In recent years, many farmers have kept decorative hens on their farms. Cochinquin is one such breed. These birds have not only great appearance, but also excellent taste of meat. A detailed description of the breed and photos of its varieties can be found below.
General description of the breed and housing conditions of hens
Cochinquin - beautiful chickens with original appearance. The constitution of in these birds is large and massive, which distinguishes them from other breeds. Another feature is the chic and fluffy tail of the roosters, and completely feather-covered legs. The head of these birds is small, the transition from the neck to the shoulders has the form of a strong bend. The color of the beak is yellow.
Chickens of this breed are calm, and do not cause trouble to farmers, reviews of which can be viewed below. Kokhinkhinov not meet on large poultry farms. More often they are kept in homestead farms as decorative chickens.
The Cochins as well as the orpingtons cannot fly, so they should not build high fencing .These chickens hibernate beautifully in non-insulated poultry houses. Make sure that the room was not high humidity, as this will negatively affect the condition of feathers on the legs. These chickens live quietly in the cages, but the farmers almost never use this content of the Cochin breed.
Characteristics of the growing productivity of
The main direction of the Cochinhin breed is meat. Here are the main characteristics of the productivity of chickens:
- females reach a weight of 4 kg, males - 5 kg( dwarf Cochinquins weigh less than 1.2 kg);
- one chicken per season gives up to hundreds of eggs, and during the winter period, egg production rises;
- The average is the weight of each egg is about 55 grams, the shell is light brown in color.
Breed varieties, photos and videos
Thanks to the hard work of the breeders, there are currently several varieties of Cochinchins. Let us consider the description of each of them in more detail.
Yellow( Fawn)
Chickens with this color are most common. The plumage has a bright and rich yellow color, which is why they are often called Kochinqui fawn, but the tail is slightly darker. The beak should have the same shade in which the feathers of the bird are painted. Any white, black or other blotches are considered marriage, such chickens do not participate in the breeding .
Blue Cochinquin - unusual and beautiful chickens. Feathers and tail are painted evenly. Wings, neck, head may have a black color. White color of down is allowed. The beak is yellow. Marriage is the presence of white markings in the tail, and a yellowish shade of feathers.
Black color is common in the Cochinquin breed. All feathers, including the stem, should be black with a slightly greenish tinge. Undesirable purple reflux. The color of the fluff may be white, but only if it is not visible from under the main pen. The beak of birds is yellow or dark. A brownish tint of a feather is considered a marriage.
Chickens of such a motley color are less common. The head of the cocks is striped, painted in brown-red color. The feathers on the neck should be rich golden. Each feather has a black longitudinal stripe. Fly feathers must be brown on the outside and black on the inside. The chest, tail and abdomen are black-brown, the down is gray.
Chickens are not so saturated. Their plumage should have a uniform brown-golden color. On each feather there is a border repeating its outline. The neck and tail are darker than the main color( closer to black).
As a partridge marriage, they consider the presence of a red or red color in the color( in cocks), the absence of characteristic rims on feathers, white blotches, light belly and chest.
Cochinchas of this color must have absolutely white plumage. Any extraneous inclusions are not allowed. Individuals that have feathers of a different color are necessarily excluded from breeding. The beak and tarsus of the white Cochins are yellow.
Dwarf Cochinquins
Dwarf Cochinquin is a separate, independent breed. Such chickens are considered decorative. Like the standard Cochinchins, these birds have a strong build, lush plumage and various colors: white, black, birch, striped, brown, marble.
The maximum weight of an adult rooster is 1.2 kg, and the chickens are 800 g. Dwarf Cochinchins carry only about 80 testicles per year, and the weight of one egg does not exceed 30 grams. The shell, like the standard Cochinquins, is light brown.
. Features of breeding and feeding.
. Hens of this breed adapt to any conditions of detention, therefore there are no new requirements for housing arrangement. Cochinquins winter well in ordinary non-insulated premises. There is only one feature - the roosts should not be high, as these chickens do not know how to fly.
The Cochinquin's diet does not differ from the rations of other breeds, however, farmers should remember that because of their calm disposition, these chickens are prone to obesity. If your birds are gaining extra weight, you should limit their food.
If the chickens feed on feed, it should be kept in the feeders constantly. In summer, the bird eats green fodder with pleasure, in winter they are replaced with crushed hay. It is useful to give germinated grain to chickens. Give the bird a boiled carrot( you can substitute a pumpkin), potatoes.
The following ingredients are also included in the diet: cake, flour( meat and bone, fish, bone), grain( crushed and whole), fodder yeast, bran. Be sure about the feeders for adult birds in a separate container should be gravel.
The breeding of the Cochinquin breed is currently aimed at preserving and improving the existing livestock. In the breeding work using only the brightest representatives.
Treatment of Diseases
Cochins, like any other bird, are susceptible to many diseases. Here are the most common ones:
- Salmonellosis .Symptoms: indigestion, weight loss, reduced egg production. The disease is treated with antibiotics, sick birds are isolated, the rooms are treated with disinfectants.
Tuberculosis. Symptoms: loss of appetite, lethargy, paralysis of the limbs, reduced productivity. Tuberculosis is rarely treated, because the drugs are expensive.
- Pasteurellosis .Symptoms: severe thirst, lethargy, refusal to eat, feces becoming greenish yellow with blood patches, foam can be released from the nose. Juveniles die within a few days after the first signs. For treatment, chickens are injected with antibiotics and hyperimmune serum.
- Colibacteriosis. Symptoms: lethargy, refusal to eat, mucous membranes acquire a bluish tinge, birds begin to choke. There is no cure. Sick chickens are sent for slaughter, and furatsilin solution and antibiotics are drunk as a prophylaxis for health.
- Parasitic diseases. The main sign of the presence of parasites is diarrhea, sometimes mixed with blood. Such diseases are treated with antiparasitic drugs.
Advantages and disadvantages of the breed
The advantages of poultry include: excellent meat taste, unpretentiousness and endurance, increased egg production in the winter, developed hatching egg instincts, minimum walking size requirements, beautiful and original appearance.
There are not many drawbacks to the Cochin breed. These include: a tendency to obesity, late ripeness, difficult breeding work( it is almost impossible to maintain the pedigree qualities at home at the required level, therefore, chicks are not likely to be sold), the high cost of the young.
Reviews of poultry farmers
Farmers say that the Cochin chickens are similar to the Brahma breed, but have a little more weight. A small egg production is a significant minus for many poultry farmers. Due to the fact that there are very few chickens of this breed, it is sometimes difficult to find a truly thoroughbred bird. . Farmers advise to purchase chickens only on breeding farms.
The Cochin breed hens will become the main decoration of for your personal farm. They are unpretentious, calm and peaceful, in addition, their meat has excellent taste.