What is the use of fresh pineapple for the human body?

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Exotic pineapple is grown on Hawaiian islands, in Brazil, in India, in areas where there is a place in a tropical environment where there is a good environment, where it is in a place where it is in a place where there is a good environment, where it is in a place where it is in a place where there is a place for the environment, where it is in a place where it is in a place where it is in a place where it is in a place where it is in a place where there is a place for the environment, where it is in a place where it is a place for the environment, where it is in a place where there is a place for the weather, there is a good climate, there is no climate, there is a good climate. In Russia, pineapples are adapted to grow individual lovers, as exotic. Pineapple is a herbaceous plant of the bromeliad family. It has a spiny stem and fleshy, long, toothed leaves. The benefits of pineapple is in the biological and chemical composition of the pulp.

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Why is the pineapple

useful? A large berry of complex composition, with an obligatory tuft of prickly leaves on top, is loved all over the world. In tropical countries, it is grown in areas equal to the size of banana and citrus plantations. In winter, an exotic fruit is often a welcome dessert in families with high material wealth, and always present in the festive menu of any family.

In winter, there are not many green products that preserve vitamin C in high concentrations. Man can only get it from the outside, unlike animals. Pineapple is a pantry of many useful ingredients. At the same time the caloric content of the product is only 50 kcal, which makes it possible to consider it dietary.

85% pineapple consists of water. Here is what pineapple contains:

  • vitamins of group B, C, PP, A;
  • mineral substances make up a total of 0.3% in terms of ash content;
  • carbohydrate part from sugars 11.8%;
  • organic acids and biologically active substances 1%;
  • dietary fiber 1%.

Translated into micro doses of compositions that are required by a person, this is a whole pharmacy. So, how is pineapple useful?

It should be noted that the effect of fresh fruit is much more effective than the last heat treatment or canning. Therefore, we consider the benefit of a tropical fruit in the form of a fresh fruit:

  1. The product is valued by the presence of bromelain in it, which is part of a complex of proteolytic enzymes. It is a natural fat burner, but the substance is only present in the fresh product. Bromeline is absorbed and acts on an empty stomach. Therefore, the use of pineapple is effective separately, as a snack.
  2. The presence of shock doses of vitamin C together with bromelain strengthens the immune system and helps fight the resulting inflammatory processes.
  3. Pineapple is useful for hypertensive patients, people with problems in the circulatory system and heart abnormalities. Here the active help is provided by substances that are contained in pineapple. These are potassium and magnesium, as well as organic compounds that thin the blood, eliminating the danger of blood clots, and clean the blood vessels from cholesterol plaques.
  4. As a prophylactic agent, pineapple is applicable for oncological problems, since it has been established that there are molecules in the pulp of the product that can block the protein of cancer cells.
  5. One serving of pineapple contains a half daily dose of manganese, a rare element in plant foods.
  6. Eating pineapple improves mood, promotes the production of serotonin, which creates a feeling of satiety, along with the low calorie content of fresh pineapple, contributes to weight loss. This is all the more effective because it simultaneously burns fat, accelerates metabolic processes and improves mood.
Read also: How to plant a pineapple in order to grow a beautiful plant

A far from complete list of the beneficial results of using pineapple is given. The inclusion of pineapple in the menu solves many problems and helps to debug the system of interaction of all internal organs. Especially need to dwell on the question of how useful pineapple for women.

The most problematic for the beautiful half is always the monthly period. This is associated with painful phenomena, great blood loss, nervous tension. It is the pineapple these days will facilitate the condition of the ladies. By virtue of his regulatory abilities, he will make the process less lengthy and painless.

Women appreciate the cosmetological effects of vitamins present in the pulp. What vitamins in pineapple affect the skin? Those present in the composition of A, E, C act beneficially, nourishing the epidermis externally. But bromelain has a special effect. It relieves inflammation, gently cleanses the skin from oily shine. Masks with pineapple produce a rejuvenating effect.

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However, few know that a pineapple pulp applied to corns for the night will relieve painless growth in the morning, returning the leg to its former lightness and beauty. This is the effect of organic acids together with bromelain. The composition of many tonic natural ingredients included extracts from pineapple.

Pineapple has no less beneficial effect on men's health. Regular intake of freshly squeezed juice or a piece of fruit on an empty stomach can significantly improve potency. In countries where this fruit is grown, a mixture of fresh fruits of kiwi, mango and pineapple is considered a men's cocktail. It is confirmed that this prolongs sexual activity at a very mature age. The smell of pineapple is one of the strongest aphrodisiacs.

No matter how great the desire to put your health in order through the use of pineapple , harm or deterioration of health can be obtained from people with problems:

  • gastrointestinal tract, gastritis with acidity, ulcers;
  • in pregnant women can be triggered by a miscarriage;
  • children under 6 years old need to limit the product to a small dose and not give an empty stomach;
  • should be wary of product themes.who has allergic reactions;
  • after a meal, you must brush your teeth, as pineapple juice has a destructive effect on tooth enamel.

How to choose the right pineapple

Unripe or rotted fruit instead of enjoying the taste can bring a lot of problems. Therefore, you need to be able to choose pineapple. Fruits get to our outlets, having made a long way, the more carefully you need to be careful about your choice. Attention should be paid to the appearance of the overseas guest. Top tuft of tops should be thick and green. The fewer leaves, the older the fruit. The crust should slightly spring under the fingers from pressing. There should be no spots or dents on the surface. The smell should be harmonious and pleasant, aphrodisiac after all.

It does not make sense to store the fruit even in the refrigerator for more than 10 days. Useful substances are destroyed both at above +10 and below 5.

Cutting into pieces is done in different ways, but first the top is cut, from which you can later try to grow the pineapple yourself. The peel is removed before cutting, or the ring is fed in a package of skin nubs, depending on the imagination.

How to treat dried pineapples

Concentrated dry weight during the drying of the product increases its nutritional value several times, 100 g of the product contains 347 calories. But in the dry product there are minerals, fiber and vitamins of complex B. The benefits of dried pineapples are much more than chocolates. In addition, they elevate mood and relieve swelling, removing excess water from the body. Quitting smoking discourages nicotine by consuming dry pineapples. It should be distinguished dry pineapples and soaked in sugar syrup, candied fruits. They are often sold under the guise of a natural product. Pineapple slices soaked in sugar syrup are always soft, while the dry natural product is hard, light and very yellow.

Read also: As pineapple grows on plantations, in a greenhouse and in an apartment

Canned pineapple has a low calorie content, but also a little good. As an alternative to sweet buns and sweets, it can be used for sweet tooths. There is little benefit from it, the harm is minimal, and is due to the fact that chemical compounds are always used during preservation.

Video about the beneficial properties of pineapples

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