Colony-shaped fruit trees - let's create a garden on one weave!

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The columnar fruit trees are named after the shape of the crown. The crown represents the shape of the above-ground part of the tree, the location of the branches in relation to the trunk. The columnar shape of the tree represents very short skeletal branches, on which there is a set of shortened shoots - annuli with a fruit bud. In the distance, it seems that the flowers and fruits are located on the trunks. An abnormal development of the fruit tree branch was observed in Canada, the mutation led to the creation of ornamental and fruit trees of a columnar shape.

Obtaining seedlings of columnar tree species

Selection work of scientists - a painstaking, long-term selection of plants with altered traits. Useful deviations develop, fix at the genetic level. An example of how to get columnar varieties, follow the apple tree. Sort Mackintosh different most compact crown. On its basis, in 1964, a colon-shaped variety Vazhak was obtained in Canada. All other columnar apple varieties are products of selection work with Wijeik, in different climatic regions.

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Varietal seedlings of columnar fruit trees with sustainable properties are obtained only in well-known foreign and domestic nurseries. A prerequisite is the use as a stock of dwarf varieties - Currency, Arbat, 003. The scaffold must be with the dwarfism gene - Co.

Another direction for the formation of seedlings is an artificially shaped columnar shape of dwarf varieties Orlinka, Vasyugan, President and the like.

In the same way, other colonic fruit trees — pears, plums, cherries, and apricots — are obtained. As a result, a nursery leaves a sapling with a well-developed root system, an early fruiting period. It is important to choose a zoned grade, learn the rules of care and methods of formation.

Agrotechnical garden intensive fruiting has its own characteristics.

Gardens near Moscow

Colony-shaped fruit trees for the Moscow region are represented by apples, pears, plums and other types of fruit.

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Dwarf crown pear varieties do not differ in variety. But the heat-loving plant in the middle lane and so exot. In addition, the first fruits appear in the second year, after planting the seedling. Pyramid tree fructifies 10-15 years with good care. The yield of a compact tree is higher than normal. Favorite Yakovleva - the most frost-resistant variety, and Severyanka in a hurry to give the harvest in August. The variety of Decor will give its ripe fruits in August, and the half-kilogram fruits of Dalikor will be removed in October.

Colony-like varieties of plum fruit trees are most often found in the suburban gardens of the Moscow region. They have a small crown, low growth, allowing you to harvest without effort. Dwarfs begin to bear fruit in the second year after landing. Many have become favorite varieties, but several are more popular:

  1. Blue Bird, the variety is the result of the crossing of the Hungarian, Caucasian and Kabardian early ones. Large, wide fruits covered with a waxy coating. Sweet and juicy fruits are harvested in mid-August with ripening for two weeks. The tree is self-fertile, has immunity to common diseases.
  2. Temiryazev Memory Plum is 2 times smaller, but contains a large amount of vitamin C. The tree is self-growing, and fruiting occurs at 4 years after planting. Fruits not every year, but is resistant to frost and drought.
  3. Variety Smolinka different egg-shaped dark purple color. The columnar tree can grow up to 5.5 meters in height, giving a harvest of 20 kg of delicious fruits. But this variety requires pollinator, and the branches, overloaded with plums, require support.
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Colonic-shaped peaches and cherry plums, apple and apricots grow in the Moscow region. Gardens of such fruit trees require special care, but the results are encouraging.

A photo of a columnar fruit tree cannot convey a special aura when a dozen trees hung with fruit are collected on a one-hundred-square site.

Residents of the southern regions are not limited in the choice of planting material. They can use varieties of foreign breeding. It is believed that the most productive and tasty hybrids are created in Europe with its mild climates. Kolonovidnye fruit trees in Krasnodar are the basis of industrial gardening. Caring for the garden are taking into account the characteristics of the tree.

Features of the maintenance of colony trees

The first thing you need to buy quality planting material. In order not to lose years of waiting for a miracle, the sapling must be bought expensively and directly from the nursery. There are many subtleties in growing a scion and using stock. Well, if the seedling has a closed root system.

Pits for fruit trees are prepared according to the classical scheme. It is important that the ground has time to settle, the mound with the fertilizer mixture is compacted. For better illumination and care, trees should be planted in a row after 50-60 cm, and a row spacing should be kept at 1.5 m.

One of the most common mistakes is the depth of the grafting site. If this part of the stem is in the ground, the fruit does not wait.

Care and pruning of the columnar fruit tree have features. The column grows with the upper kidney, so it must be protected from frost and damage. There will be no top - the columnar tree will become normal, due to the growth of lateral shoots. Pruning of the branches is carried out if they grow more than 5–8 cm. Grown shoots are pruned exactly on June 20–25, so that the cut dries and fruit buds appear before autumn.

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In the early years, trees have increased growth, it is important to keep the “hair style” at this time. Another most vulnerable spot is the freezing of the roots. It is necessary to warm the root system with lapnik, non-woven material, but so as not to allow rodents to the shtambu. Dangerous and sunburn trunks. Fruiting and tree growth rate is a varietal trait.

Important in time and properly feed the columnar fruit trees of all kinds. They take out a mass of macro and micronutrients from the earth and transform into fruits. For 1 ton of apples it is required to process 5 kg of nitrogen, 6 kg of potassium, 3 kg of phosphorus. Top-dressings are absorbed by the plant in the spring, when the processes of biochemistry are intensively carried out in the fall, when the roots grow and the buds of the future harvest are laid.

In the summer, all anti-insect pests and fungal diseases are treated according to the table. But since the crown is small, the concentration of solutions in the tree is much less than that of the spreading tree.

It is possible to organize watering of the garden in the wells, along furrows or drip irrigation. Drip irrigation is considered the best irrigation method:

  • water is dosed out according to the need of the tree;
  • the ability to apply dissolved fertilizer;
  • does not form a crust; air enters the roots;
  • root system in colonic fruit trees is compact, fibrous and absorbing moisture when drip irrigation is effective.

Scientists claim that columnar varieties of fruit trees are becoming increasingly popular in commercial and private gardens. The desire to grow as many different trees as possible in a limited area is justified.

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