What is blender in the kitchen for?

Blender is one of the leaders in the popularity rating of kitchen appliances. So what is blender for? What functions can it perform? Is it really necessary and is it possible to fully and justifiably replace it with some other device?


  • 1 Why do you need a stationary blender
  • 2 Some recipes for a stationary blender?block with motor;As a rule, these models work quite loudly. Why do you need such a blender? The answer is simple: with a fairly compact size, it can almost completely replace a food processor.

    With it, you can quickly and efficiently perform the following functions:

    • chop vegetables, fruits, meat, nuts, ice, etc;
    • mix ingredients into a single homogeneous mass;
    • prepare sauces and cocktails, mayonnaise, dressings of every kind.

    With the help of a classic stationary blender, you can quickly cook a variety of delicious dishes, since the functions of this type of blender are practically unlimited. Below are some affordable and tasty recipes using it.

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    Several recipes for stationary blender

    “Vishisuaz” soup


    • broth( preferably chicken) - 1 l;
    • fresh leek - 500 g;onions - 1 pc.; green onions - 50 g;
    • cream - 200 ml;
    • potatoes - 500 gr.

    Algorithm of preparation:

    1. in butter fry the leeks and onions;
    2. add potatoes and broth to the broth; leave to boil for 20 minutes;
    3. pour the soup into a blender, add chilled cream and whisk thoroughly;
    4. decorate the dish with green onions.

    Pumpkin Cream Soup


    • pumpkin - 1 kg;
    • garlic - head;
    • broth - 1 l;
    • cream( non-fat) - 200 ml;
    • butter - 100 g;
    • red onion;
    • brandy - 50 g.

    Cooking algorithm:

    1. fry onion with garlic;
    2. in the grill, add the pumpkin pieces and cook for about 20 minutes;5 minutes before being ready to pour brandy and evaporate alcohol;
    3. move the pumpkin into a blender, add broth and cream, whisk it all together.

    Cream soup can be served immediately after its preparation. The cream gives the consistency of the dish a special delicate texture, so its quality must be monitored so as not to spoil the soup. You can decorate it with fresh herbs or a drop of sour cream.

    So, why this type of blender is needed is understandable. With its help it is also very convenient to prepare dairy, low alcohol or alcoholic cocktails. In this case, the ingredients are placed in the blender decanter, ice is added, and everything is crushed and mixed in seconds.

    How to use an

    immersion blender What is a submersible blender for? The functionality of this blender is quite limited. In fact, you can only chop the ingredients and mix. These functions of the blender are irreplaceable in any kitchen, however, at least, this is not enough for a multifunctional device, which is positioned by any blender.

    To solve this problem, manufacturers began to complete the basic version of the blender with additional blocks and nozzles, thanks to which it became even easier to cook with such a blender. So in many modern popular models you can see:

    • autonomous compartment with an airtight lid for particularly solid products: the screw is actuated by the handle of the blender itself, from which the main nozzle is removed;You can prick ice into it, chop nuts into a crumb, grind coffee grains, cook minced meat;
    • insert - whisk: allows you to beat the eggs, prepare the dough, sauces, for which the air texture is important( these functions enable the device to replace the mixer).

    With the help of any immersion blender, you can quickly prepare mashed potatoes for children( therefore the question “why blender is needed?” Often concerns young mothers): for example, cut apples into pieces( bananas, quince, grapes, kiwi), pour out of a glass and grind withusing a blender.

    Similarly, you can make vegetable purees( you should not use such a blender for mashed potatoes, as it turns out to be sticky, unappetizing forms).For the preparation of meat purees, it is better to use a universal grinder( the same autonomous unit).

    An immersion blender with this addition is indispensable in the arsenal of any housewife who loves culinary experiments. With its help it is convenient to mix various components in texture, achieving a special taste of the dish. You can also use it, for example, for self-preparation:

    • breadcrumbs or any other breading;Chocolate chips
    • ;
    • vegetable or minced meat.

    The submersible model does an excellent job with miniature doses of products, so using it is convenient to make, for example, decorative elements: dressings for the decoration of salads, sweet chocolate fillings, caramel masterpieces. If your device has a universal chopper, then you can do several dishes or blanks almost in parallel: for example, vegetable puree for the child and breading for cutlets for him. This saves the time and energy of the hostess, and the cooking process is faster.

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