New life of an old drink - beet kvass

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video The process of lactic acid fermentation, which is the basis of fermentation, since ancient times used by people in human beings by people in human beings by people in human beings by people in human beings made by people in human beings by people in people who make human beings with people.and harvesting vegetables. The first kvass was received in Babylon, but such drinks were most common, probably, in Russia.

Due to the availability, ease of manufacture and storage, kvasses based on vegetable, grain and berry raw materials have not left the diet of representatives of all segments of the population for centuries. In addition, the popularity of drinks contributed to the benefits that brew brought to human health.

To date, many recipes for vintage drinks are already a thing of the past, but beet kvass, which has pronounced healing properties, is not only not forgotten, but also conquers new adherents.

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In recent years, interest in the drink is shown in the countries of Western Europe and the USA.

Composition of beet kvass

Since the main component of the drink is table beet, a real garden record holder in the number of useful substances, vitamins and mineral salts, and brew acquires all the healing properties of the root. In addition, products of lactic acid fermentation contribute to the beetroot drink.

As a result, regardless of the recipe used, there is a lot of B vitamins, ascorbic acid, vitamin PP and K in beet kvass. The drink is rich in potassium, iron and calcium, copper, magnesium and manganese, as well as other trace elements used in thoseor other human systems and organs. Flavonoids and phytoncides, acids and sugars, natural antioxidants and anthocyanins pass from beets to kvass.

In the process of fermentation, the product is saturated with bacteria that support fermentation and at the same time hinder the development of pathogenic flora, putrefactive processes and microorganisms harmful to humans.

Therefore, a glass of beetroot kvass will not only perfectly quench your thirst, but will also replenish the body's vitamin reserves, fill it with energy and become a strong defense against all kinds of infections.

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Benefits and harms of beetroot kvass

In Russia, beetroot kvass is considered to be a traditional, but slightly forgotten, drink that can be heard more often in the province or from those who adhere to a healthy lifestyle. Yes, and we cook beet kvass at home. But in the USA and European countries this drink, called “beet kvass”, is actively gaining popularity and is made not only in home kitchens, but also in processing plants as a powerful probiotic product of natural origin.

Indeed, the beneficial effect of the drink on the processes of digestion and the health of the entire gastrointestinal tract has long been confirmed by traditional and official medicine.

Useful and bioactive substances in beetroot kvass, if taken regularly, can be a good help for the body.

If you drink beetroot kvass, just a glass in the morning and evening:

  • improves your well-being;
  • activates digestion and metabolism;
  • normal pressure;
  • begins the process of cleansing the liver, kidneys and intestines;
  • for the better changes the composition of the blood;
  • strengthened blood vessels;
  • occurs natural stimulation of the immune system.

The benefit of beetroot kvass will be felt by people suffering from hypertension, disorders of the digestive processes and metabolism, and iron deficiency anemia.

Today, active research is under way on beet and its products in relation to the treatment of a number of oncological diseases and immunodeficiency states.

Drink helps cleanse the body of toxins and impurities. This important quality of kvass is used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, dysbacteriosis, accompanied by constipation and excessive gas formation, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and disorders of the liver.

Older people well know how effective beet kvass is at pressure.

To reduce the risk of its increase and deterioration of health, hypertensive patients can enter the drink in their daily menu. Kvass literally in half an hour is able to bring the pressure back to normal, but you should not rely too much on the healing properties of the drink, because it is impossible to fix the result and recovery without medication and the help of medical specialists.

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Beetroot kvass can play an important role in the fight against obesity and overweight. With proper inclusion of beetroot in the diet, you can achieve quick noticeable results, and not only lose a few pounds, but also improve the body as a whole, improve tone and performance, get rid of anemia and normalize blood pressure.

However, with pronounced benefits, the harm from beet kvass is also possible, if you do not take into account the individual characteristics of the organism, the existing diseases and predispositions.

Serious contraindications for taking beet kvass exist when a person has:

  • urolithiasis and inflammatory processes of the genitourinary organs;
  • peptic ulcer and gastritis in the acute stage;
  • gout and arthritis;
  • reduced pressure;
  • gallstone disease.

Be careful when drinking beetroot kvass, if there is a predisposition to food allergies.

Making beet kvass at home

The content of nutrients in the finished kvass directly depends on the beet used to make the beverage. The greatest number of active substances contain dark-colored roots without light streaks, cracks and signs of spoilage.

Before making beet kvass at home, root vegetables are thoroughly washed, cleaned from the roots, and the apical parts are removed with tops of the leaves.

  • Beets are cut into strips or cubes.
  • Raw materials are placed in a glass container and the top of the jar is poured over vegetables with boiled water.
  • A container with a semi-finished product is put in a cool place, where the process of lactic acid fermentation will take place. Optimally, the temperature does not exceed 20 ° C.In this case, the risk of developing some pathogenic flora in beet kvass and the onset of yeast fermentation is minimal.
  • Fermentation takes 3 to 7 days. At this time, it is advisable to remove the foam that forms on the surface and cover the can from dust.
  • The finished drink is filtered, poured into clean, dry bottles and sent to storage in a refrigerator, where the beneficial properties of beet kvass remain unchanged for about a month.
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Pieces of pickled beets from kvass should not be thrown away. Vegetables contain a lot of nutrients, so they can be used as an independent snack, added to salads and borscht, which will only enrich the taste of these dishes.

Since beets contain many sugars, no additional sweetening is required.

If sugar is added, it is necessary to take into account that fermentation will be more intense, and as a result, beet kvass will contain some amount of ethyl alcohol.

Some recipes for beet kvass indicate that 3 to 5% of table salt is added to drink water. On the one hand, this usual kitchen ingredient will give the drink a special taste, on the other hand, salt has a preservative effect and does not allow harmful microorganisms to develop in a warm beverage.

In addition, there is another important function of salt. It promotes the extraction of natural sugars from beets and the course of fermentation. As a result, without sugar, you can get beet kvass of the highest quality and taste at home.

Also, to intensify fermentation, much more whey from sour milk can be added to the drink during production.

If desired, you can add a couple of crusts of rye bread, several raisins and other ingredients that will add savory notes to the drink, enrich its taste and aroma. It can be shredded ginger, all sorts of berries and herbs, vegetables and green crops.

The benefits of beet kvass and the recipe for its preparation - video

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