Planting and care at home for room lily

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House lily - one of the most beloved home plants. It is not rarely found on the windowsills of both residential and administrative buildings. The flower’s popularity is due to its large, bright buds. It differs from its garden counterparts, first of all, in size. But beautiful, regular flowering is possible only with proper care and planting. Also often in apartments you can see a room flower resembling a lily. Such plants have other names. But because of their similarity, they are also often called lilies.

How to plant a lily?

At home, this plant blooms the same way as in the garden - in the summer months. Therefore, it is planted in early spring. In a container you can place several bulbs at once. But it is necessary to adhere to the rule: for one copy you need at least twenty centimeters of space.

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Buying bulbs, be sure to carefully consider them. A healthy specimen should not be wrinkled, have brown spots.

The landing itself consists of several stages. If you follow all the rules, the plant will quickly take root.

Planting process:

  1. First, disinfect the bulb. To do this, you must make a weak aqueous solution of potassium permanganate and put planting material into it. Tuber hold in the liquid for about twenty minutes and put on a napkin. The bulb should dry out a bit.
  2. At the bottom of the tank for planting should be put drainage. This may be rubble, ordinary broken brick or expanded clay.
  3. Next, a soil mix is ​​poured onto the drainage. Soil for lilies can be bought both in the store and cook yourself. In the second case, you will need to mix the two parts of sod land and one by one - of humus, peat and sand.
  4. After this, a hole is made in the soil, into which the bulb fits. But it is necessary to locate so that after falling asleep its half was above the surface. The earth around is rammed.
  5. A pot with a flower should be put on the window sill, where a lot of light falls.

It is necessary to choose the capacity for lilies, taking into account the characteristics of the variety. That is, the larger the adult plant, the deeper it is for him to take a pot.

Care and fertilizer

Proper care is important for all houseplants. Including lilies. These flowers are not very capricious. But on how comfortable conditions will be created for them, depends on the beautiful appearance of plants and the abundance of flowering. Photos of home lily care at home are presented below.

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Therefore, if you decide to grow lilies on the windowsill, watch for such factors:

  1. Watering. Irrigation should be regular and moderate. Too much waterlogging or a prolonged drought will negatively affect the condition of the flower.
  2. Airing. Indoor flower lily does not accept dry and "stale" air. Therefore, the room where the plant is located must be regularly aired. But it is impossible for a flower to be in a draft.
  3. Lighting. All lily light-requiring. For the normal development and flowering of such a plant requires a sufficient amount of light. Therefore, a pot of lilies is recommended to put on the windows on the south side. But during dinner, when direct sunlight is particularly hot, the flower should be pritenyat.
  4. Loosening. This is one of the mandatory conditions of care. Regular carrying out of such procedure will provide access of oxygen to roots. Loosen the ground should be at a depth of no more than five centimeters, otherwise you can damage the roots.
  5. Fresh air. In the warm season, the room lily can be taken out on the balcony or veranda. The main thing is to protect it from the scorching sun and ensure that it does not remain outside when the air temperature drops below ten degrees.
  6. Spraying. Irrigation of the plant must be sprayed regularly. This will ensure the rapid growth of foliage and its beautiful appearance.
  7. Garter. If there are a lot of buds on the stem, you need to put up a support and tie up a flower. This will strengthen the stem, and it will not break under its own weight.
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As for fertilizer, they must be applied during the growing season. To do this, it is recommended to use special formulations designed specifically for lily. They can be purchased at a specialty store. Organic fertilization is also possible. Before the appearance of buds, this should be done every ten days. After the beginning of flowering, the number of such procedures should be reduced to once a month.

Special attention should also be paid to the care of a room lily at home after flowering. At the end of budding, the upper part of the culture gradually dies off, and the bulb itself goes into a state of rest. Cut the yellowed stem is not necessary. During this period, it is recommended to reduce the number of waterings in half. A spray irrigation - stop completely.

For the winter, the bulb is recommended to be placed in a room where the air temperature does not rise above five degrees. If this is not possible, it is removed from the pot, put in a bag of sawdust and placed in the refrigerator.

Diseases and pests

The most common home lilies are fungal diseases. Basically, such problems arise when the owners are too zealous with watering. In most cases, gray lily affects indoor lily. The presence of such a disease is indicated by mold spots on the leaves and stem of the flower. If gray rot is detected, all damaged parts of the plant should be removed. And healthy areas are sprayed with a solution of copper sulfate.

Bulbs can also be affected by a fungus-like soft rot. This disease is reflected in the tubers in the form of dark, watery spots. In this case, the bulb becomes soft, covered with mold. A copy that is too overwhelmed cannot be saved. In case of partial damage, it will restore the vitality of the culture. To do this, mix the coal with sulfur, remove the onion from the ground and treat with this mixture. Then put it in the rore solution for half an hour, stretch out and let dry.

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Also, a lily houseplant may be subject to a disease like mosaic. The first signs appear as enlightenments along the veins. In the future, these spots become whitish or yellow. Their number increases. As a result, the entire sheet disappears. Occurs due to damage to chloroplasts and the destruction of chlorophyll. Tissues are affected at the cellular level. Infection occurs as a result of virus transfer from one plant to another. For example, after using the same tools without disinfection. Drugs against mosaic does not exist. When this disease occurs, the plant is destroyed.

But complex diseases in room lilies, photos and names of which are presented in this article, rarely occur. Most often, problems with growing leads to improper care. Therefore, if you notice any aesthetic deviations in the development of the plant, simply adjust the mode.

A few care tips:

  1. In case the bulb starts to rot, change the soil and reduce the amount of watering. Also, the lack of or a small amount of drainage can lead to such problems.
  2. If the plant has turned yellow, it has become dull, maybe it lacks moisture. In this case, the number of irrigations should be increased.
  3. At home, insects lilies are rarely affected. But, if this happened, treat the plant with a special preparation.

Growing and caring for room lily is not complicated and interesting. With proper planting and care, the plant will delight with beautiful green leaves and large bright buds.

How to grow a lily on the window - video

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