Use in food of decorative garlic

Today there are many plants that at the same time able to impress with its beauty and excellent taste .One of them is decorative garlic.

  • Contents

What is ornamental garlic and the purpose of its cultivation

Decorative garlic is very similar to ordinary, only differs from it in its incredibly beautiful inflorescence. Depending on the species, it throws up to 12 leaves and has excellent inflorescences, which are full of a variety of shades.

Ornamental garlic during flowering

However, the bulb of an ornamental plant is very small, its diameter is usually less than 5 mm and has a brown or gray color.

This plant both decorates the plots and uses it as food.

The most popular varieties of

In the world there are about 500 types of ornamental flowering garlic. The most famous among which are :

  • Neapolitan;
  • Pray;
  • Narcissistic.


Garlic Neapolitan

Has white unusually beautiful inflorescence of bell-shaped flowers .It looks great in high vases and sunny lawns. This variety blooms in June.

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Garlic Moth

Often also called the golden onion. It is relatively low, reaches 25 cm , and the diameter of the inflorescence becomes 6 cm .The plant blooms in late June or July. Its feature is that it can grow both in the sun and in partial shade.


Garlic Daffodil

Does not exactly match its name, because its flowers have a wine-red tint. This variety is distinguished by its originality. He is also short in stature, total 25 cm .

Planting rules, when and where

For planting decorative garlic choose a sunny and dry place, because it does not tolerate excessive moisture and does not grow well in the shade. Once in 3 , the is changed its location.

Plant garlic in place of beans, cabbage or cucumbers. In no case should not grow it where there was a potato or tomato. He may be infected with their diseases.

If seeds are used for planting, they must be planted in the soil no less than six weeks before the onset of frost.

24 hours before planting, seeds are soaked. Those who drowned and selected for landing, and rallied throw away.

For sowing seeds in the ground pits are not deeper than 5 cm. They are covered with coarse-grained sand, the thickness of the ball does not exceed 1.5 cm.then the depth of the fossa should be no larger than a diameter of 2-3 bulbs. When disembarking the lobules, you can also put moistened newspapers in which holes are made. These newspapers will not let the weeds germinate in the spring.

Care for decorative garlic - how to water and feed

Decorative garlic is very picky in the care. It does not need frequent watering .But it should also not allow long-term drying out of the soil. In general, the plant for the season watered about 3 times. This plant just feels fine at a temperature of 22-25 degrees.

After irrigation or rain, soil should be loosened.

Loosening is carried out at least 7 times per season.

Garlic will grow large if it breaks the arrows, otherwise it will be small and not so beautiful.

Garlic is a plant that does not tolerate excessive moisture.

This plant also needs additional feeding.2 weeks before planting the soil must be fertilized. To do this, take:

  • wood ash - 400 g;
  • superphosphate - 300 g;
  • humus - 10 kg;
  • magnesium sulfate - 300 g.

Such a volume is made with the calculation of 1 square.m. of land.

After planting, seedlings sprinkled with a layer of humus or peat , which will serve as fertilizer and protect the crop from cold and drying.

Diseases and pests

Decorative garlic, like all plants, is prone to various diseases, and some pests are not against them as well. The most common of them include :

  • cervical rot;
  • downy mildew;
  • mol;
  • root mite;
  • onion fly.
Cervical rot

Cervical rot is a disease that occurs during the storage of the bulbs. They become soft and watery, and then dramatically dry up. To avoid such trouble, the bulbs must be thoroughly dried in the sun before being stored.

Powdery Mildew on Decorative Garlic

As for powdery mildew, it is caused by mushrooms that love moist, wet weather. With the defeat of these fungi the growth of plants is very slow, pale green spots appear, which then turn yellow and the plant dies with time.

To prevent the appearance of downy mildew it is necessary: ​​

  • to dry the heads well at 40 degree temperature;
  • plant it in a sunny dry area;
  • remove weeds;
  • regularly change landing site every 3 years.

When pests of the appear, such as the root mite, moth, or onion fly, the plant is treated with 2% chlorophos. Ash, peat and tobacco dust will also be freed from them.

Application and combination with other plants

Decorative garlic has found its application :

  • in order to use


    • :
      • in landscape design;
      • as a disinfectant.

      Arrows of this type can fully replace its slices, because they are often used in the process of cooking the most exquisite dishes.

      Thanks to its beautiful spherical flowers, this plant will not yield its beauty to any ordinary flower. Now it is very fashionable to have on our summer cottage such hothouses — archery gardens. The flowerbeds look especially beautiful, on which about 5 varieties of this plant grow nearby. However, it should be remembered that after flowering the leaves die off and, so that the plot does not lose its presentable appearance, a variety of flowers are planted next to the garlic. They will hide these wilted leaves. Just great next to him will look plants that bloom in early summer. The most suitable option are hydrangeas, peonies, delphiniums, irises and others.

      Dried inflorescences of this garlic will serve as an excellent element of winter bouquets AS1

      You can also prepare a solution from decorative garlic, which will be a great helper in the fight against various garden pests .

      If you want to please your stomach with tasty food, and your eyes are incredibly beautiful, then decorative garlic is the plant that should be planted on your site .One has only to decide on the varieties, and without much effort you will get an incredible view of your summer courtyard.

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