Potato cultivation technology

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While seemingly undemanding potatoes, it responds very well to the quality of the soil, fertilizing. With the observance of agrotechnology and the use of new crop varieties, a ton of weave from a home agronomist cannot be collected, but getting 18-20 full-weight tubers from each bush will become real. To do this, you need to know how to get a good harvest of potatoes.

Periods of plant development

As every crop a potato has several stages of development, during which it has a different need for nutrition, loosening, weeding. These stages can be divided conditionally:

  • preplant preparation of tubers and planting;
  • period before flowering;
  • termination of the development of the bush;
  • wilting and drying plants.

Each of these periods requires its own technology for the accumulation of crops. What is common for potatoes is that this plant requires a loose, evenly moistened soil during the first three stages of development. For ripening crops, excess moisture in the soil can affect the safety of tubers during storage.

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Spring Troubles

The preparation of the ground is very important for getting the harvest. The best will be for gardeners planting green fertilizers( green manure) and embedding them in the soil in the fall. In the spring, it is necessary to prepare a 30 cm layer of soil well. It is here that a large mass of the root system is concentrated. It is during this period that weed control on potatoes begins, and it continues throughout the season.

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Planting potatoes should be conducted in warm soil. A sign that the soil is ready is blooming of a birch leaf the size of a pretty penny. It is impossible to delay in planting, you need to use the maximum solar activity for the development of the bush. For additional supply of a tuber with force for fast vegetation, it can be soaked in ash solution, preparation EM-1 Baikal.

The frequency of potato rows depends on the ripening time of potatoes. For early culture, the distance should be no less than 60 cm and the distance between the holes should be kept at 30 cm. Potatoes do not tolerate shading and begin to stretch towards the sun to the detriment of the crop. When planting potatoes fertilizer in the hole for rapid development are made based on the nature of the soil. However, in any case, a handful of humus, a spoon of ash and a teaspoon of Kemira for potatoes will not interfere. In addition, a handful of onion peel can be added to the well. If there is a scab on the site, sphagnum moss copes well with it, which is also added to the hole. It is better to prepare the starting filling of the soil in advance, having thoroughly mixed all the components, than to feed the potatoes.

Mix all prepared mixture in the well thoroughly with the ground, and then put the germinated tuber sprouts up.

After two weeks, the first seedlings of young plants will appear. At this time, it is best to get rid of harmful weeds that will begin to emerge after the potatoes. How to weed the potatoes when it is not poured yet? If you do not want to constantly weed the field and compact the ground with your feet, you can use an herbicide against weeds on potatoes with lapis lazuli. Once, before sprouting or when they first appear, and the field will be clean all summer. No exhausting weed control on potatoes.

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Avoiding sprouting and flowering

In the first period of green mass and a set of buds, the potato lays the number of nodules. Therefore, there is a rule: if you want to have a lot of tubers, you need to water the potatoes in the first half of summer. And if you want to have large tubers, then moisture is required until mid-August.

If the soil is well filled with organic matter, sideratami in the fall and in the hole when planting, then in addition to moderate watering without over-wetting the potatoes do not need anything. It is only necessary to conduct foliar treatment for fertilizing with micronutrients for the best taste of future tubers. But if a marginal burn of leaflets, yellowness or dots begins, then feed the potatoes, the earlier, the faster the result will be visible.

You should know that through the roots the food begins to act after two weeks, and through the leaves within three days. The best foliar dressing will be in cloudy weather or in the evening so that the leaves do not get sunburn.

Ensure the yield and taste of potatoes

How to feed potatoes in the summer? Extra root dressings during the season should be a few. To do this, you can use extracts from superphosphate, ash solution, EM-1, and finished products, such as:

  • district;
  • kelik;
  • solicate.

They contain a balanced composition of the nutrients that potatoes need in a given period.

Thus, fertilizing with the use of Raykat fertilizer development stimulates the development of bushes. A good photosynthesis is the key to future harvest. The Raykat final used to increase starchiness and taste is made even at the last stage of plant development. It contributes to the rapid outflow of nutrients from the foliage to the tubers.

Celik, a fertilizer based on potassium and a balanced composition of trace elements. Potassium is responsible for the taste of the tuber. Therefore, ash at any stage of development can not prevent the plant.

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Soljukat, in addition to 40% potassium and 28% phosphorus, contains sulfur, boron magnesium. These trace elements are necessary at all stages of plant development. How to get a good harvest of potatoes? Scientists say that the plant produces a crop depending on the presence in the soil of the smallest amount of necessary substances. That is, if there is a shortage of some element in the soil, then the harvest will depend on it.

We should not forget about the treatment with fungicides in late July and early August in order to contain the appearance of phytophthora. If the ground at a depth of 10 cm retains moisture, the plants have a healthy green mass in mid-August, which means that the harvest has already been provided with care. It remains to protect the garden from excessive moisture in September and wait for the tops to dry.

The potato field must be prepared in the previous autumn by planting siderats and planting them in the soil.

Spring dressing when planting in the hole and a few foliar treatments in the summer will help offset the removal of missing elements. The field should be clear of weeds and moderately moist. High rows of potato rows create better conditions for root development and tuber formation.

Practical tips on growing potatoes - video

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