Instructions for use of the drug Zenkor on potatoes

Among the many existing herbicides to choose the right is not easy. Such is Zenkor, a chemical safe for humans, containing metribuzin. It has a selective effect, that is, deadly for weeds, but harmless for potatoes and other crops. Consider the order of instructions on the use of herbicide.


  • for use
    • Instruction Pre-emergence treatment
    • postemergence
  • processing How to prepare the mixture
  • early potato varieties
  • What herbicide Zenkor
  • Operating principle
    • Benefits
    • Disadvantages
  • Types Zenkora
  • Compatibility with other means

Instructions for use

Application preparation is any manual sprayer. Protecting against airway is possible, but not necessary.

The better your sprayer is, the easier it will be to apply the drug

Zencore is easy to use, as it does not require special preparation of potato root vegetables before processing. Planting takes place in the usual manner - preparing the ground, cutting furrows and planting tubers.

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Reusable use of the drug during one garden season, which takes place in several stages, is allowed and encouraged.

Pre-emergence treatment of

The first stage of processing should take place 2-3 days before the sprouting of potatoes. At this time, dicotyledonous weeds should have germinated, the height of sprouts should be at least 2 cm.

Chemical dosing directly depends on soil quality, try to follow the following recommendations:

  • Light soil( black soil ) - up to 0.6 l / hectare.
  • Average soil( podzolic ) - up to 0.75 l / ha.
  • Heavy soil( clay ) - up to 1.2 l / hectare.
The soil moisture has a positive effect on the effectiveness of Zenkor treatment. Well, if a few hours before watering was a little rain.

Immediately after applying Zencor, a thin protective film is formed on the soil surface. It additionally prevents the germination of new shoots of weeds, it is recommended to keep it as long as possible.

For this, it is better to refrain from loosening the soil and sprinkling ( hose irrigation).

Post-harvest treatment of

This stage can be started approximately 2 weeks after the first one. It is more convenient to focus on the height of potato sprouts - plants should reach at least 5 cm. The chemical consumption is less than at the pre-emergence treatment stage:

  • Light soil( black earth) - up to 0.5 l / hectare.
  • Average soil( podzol) - up to 0.6 l / hectare.
  • Heavy soil( clay) - up to 0.8 l / hectare.
The processing of potatoes with Zenkor is strictly prohibited during the day while the sun is at its zenith.

It is important for to correctly withstand the duration of the second treatment of .The action of the drug should continue until the time when the complete closure of the tops of the leaves will occur, which will complicate the development of the second wave of weeds.

How to Prepare a Mixture

To prepare a mixture based on a chemical in the form of granules, 15 grams of powder should be added to 5 liters of water, and more complete dissolution takes 30 minutes. For a liquid variety, the flow rate is 7-11 ml per 5 liters of water.

Buying a herbicide with a margin is not worth it - the shelf life of Zencar from the time of release is 3 years. Try to store in original packages at temperatures not higher than 40 ° C.

The preparation needs dosing , which depends on the nature of the soil .The easiest way to carry out dosing at the stage of irrigation is to prepare the mixture according to the above recipe, but to regulate the amount of the used chemical during soil treatment.

The approximate consumption of Zenkor depending on the soil is given below.

Early varieties of potatoes

Zenkor can be used on all, without exception, potato varieties. However, for the treatment of plantings of early and superearly varieties, it is necessary to carefully approach the dosing of the chemical.

Fully discard pre-emergence treatment is recommended when cultivating the following varieties:

  • Alena.
  • Ariel.
  • Riviera.
  • Bellaroza.
  • Skylark.
  • Karatop.
Leaf chlorosis - one of the examples of side effects from the use of the herbicide

. Extremely rare, but there are cases of slowing down the photosynthesis of potato sprouts after they have been watered with herbicide. In this case, the disease is observed in the form of mild chlorosis, leaf color slows down, the plant develops more slowly.

Cultures on light, sandy soils are most at risk.

What is the herbicide Zenkor

Zenkor is a chemical drug for combating dicotyledon broadleaf and annual cereal weeds .Refers to selective herbicides, that is, selective action - does not harm the cultivated plants.

Due to its relatively low cost, it is especially widely used for tillage for planting potatoes, but it can also be used for treating soil for tomatoes, carrots and other crops.

Basically, Zencore has metribuzin, a widely used active ingredient in a variety of fertilizers. It has a long-lasting effect, as it dissolves extremely slowly in water, remains in the soil for up to 3 months.

Plus for many will be the safety of the herbicide for bees

Completely safe for insects , including bees. Zenkara saturation with the element is very high:

  • In liquid form - 600 g / l;
  • In granules - 700g / kg.

It is important that the harmful plants do not form resistance to metribuzin, so its effectiveness remains at the same level every season.

Principle of

The effectiveness of the herbicide is high due to its complex effect on weeds - both through the leaves of the plants( it prevents photosynthesis) and not yet sprouted in the soil.

Re-germination is also prevented by a film appearing on the surface of the earth, which is maintained under favorable conditions for up to 2 weeks.

In the case of monocotyledons, we need to focus on the development of sprouts. This can be determined by eye - when first tilling the soil, the harmful plants must be in the vegetative developmental stage, have a couple of shaped leaves.

Soil on the bed should be settled - penetration of the herbicide into the soil is harmful , as it prevents the formation of a film on the surface.


Zenkor differs from other herbicides in ease of use. All varieties have the following advantages:

  • Pre-dissolution is not necessary.
  • Effective consumption.
  • Spray filters remain clean.
  • Complete dissolution of granules without sediment.
  • No chemical odor.
  • Convenient to dose.
  • The liquid variety is a good base for making tank mixes.

Chemical is completely safe for health. Complications from direct contacts are extremely rare. When they occur, it is recommended to seek medical attention.


Unfortunately, the drug is not without flaws. These include the ineffectiveness of the remedy in some types of soil, for example, light, whose saturation with humus is less than 2%.

Also Zenkor is not suitable for beds, functioning on the principle of circular crop rotation with a change of plant crops each season. The reason is chemical incompatibility with some garden plants , for example:

  • Onions, lettuce, garlic.
  • Peppers.
  • All kinds of cabbage.
  • All kinds of melons.
  • Beet.
  • Rapeseed.
The disposal of chemical waste is a technically difficult process. In the case of extremely small quantities, follow the elementary rules: dispose of residues of the herbicide only in a deep hole at a distance from water.

In addition, the disposal of Zenkora remains or tare from it requires compliance with a number of conditions:

  • It is necessary to construct underground burials in a remote place.
  • It is forbidden to make burial near reservoirs.

Types of Zenkara

The preparation has been used by gardeners in many countries for a long time, its effectiveness has been widely recognized.

A common type of chemical Zenkor WG 70 was produced in the form of a granular powder.

The new form of Zenkora has replaced the outdated release form. To date, new species have become widespread - Zenkor Ultra and Liquid .Their difference in the improved composition.

Preparative form is different - both products are available in powder or liquid suspension concentrate. The latter has the following advantages in comparison with the powder:

  • Less long process of breeding the mixture.
  • Improved solution stability.
  • The absence of any sediment in the container.

The composition of chemicals, depending on their subtype, is the same as their effectiveness. Supplied with Zenkor in various containers :

  • Powder bags - 20 g.
  • Bottles - up to 100 ml.
  • Tanks - up to 5 liters.

Large-capacity packages are used for processing large farms, small ones for home gardens.

Compatibility with other means

Zenkor successfully used in the preparation of mixtures with the addition of a pesticide. However, it is incompatible with certain types of fertilizers, and the following tips will be helpful to remember:

  • It is prohibited for to use together with any nitrogen fertilizer.
  • Gently mix with insecticides.
  • When mixed with sulfonylurea, the complies with a special procedure for adding ingredients. - Zencore is kneaded last and into the already present mixture.

It is recommended to use the drug in conjunction with the products of the manufacturer.

Zenkor can be successfully used in any climatic conditions and on most soils. Value for money makes it one of the most effective herbicides from existing.

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