Is it possible to eat green potatoes

Potato is a product that will never come out of our consumption. Therefore, the demands on the quality of this product is justified. Whether we grow potatoes ourselves, or buy them in a store, from time to time we come across tubers with a green skin.

Table of contents

  • Can I eat green potatoes
  • What will I see if I eat green potatoes and whether it is harmful
  • What should I do in case of poisoning
  • Use

Can I eat green potatoes

?by layer.

The reason for the appearance of greenery is the natural ability of this plant to reproduce itself. Sunlight, falling on the tuber, starts the process of photosynthesis, which colors it in green.

This plant belongs to the family of nightshade, so contains in its structure the harmful poison solanin .It is a poisonous glycoalkaloid produced by a family of solanaceous. The increased content is in the green parts of the plant, especially in the leaves, berries and green roots.

In the tubers themselves, the content of this poison

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does not exceed 0.05% .But, after the tubers begin to affect the sun's ultraviolet and infrared rays, the content of solanine cutting increases significantly.

What will happen if you eat green potatoes and whether it is harmful

If you make a dish of green potato tubers and eat it, the worst thing that can happen is gastrointestinal disorder .

Green Potatoes Unsuitable for Cooking

If this substance enters the human or animal body in the amount of 300 - 400 mg , the most tragic outcome may occur.

In order to get poisoned by solanine, you need to eat at least two kilograms of fresh, green, unpeeled potatoes. The constant use of such potatoes also negatively affects the body, accumulating the concentration of solanine in the blood.

If there are green parts in the potatoes, they can be cut. When cooking, the action of solanine decreases due to the fact that part of the poison goes into the water. But if there is an opportunity, then it is better not to risk your health and the health of your loved ones, why not use potatoes of dubious quality for food.

Always reject green potato tubers.

Solanine is more dangerous for children, the elderly, pregnant women and people with chronic diseases.

Always reject green tubers.

The first symptoms, when poisoning with green potatoes, can be:

  • irritation of the gastric mucosa , which leads to nausea and vomiting, or cramps in the stomach and diarrhea,
  • is disturbed by heart muscle, or vomiting, or abdominal pain and diarrhea,
  • disrupts heart muscle, or vomiting, or stomach pain and diarrhea,
  • disrupts heart muscle, or vomiting, or stomach pains and diarrhea,
  • disrupts heart muscle, or vomiting, or stomach pain and diarrhea,
  • disrupts heart muscle, or vomiting, or abdominal pain and diarrhea,
  • disrupts heart muscle, or vomiting, or abdominal cramps and diarrhea,
  • causes heart muscle work, or vomiting, or stomach pain and diarrhea., reduction of pressure and arrhythmic pulses,
  • , , depression of the nervous system, , disorientation,
  • pupil dilation,
  • , fever and decomposition of red blood cells,
  • in some cases suroads and even coma.

What to do in case of poisoning

  1. If the symptoms are severe, then first need to call an ambulance .
  2. Then do the gastric lavage with a weak solution of potassium permanganate( potassium permanganate).For an adult, we prepare a three-liter jar of a solution of a weak pink color( if necessary, dilute another jar).
  3. Artificially induce vomiting ( adults only).
  4. After washing, give activated carbon. If necessary, give a laxative.
  5. A visiting doctor can perform intravenous rehydration( saturation of the body with water) using a sterile solution of sodium chloride. This process helps with dehydration, obtained after washing the stomach.
For any poisoning, be sure to see a doctor.

. Use


Green tubers are better preserved in the subfield until spring, are less susceptible to deterioration, and have much better germination in spring than normal ones. Even the rats are less affected by the potatoes, which turned green.

Despite the fact that such a potato is poisonous, it has its own purpose. Gardeners specially spread it in a thin layer in a warm and well-lit room, so that it becomes a greenish color and good and thick shoots appear.

Green potatoes are germinated and used for planting

. Some even take it out to the balcony or loggia during the day so that the tubers receive ultraviolet light, harden , and begin the process of photosynthesis. To make the process more uniform, the tubers, as they turn green, turn “not green” sideways to the sun.

The plant will be more resilient and less susceptible to various diseases.

Thanks to these not tricky manipulations, the potato crop can be obtained 15 - 20 days earlier than the usual ripening, and the yield from one bush will increase by an order of magnitude.

When buying food in a store, pay special attention to the color of potato tubers, and the presence of sprouts on them. The green color and the presence of sprouts indicate that the photosynthesis process has been started by , and the amount of solanine has increased several times.

And, on the contrary, when choosing potatoes for planting, give preference to green tubers with large and thick shoots. He will bring you a harvest much earlier than ordinary potatoes.

Do not forget about hilling. It not only makes the soil loose, and stimulates the growth of plant tubers, but also protects them from the process of photosynthesis. Hilling the bottom of the plant at least twice a season.

If you saw green sprouts on potatoes - do not purchase it for cooking
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