Is it possible for a nursing mother to introduce a melon into her diet?

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Pregnancy and, especially, the subsequent birth of a child radically change the life of a woman. From now on, everything from the daily routine to the choice of food is subordinated to the interests of the little man.

If the first changes in the diet occur even several months before giving birth, then after them the nursing woman has to reconcile her own addictions with the safety of the child, because toxins and allergens can get into her body through milk.

A nursing mother involuntarily faces a serious problem, because her diet should be as varied and useful as possible, but should not pose a danger to the crumbs that depend on her.

Is it possible to melon breastfeeding?

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In the summer, it is most difficult to resist the temptation and not to feast on fragrant fruits and berries, many of which can pose a potential danger to a child of infancy. Melon is no exception. With a mass of beneficial properties, the fruits contain many sugars and fiber, and can also cause allergic reactions.

Therefore, physicians are wary of this product in the diet of both pregnant and newly born women. And to the question “Is it possible to eat a melon to a nursing mother?” Doctors sometimes find it difficult to give an unequivocal answer. To understand this issue, you need to evaluate all the positive qualities of the fruit and compare them with the existing risks.

Risks of eating a melon by a nursing mother

Minus melons during breastfeeding can be considered:

  • increased carbohydrate content, capable of provoking the formation of gases in the baby’s digestive system and causing painful colic through the mother’s milk;
  • is the melon's ability to cause symptoms of food allergies both in the mother and in the breastfed baby, resulting in skin rashes and swelling, rhinitis, difficulty breathing and itching.

In this regard, it is better to beware and nursing mother not to eat melon, at least until the child reaches three months of age, and his immunity does not get stronger. Melon is especially dangerous for babies who have one or both parents prone to food allergies, even to other types of foods. In such children, acute body reactions to allergens are more common than in healthy couple babies.

In addition, a mother who is interested in whether a melon can be breastfed should not forget that her own health can be compromised if she is diagnosed with one of the following diseases:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • gastritis in the acute stage;
  • peptic ulcer.
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Even with occasional stomach disorders, which people attach little importance to in everyday life, melon can cause a complication and long-term diarrhea that affects both well-being and milk quality, andon the health of the baby.

Useful properties of a melon when breastfeeding

If there are no contraindications, and doctors see no reason to deny a nursing mother with melon, you can recall not only the excellent taste qualities of honey fruits, but also the benefits they can bring to both women and crumbs.

A melon is a fruit containing:

  • a large number of such important during pregnancy and feeding folic acid;
  • many other vitamins, for example, ascorbic acid and beta-carotene;
  • vegetable proteins and organic acids, minerals and pectins;
  • digestible sugar, helping to quickly restore the strength needed by a young mother;
  • fiber, which helps the intestines, removes toxins and removes excess cholesterol;
  • iron and potassium, supporting the body with the threat of anemia, cardiovascular diseases, excessive loads on the liver, kidneys and joints.

Among the positive aspects and the fact that melon in a nursing mother can cause increased production of breast milk.

The well-adjusted work of the body and the good mood of the mother are a prerequisite for the rapid growth and development of the child, therefore, in moderation and under the control of a physician, you can eat a melon when breastfeeding. Indeed, in addition to the above advantages, ripe pulp has a slight diuretic effect and quietly cleanses the body from harmful accumulations and fights against edema.

When and how can you eat melon while breastfeeding?

When slicing a juicy fruit into slices, it is important to remember that in order to avoid unpleasant consequences when eating melons, it is better to follow simple rules:

  1. Melon should be ripe, high-quality and not cold, so as not to cause irritation of the gastric mucosa when ingested. Not worth it, in order to avoid poisoning, nursing mother eat melon, pre-cut and had time to lie in the refrigerator.
  2. Before use, the melon is washed with running water and then dried with a soft cloth with a washcloth or thick sponge.
  3. You can not eat a melon on an empty stomach or at night, in this case not to avoid discomfort in the stomach.
  4. Do not eat melon with products such as rye and wheat bread, muffins, milk and cream, fatty meat and fish.
  5. As an independent dessert, fruits of melons and gourds, including melon, are eaten between main meals, for example, after breakfast or lunch as a light snack.
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And at what time of day is it better to eat melon?

As it is important for a young mother to see the reaction not only of her body to the introduction of a new product, but also of a child, it is reasonable to eat a slice of melon in the morning. In this case, the baby will be supervised all the time, and any disturbing symptoms will not go unnoticed.

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If redness appears on the baby’s face, a runny nose begins, or other signs of an allergic reaction appear, the mother can quickly turn to experts for help and take emergency measures. Obviously, in this case, as well as in a situation where the woman’s well-being deteriorates, the answer to the question: “Can a melon feed breastfeeding?” Will be negative.

At the first sign of allergy or food poisoning, it is imperative that you immediately seek medical help and remove hazardous substances from the body as soon as possible.

In addition, the sugars contained in it may not be a source of energy for a woman, but deposited at the waist. And digestion of fiber takes several hours, so a small slice of melon eaten for the night can deprive a woman of proper rest.

If a baby does not have a negative reaction to a new product in the menu of a nursing mother, you can eat more than one slice of melon, but gradually increase the amount to 2–3, constantly monitoring the well-being of the baby. The maximum daily portion of a melon usually should not exceed 250–300 grams, but even here, in order to avoid acute reactions of the body, it is better to consult with your doctor in advance.

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