoned. If there are renal pathologies, then it can act as an irritant, causing an exacerbation of existing diseases. It can not be taken in food if there is an allergy to citrus. Diabetics should use it with great care, as it contains glucose. In this case, consultation with a doctor is also necessary.
↑ to the contents ↑Kumquat dried: useful properties
The useful properties of dried kumquat can say the following:
- It is no less useful than fresh. When dried in the fruit preserved biologically active ingredients and useful qualities.
- Eating dried kinkan compensates for the lack of vitamins and mineral compounds, improves immunity.
- From drying, the rind of the fruit becomes more valuable, its bactericidal properties increase. This delicacy can be a real medicine if you have a cold or just feel unwell.
- For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract( in an unsharpened form), it is also recommended to use dried kumquat, which normalizes the work of the digestive system.
From the point of view of energy value, dried fruits are ahead of fresh ones, therefore they are recommended to be eaten during the period of recovery from illness, to raise vitality.
содерж to content ↑How to grow kumquat from a stone at home?
The dried fruits that my sister brought to me were bones. Very small, easy to chew. Naturally, struck by the pleasant taste, I decided to germinate a few bones. But it was not there. .. Not a single seed sprouted. .. Then I learned that it was possible to grow kumquat from a stone, but it would take seeds from fresh fruit. But first things first.
To grow a citrus plant at home, as well as to achieve its flowering and fruiting, has always been a cherished dream of many gardeners. The implementation of this goal was difficult due to the wrong approach to the business or non-compliance with the temperature regime. However, if you follow some rules, this desire is quite feasible.
Of course, today you can go to the flower shop and buy a ready-made lemon tree, mandarin or even kumquat, but many of us are attracted by the growing process itself. Home Kumquat is incredibly decorative, it looks beautiful even in the form of a compact deciduous tree. It has a dense spherical crown and elongated leaves, rich green color.
Flowers have an amazing fresh, citrus scent, mostly white( sometimes pinkish) color. The tree itself can grow to a height of one and a half meters.
↑ to content ↑Choosing the soil for kumquat
This is the starting point of the whole process. You can buy ready-made soil mix for citrus crops in the relevant department of the supermarket or in the flower shop. If you want to make it yourself, then you will need garden soil and clean river sand in equal quantities. Sand, of course, should first be calcined in the oven. Also to this earthy mix you can add a little humus. Choose a low pot, with a diameter of about 8-10 cm, pour drainage to the bottom - it may be small crushed stone or expanded clay( about 6-7 cm layer).
↑ to the content ↑What kind of kumquat seeds can be planted and how
I have already mentioned above that only fresh fruit bones should be selected for planting!
The fruit must be fully ripe, as the dark color of the seed shell will tell you. Next, you need to thoroughly wash the bones in warm water, rid them of plant residues and put on a clean cotton cloth or gauze. Then the seed together with the cloth is placed in a saucer, again filled with water, but in much smaller quantity, placed in heat( for example, near a radiator).In this state, the seeds should stay for 24 hours, while the fabric should always be wet. You can also add Epin or Kornevin to the water.
The soil in the pot should be slightly moist, the bones should be dug into the ground a couple of centimeters, sprinkled on the top with a thin layer of earth. For reliability, plant several bones at once, then you can choose the strongest representatives. Keep in mind that the seeds do not always emerge quickly, sometimes you need to wait a little.
After landing, immediately cover the pot with plastic wrap and place in a warm place, without access of bright light. Air temperature should not be below + 20 ° C.Until shoots appear, the soil should be constantly moistened, but not filled with water! With excessive soil moisture, the seed may die( rot).After about a month( or one and a half) sprouts appear from the ground, at this stage polyethylene can be removed so that the plants do not suffocate. Next, transfer the pot to the light, preferably on the south side of the window.
Seedlings, photo:
When the plant releases four full leaves, it is time to pick each seedling into its individual container. As much as the large pot you choose for this, so will your citrus grow. Transplantation should be done very carefully, this culture responds poorly to this process. A young seedling is removed from the soil along with an earthy lump, after which it is placed in a pot and watered.
↑ to the content ↑We water, we apply fertilizer
Watering should be regular, because the root system of kumquat does not tolerate the drying out of the soil. In summer, the kinkan plant can be watered every day. Water is better to take separated from room temperature. In winter, the volume of water can be reduced, given the degree of soil moisture, once every 5 or 7 days will be quite enough. As for fertilizing, here you can use universal supplements for citrus crops, which can also be purchased at flower shops. The growing season at Kumquat lasts from March to September, at which time it is recommended to be fertilized 2 or 3 times a month. In the rest of the year it will be enough to make one additional dressing in 1.5-2 months.

You can make your own fertilizer, known to all lovers of citrus plants: 4 g of nitrate( ammonium), 4 g of potassium salt, 10 g of ordinary superphosphate - all these ingredients should be dissolved in 2 liters of water.
The plant prefers moist air, therefore, daily irrigation with a spray bottle will appeal to him, especially in summer. Water for these purposes should be warm( but not hot).It is advisable to place the pot on the place illuminated by sunlight - in such conditions your citrus will feel excellent. In order to make absolutely everything according to the rules, place a jar or a bowl of water next to the pot, so you will provide the plant with an additional source of moisture.
↑ to contents ↑Kumquat care,
transplantWith the arrival of winter, transfer the kumquat pot to the brightest place, if there is none, then buy a phytolamp for additional lighting. The required temperature indicator for Fortunella in winter is +15. . + 18 ° C.In the summer, provide citrus with good air exchange, more often take it out "to the street" for airing. At the very peak of summer, the lighting should be diffused, an acceptable temperature - +25. . + 30 ° C.Do not forget to irrigate the plant more often when it is hot. As practice shows, young representatives give an increase of 6-8 cm twice a year, the period of growth in adult kumquats falls in April-May. To make your citrus have a beautiful, well-groomed appearance, trim the side shoots once a year( spring), trying to give a spherical shape to the crown.

Kinkan / Kumquat needs to be repotted about 1 time in 3 or 4 years. This procedure is best done in the spring, before the shoots begin to actively grow. The rest of the usual care, as mentioned above. Advice: get at least a couple of trees to be sure that the fruits will still be( cross-pollination).
Kinkan is a bisexual representative and self-pollinated, but having two trees will strengthen your confidence in a successful outcome. To see the fruits that grow on a tree planted from a stone, you will have to wait at least 10 years. Inoculation of Fortunella may partially shorten this period.
The tree blooms with fragrant white flowers for 4 or 5 years, usually in the middle of summer. After a couple of weeks, after the end of the flowering period, it may bloom again, in general, this representative may have three or even four flowering waves. Fruits usually ripen by the beginning of winter or a little later( by February).On average, full ripening of fruits( from the moment of formation of the ovary) lasts 6-7 months.

Reproduction of kumquat by cuttings
Another known method of reproduction of kumquat is cutting. It is possible to take cuttings from an adult( fruiting) plant throughout the year, but the most productive results are obtained if this procedure is carried out in April or May. The stalk should be 7-10 cm in length, with a couple of buds. Cut cuttings need to be treated with activated carbon, and then placed in a container with the drug "Kornevin" - this will speed up the time of formation of roots. The leaflets on the handle must be cut by one third( or 2/3, depending on the size).Root can be in perlite, vermiculite, or the corresponding earth mixture, while cuttings are deepened to 3 cm. From above, the plant should be covered with a large transparent plastic cup or glass jar, then remove the "greenhouse" in a warm place, providing it with diffused lighting. After one and a half or two months, the stalk will form the roots.
Today, home cultivation of citrus crops is extremely popular. They are also grown as bonsai, give the crown a harmonious aesthetic form. Gardeners grow these tropical representatives not only for the sake of getting fruits, but just for beauty, because the evergreen tree always looks elegant and enlivens any interior with its presence.
Kumquat - what is this fruit? These are small “suns”, “golden oranges”, Fortunella, “Golden apples”, Kinkan - he has many names that emphasize his outstanding taste and healing qualities. Try it and you will have this exotic plant in your home, and this article, I hope, will help you with this.