The statement that raspberry is unpretentious is, in principle, true, but you still cannot do without competent care measures. Pruning raspberries - when and how to do it correctly? This procedure is simply necessary to obtain a good harvest of large and sweet berries. Even from an aesthetic point of view, neatly decorated bushes look more attractive, and the process of collecting fruits becomes easy and enjoyable.
- Why do you need to cut the raspberries?
- Pruning raspberries in spring
- Pruning raspberries in summer
- Raspberries in autumn - leaving, pruning for winter
- Double pruning of Sobolev
- Pruning raspberries, when and how to do it?
Why do you need raspberry pruning?
If the shrub is too thick, large berries should not be expected. This factor also affects the taste of the fruit: a thick growth does not let the sun's rays through, as well as the air flow( all parts of the plant should be well blown by the wind).
Proper cutting of raspberries prevents the emergence of various diseases, and also reduces the chances of reproduction of pests, and the harvest process itself becomes easier - fewer prickly branches.As you know, in most raspberry varieties, flower buds form on two-year-old shoots. After two years of growing season, the branches are subject to cutting, they are replaced by young stems that grow from the rhizome of a shrub. In other words, if the “spent” branches are not removed in time, the young population will not have enough vital forces to mature well before the onset of winter.
Such shoots can freeze or even freeze with the arrival of frost. Raspberries are pruned in spring, summer, and autumn. Let's take a closer look at all the steps.
содерж to the content ↑Pruning raspberries in spring
This procedure is a kind of supplement to the autumn pruning, it is carried out when the last snow comes off. Shrub should be carefully inspected and remove all frozen and broken fragments. Primorozhennye branches are cut to the first viable kidney. Shoots that look sick are subject to full pruning. Ideally, about 8-10 powerful branches should remain on one bush, the rest should be cut without regrets. If you have a large raspberry jam, then the distance between the rows should be approximately two meters, and between bushes - one and a half.
Spring pruning of raspberries is a radical removal of all unnecessary fragments under the root, as close as possible to the ground. All other shoots should be shortened by about 20 cm( trim the tops), so that the height of the bush was one and a half meters.
Experienced gardeners also recommend another rather interesting spring pruning method , which makes it possible to enjoy the taste of your favorite berry for a long time, until autumn. To do this, it should be figuratively divided into three parts all the raspberry bushes growing in your house
The height of the raspberry pruning will be different for each group:
- The first one - the usual pruning of the tops by 15-20 cm;
- In the second - cutting off all shoots exactly half their length;
- In the third - a short pruning, at which leave only 15 cm from the entire length of the branch.
The shorter the shoot, the later it will yield. Thus, the ripening of fruits will occur in stages, starting from the second month of summer and until late autumn. Competent pruning of young bushes is also important when initially planted in the ground! As we know, this process can be carried out in autumn or spring( in turn, plants in containers can be planted at any time).Pruning raspberries when planting in the spring helps plants to settle down better in a new place. The branches are cut so that their length is about 25 cm above ground level.
содерж to the content ↑Pruning raspberries in the summer
This culture is very prone to growth, therefore, in the summer period, it is necessary to limit the growth of excess seedlings( so that it does not have time to take root).If you see that within a radius of 20-30 cm from the base of the bush numerous processes stick out of the ground - strongly remove them. At the same time it is necessary to sever the root system of the shoot with a shovel. At the same time, when raspberries begin to bloom, it is important to promptly remove yellowing foliage and shoots that you suspect of a disease. All affected fragments must be burned immediately.
Pruning raspberries in the summer after harvest is a must-have procedure that removes all branches from the crop. When they are cut, even small hemp should not remain, which can later become a refuge for parasites or pathogens. The sooner the stripping of the spent shoots will be carried out, the more vitality will go to the young branches with fruit buds. This event is usually held in the last month of the calendar summer. Thus, pruning raspberries in August contributes to better preparation of young shoots for the upcoming cold weather, improvement of their growth and accumulation of strength before winter.
содерж to the content ↑Raspberries in the fall - care, pruning for the winter
In the autumn, a solid preparation of the raspberries is made for the upcoming winter. Of course, all branches removed from ozone-bearing plants are removed, all diseased or damaged shoots are cut( sanitary pruning), as well as excessive growth. Do not forget about the cut "at the root" and the subsequent utilization of plant residues by burning.
Autumn pruning of raspberries should be carried out 3 weeks before the arrival of the first frost - this is the best time for this procedure. To calculate the time in advance, it is recommended to study the forecast of the Hydrometeorological Center.
In the bush over the summer can grow about 20 young branches, sometimes more. If your raspberry grows in rows, then 12-13 shoots should remain on each bush, but if it is grown by bushes, then leave no more than 10 branches. Pruning raspberries for the winter is sometimes combined with preparing the plants for the cold, especially in the so-called cold regions of our country. At the same time, the branches of the shrub are grouped immediately after pruning( sometimes they bend down to the ground), covered with protective material( lutrasil, spanbond).
↑ to contents ↑Sobolev double cropping of raspberries
In this article, it would certainly be advisable to mention this method of two-stage cropping of raspberries. Famous gardener AGSobolev developed it in Soviet times, but this successful agrotechnical technique is actively used in our time. The essence of the technology lies in strict observance of the timing of pruning, as well as in controlling the thickening of the bush. As a result of a simple procedure, the vital forces of the shrub concentrate on the growth of the lateral branches, the increase in the number of flower buds, and the terms for fruiting the raspberries are significantly prolonged.
How to raspberry double pruning:
- Approximately on the 20th of May( or at the very beginning of June, since the terms vary depending on the region of your residence), when the length of the branches is 70-100 cm, you need to cut them to the top 15see This technique will provoke active growth of new lateral shoots that will gain strength by the arrival of autumn. It is extremely important not to miss the deadlines, not to prune too late, because by the onset of cold weather the shoots must be well matured, reach a length of about 40-50 cm. Lack of sufficient strength may not survive the winter.
- Before wintering these stalks are recommended to be carefully bent down to the ground and covered with appropriate material.
- The second - spring pruning of raspberries is done immediately after the appearance of foliage on the branches of the shrub. Each side shoot is shortened by 10-13 cm, which gives a powerful incentive to activate the sleeping buds.
In addition, raspberry should be provided with comprehensive care, monitor the density of the crown of the shrub, and carry out all the required agrotechnical procedures in time.
This two-stage pruning can be done on raspberry bushes of any kind.
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Pruning raspberry pruning, when and how to do it correctly?
Although this procedure is most often carried out at the end of the fruiting period, the cutting time for the repair raspberry should be chosen taking into account the climatic features of your area of residence. Pruning raspberries in the fall is recommended for the southern territories, but in the northern regions, on the contrary, it is better to do this in early spring. You should also take into account the factor that the remontant raspberry can bear fruit not only on two-year-old shoots, but also on annual ones. This way, you can harvest useful berries twice a season. In most cases, the second wave of the harvest is not as abundant as the first one, but still you can continue to taste the sweet berries all the way to the first snow.
The pruning raspberry is pruned in the fall with the onset of the first frost( around November), all branches leaving the trees without any regrets are cut off literally “to the root”.
If the young bushes were planted in the current year, then all the shoots should be shortened so that their height was no more than 20 cm. Autumn pruning is also good because every parasite and disease-causing disputes simply have nothing to winter.while the root system is covered with a layer of snow. With the arrival of spring at the bush will grow new strong annual shoots that will give you a generous harvest.
Pruning raspberry in spring, as mentioned above, is more recommended for the northern regions, where plantings freeze out often occur in winter. The preservation of the ground part of the plant will contribute to the accumulation of nutritional components in the root system of the shrub, and when snow falls, the left branches will play the role of a kind of protective cocoon. Thus, the spring pruning of raspberries should take place around the end of March / April, before bud break. Against the background of swelling healthy buds, you can easily see the “dead” shoots that have not survived the winter. All frozen, broken, dried branches are cut either completely( if they are not viable), or before the first living kidney.
Do not forget about pests and diseases that prefer to spend the winter in the bark of the shrub. To exclude the possibility of raspberry disease, immediately after pruning, it is recommended to treat the hive with a solution of the “Decis” preparation( according to the instructions) or Bordeaux mixture( 3% pp).For the same reason, be sure to burn all trimmed plant fragments.
Timely watering, protection from parasites, periodic loosening of the soil, regular and competent pruning of raspberries - you already know when and how to do it correctly, in principle, and all the worries that your berry plantation will require from you. For a summer resident who loves his plot, this is a familiar list of seasonal affairs, the more generous harvest of useful and tasty raspberries is a very worthy reward.