It is already difficult to imagine the life of an ordinary gardener of Russia without potatoes. When Peter brought the culture from the New World, it immediately gained popularity, which it still holds. Since then, much has changed, a lot of new varieties have appeared, which differ in terms of maturity, taste and other aspects. Among them, the most popular now is the potato Tuleyevsky, characteristics and description of which is given below. The variety is bred by breeders from the Kemerovo region, , and bears the name of the governor.
- potatoes Description Tuleevsky
- Appearance bushes
- Advantages
- potato variety characteristics
- Agrotechnics
- Soil Preparation
- Planting seed
- Hilling
- Harvesting
- Storage
potatoes Description Tuleevsky
Appearance bushes

The average height of the bushes have a fairly compact size. The tubers are characterized by an almost perfect oval shape and are painted in yellowish-beige color
, the flowers, in turn, are white.Dignity
- The variety gained its popularity thanks to the truly high yield , if you carefully care for the plants, then it is possible to collect five hundred kilograms of crops from one hundred square meters, and this is not dependent on geographical location.

- It is resistant to most diseases , but it is worth pointing out that it is susceptible to the golden potato nematode.
- The governor's grade is well kept and has almost no spoiled tubers, both during harvesting and long-term storage. One of the advantages is to add the size of the tubers. They are quite large, according to the proposed data of gardeners, it turned out that the weight of one potato is about half a kilogram of
- . It is resistant to insects and various parasites , to which other varieties are vulnerable. The fruits, in turn, are unpretentious in storage and are resistant to rottenness.
- Also Tuleevsky is notable for its taste. This is noted by all who have ever tried it.
- By the earliness of the Tuleyevsky is on a par with other varieties.
- Drought resistant
Characteristic variety
Potato Tuleyevsky - table variety. The ripening period of the culture is medium early. It has a high yield of , and therefore was fond of gardeners. Tuleyevsky is well kept and resistant to many diseases and parasites.
Agrotechnika potatoes
Pre-planting material spread layer 2-3 tuber for vernalization .Do not allow direct sunlight.
Soil preparation
The most versatile method, according to agronomists, is planting in furrows.
For planting potatoes, you need to prepare the holes, , the distance between which should be 65-70 cm , the optimum depth is 15 cm.

In the autumn and spring they dig the soil. Carefully weed, ridding the ground of stalks and weed roots. When the ground heats up to + 8-10 degrees Celsius , proceed to landing.
Planting Seeds
Procedure :
- Three days before planting , the tubers are cut into two - three parts of , each weighing under fifty grams, two - three eyes should be left on the parts.

- Then tubers are laid out in the sun until the peel is green. After this procedure, potatoes are planted in pre-prepared wells.
- After the earth warms to plus eight to ten degrees of Celsius, planting material is planted.
Potatoes Tuleyevsky does not require watering, it is even contraindicated. If a drought happens, loosen the aisles.
Spud bushes need more than 3 times while the growing season. After germination, the seedlings need to fall asleep, when the first flowers appear, the plants spud .When “laying” the tops of potatoes again spud.

In unfavorable weather before the last hilling, an aqueous solution of chicken manure or manure is added to the aisle to support the plants.
Tuleyevsky does not require top dressing, in the case when the soil is too depleted, you can use humus.
When the tops turn yellow and wither, potatoes can be harvested.
Potatoes must be stored separately from seed.
Neighborhood with other varieties of potatoes is not allowed. The temperature at the storage location should be plus three degrees Celsius and humidity close to ninety-five percent.

If there is no possibility to maintain temperature and humidity, the tubers are placed in boxes and covered with straw or other covering material.
So, potato Tuleevsky has many advantages, including : high yield, resistance to most diseases and parasites, the variety is adapted to the Russian climate, unpretentious, able to survive even in adverse conditions, but still requires proper care, as well asany other varieties. Tuleyevsky - the most popular variety of potatoes among all the most common. Gardeners and breeders give preference to Tuleyevsky.