You want to connect the house to the centralized gas supply? But this is a welcome event can take away a lot of time, effort and money, right? You want to have your household gasification passed without superfluous nerves and penalties, but did not know how to act?
We will help you to deal with the procedure to connect the gas to a private house in a maximum reduction of time and without problems. The article describes all the steps, starting with documentation and ending with the introduction of a mounted system in operation. Selected illustrative photographs and informative videos.
Understanding of this process will stretch their resources more profitably - for earthworks can be done on their own. But to tie the employee is required part of the gas service, a suitably competent. Do not interfere, and a knowledge of the characteristics of installation of gas communications.
The content of the article:
- Features dwellings gasification
Gasification homeownership steps
- Step # 1 - documenting gasification
- Step # 2 - supply pipe to the house
- Step # 3 - The arrangement of the boiler room
- Step # 4 - Enter the house communications
- Step # 5 - test run and final event
- Conclusions and useful videos on the topic
Features dwellings gasification
With the gas in the building can be successfully organize and heating and hot water heating, and cooking. Gas equipment safely and varied, and the cost of natural gas is generally lower than the use of electricity for the same purposes, solid or liquid fuel.
In addition, the gas lines fail rarely, but a power outage - a common phenomenon. Inventories as wood, coal, diesel and other similar energy to constantly replenish.
The main problem with natural gas - its danger to human health and the ability to explode. Even a small leak can lead to poisoning or an explosion. That is why the requirements for the installation of gas communications is very high, it is not necessary to think about how to carry out all the work of their own hands.

To introduce gas into a private house properly use a special unit called the reducer to reduce the pressure of the gas
To begin, experts do not recommend to save on materials or elements of the system. Laying pipes of dubious quality and unprofessional installation is unacceptable.
Gas pipes are almost always necessary to lay open way (except for the underground pipeline sections). They can not hide under any decorative elements to improve the interior.

The gas pipe is not recommended to introduce into the house through the thickness of the foundation, for this purpose a hole is made in the outer wall and the sleeve is inserted into it to protect
We recommend that you avoid installing plug connections. All locations in which pipes are connected, should be located so that at any time the contact position can be inspected and repaired if necessary.
It is impossible to lay the gas pipes inside the wall or in the interior of the foundation. This rule applies to other elements, such as trims, door boxes, windows, walls, etc.
In some cases, may be laying the gas pipe Murphy, but this point should be clearly reflected and justified in the project. There are specific requirements and to the slope of pipes. Horizontal line position deviation permitted only 3 mm in the direction of gas appliances.
The vertical same no deviations are not allowed, but the riser may have a small slope not greater than 2 mm per meter. He should not pass through accommodation, through the toilet or bathroom. Gas riser must be located in the stairwell, it is often carried out through the kitchen.
Have carefully traced the installation of shut-off valves. Thus, the position of the central axis of the tube must be strictly parallel to the wall, along which the pipe passes. Choosing the position of the valve, make sure that the position of the locking device is not blocked by the wall. From the ceiling and from the walls of the gas pipe should be located at a distance of 100 mm.

Gas pipes are fixed along the wall does not close, and a short distance to the communication remain accessible for routine inspection and maintenance
The gap between the wall and the pipe can vary from pipe size to the radius limit value at 100 mm. This clearance is required to construct it was possible to explore freely. From floor should withstand a distance of 2.2 m. Gas pipes put on special solid support, sagging structure unacceptable.
Therefore, you must make sure that between the bracket and the pipe there are no gaps. All these important points are taken into account in design of gas supply systemWhich must be pre-compiled by specialists engineers.
Gas pipe should be not less than 30 cm from the switch box, and not less than 25 cm from an open wiring. The hidden cable must withdraw at least five centimeters.
Gasification homeownership steps
Figuring out how to connect the natural gas to a private home, should take into account the long procedure of registration of various documents.
Step # 1 - documenting gasification
First, the owner will have to file an application for home gasification, to which you want to attach documents ownership and at home, and on land, as well as all the available technical documentation with respect to these objects.

Before starting the installation of the pipeline experts make specifications and detailed design of the gas system, which contains all the elements, size, distance, etc.
After that experts should investigate the land and the house, to prepare a document called specifications. At this stage it should be clarified whether the do not have to lay the pipeline through areas of the neighbors.
It is better to immediately discuss with them this time, to obtain permission and agree on the features of the work. Thus one can avoid the many problems and delays.

Through walls and ceiling gas pipes is conducted using a protective sleeve and a seal, the inside of the sleeve may be arranged only a one-piece tube section
design documentation package will be drawn up and agreed upon on the basis of technical specifications for gasification concrete house and portion. Only after that it will be possible to hire a contractor to carry out the complex installation.
It will be carried out installation of the external and internal parts of the gas pipeline, connecting it to the common rail, connection of gas equipment and other important steps.
The process will have to issue a number of important contracts, such as:
- to conduct research and drafting terms of reference for designers;
- on the drawing up of project documentation;
- for installation works on laying indoor and outdoor water supply;
- the supply of natural gas, etc.
In addition, you must obtain a number of permits. For example, you will need permission from the gasification section of the local architectural management.
And also should invite experts who examined the available in-house (or arranged specifically for the gas boiler and other gas appliances) chimney. The satisfactory condition of the construction is confirmed by the relevant act.
With the cost of connecting suburban area to the house to the centralized gas supply introduce articleEntirely dedicated to this issue.
Step # 2 - supply pipe to the house
Almost all elements, devices and materials to be used in a gasification process, should have a quality certificate. For pipeline installation It is usually recommended to use pipes made of low alloy or mild steel. Diameter structure shall be 150 mm at a wall thickness of 5 mm.
Possible to use non-galvanized steel seamless pipe of the alloy. Assembling is performed by welding the pipeline, the quality for the individual line segments must be flawless. At the points of installation of valves are used threaded joints.
In addition to steel pipes for mounting pipeline systems in recent years increasingly used design of plastic. They are lighter in weight, easier to install, good resistance to cold, heat, corrosive chemicals, do not conduct electricity, etc.
When installing plastic pipes in the ground, you can do without additional measures, as is done for the steel structures. However, plastic is used only for the installation of outdoor pipeline, entering into the house, and an internal system should be metal. Plastic also does not apply in areas with very harsh winters and high seismic hazard.

Laying of underground pipeline costs about 60% more expensive than the installation of a ground gas network, but this method is considered more secure installation
Laying the pipeline underground, for obvious reasons, is more expensive, but if it is done correctly, such a pipe will be protected from outside influence and accidental damage.
If the pipe will need to navigate through the road, the executor will have to block the road, and charting the traffic detour. The circuit claimed in local traffic police department, whereby the artist receives the order.
Give preference to land-based gas pipeline is recommended in areas where the soil has increased characteristics of corrosivity, but if located near transmission lines, it is better to give preference to underground Communications.
In one section may be combined, both types of pads, e.g., across conduct underground pipeline, through portion neighbors - above the ground, etc.

It is not always possible to lay a gas pipeline under the ground, special precautions should be observed in the outer lining of the pipeline, given the impact of external factors
Once the project is ready, you can proceed directly to the carrying out of installation works. Of course, do them will be experts who have the necessary training and equipment.
Step # 3 - The arrangement of the boiler room
But before the start of the gas pipeline it is recommended to take care of the premises, which will be installed gas appliances: outdoor gas boiler column or wall, a plate, etc.
And in the boiler room and the kitchen should be a window that can be open at any time to ventilate. opening area not less than half a square meter. Ceiling height should be at least 220 cm. Casement doors should not be opened to do inside and out.

Gas boilers with capacity less than 30 kW can be installed directly in the house, a separate room for these purposes, but need a separate boiler room for more powerful devices
Take into account that the number of burners on a gas stove depends on the size of the kitchen. So, in a room of less than eight square meters may only be installed stove with two burners for stove three burners requires a minimum of 12 square meters. m for chetyrehkomforochnogo device - at least 15 sq. m etc.
If the boiler output exceeds 30 kW, the boiler will need to build for him located at some distance from the house. It should be compulsory to ensure good ventilation, the walls, floor and ceiling decorate the fire-resistant materials.
Do not use the boiler as a storage area, the presence of foreign objects and materials can cause an accident.

By the arrangement of the gas boiler chimney makes serious demands to take into account the characteristics of the material finishes boiler walls and its roof. Symbols: d - diameter of the chimney in the boiler, D - outside diameter of the chimney
By the boiler, which is located in the building, should necessarily bring water, and a sensor for determining the level of carbon dioxide in the air. It is recommended to set the alarm system, which will block the flow of gas in case of leakage. Do not install the boiler in a more than two low-power boiler.
For device 30 kW required space volume of at least three cubic meters, to a high power boiler, more than 60 kW, it is necessary not less than 11.5 cc. m space. People should not be in the boiler room of more than four hours a day.
Flooring, walls and ceiling in the boiler room must not only be resistant to fire, but also not producing dust. Dirt is often the cause of failures of gas equipment.
Prerequisite to connect to a main gas supplier is installing gas meter. With the rules of selection of the gas meter and the specificity of its setting will introduce the recommended article us.
Step # 4 - Enter the house communications
That in the process of mounting its own gas supply system properly introduce gas into the house, make a hole at the bottom of one of the exterior walls, but not in the thickness of the foundation.
The hole is first inserted into the insert a steel liner, and then administered through a tube house. To it then connects the main riser and the inner pipeline.

Box in the main gas pipe line carries a special service. Then, the first gas should start, no leaks checking, adjustment of gas equipment etc.
The riser is usually positioned vertically, stepping away from the wall by 15 cm and securing it with special hooks to fix the vertical position. Tube set at a slight slant to it.
Particularly noteworthy are all places where gas pipes pass through walls. The holes need to do quite large, because they also need to invest protective sleeve through which the pipe is carried out.
Preliminary all areas of communications, which will be located in the wall should be covered with several layers of oil paint. Clearance between the surface of the tube and sleeve should lay the tow layer, impregnated with resin and fill the bitumen layer.
Thus it is necessary to make sure that the wall was not there places that are welded or threaded. Only one-piece tube may be in the thickness of the wall.

Inside the house can be constructed only of metal gas pipes. High demands are made to the state structures both vertically and horizontally
The smaller the compounds in the pipeline, the larger areas of solid tubes, the better for the safety of the structure. Not to cut the design, when it is necessary to bend and change direction, allowed heating portion of the gas burner, but to abuse this method is not necessary.
Portions of the pipeline is connected to the ground, the pipe is then positioned along the wall, connected, fastened by special clips. Narrow tube 40 mm in diameter, can be fixed to the wall with special clamps or staples.
Thicker design hung on brackets, as mentioned above. In any case it is necessary to fix firmly in a fastening wall by means of mortar and concrete wooden plugs.

Narrow gas pipes can be fixed on the wall by means of special fittings. It is important that these elements are securely fastened in the thickness of the wall
Welding gas pipes - a special art. To stitch a really smooth and strong, you must carefully prepare the bonding surfaces. Edge communications should be cut, align and clean up to one centimeter. Only then can you start welding. We recommend using high-quality electrodes.

To mount the gas addition tube using a plurality of auxiliary elements. All of them should be of high quality, confirmed by certificate
Threaded connections should be made as small as possible. They must be carefully compacted to avoid any risk of gas leakage. First, the thread was treated with whitewash, then it is wound gasket (linen yarn FUM-tape, etc.), only after this is screwed connection.
Step # 5 - test run and final event
After assembly of the system and introducing gas into a private home, will have to pass a number of final measures. Before starting up the equipment and setting home owners must pass safety training. For laying the inner and outer pipeline can invite one or contractor or two different if desired.
It can be both experts local gas company or third parties who have the appropriate license. And here is a direct connection to the main gas pipeline is to carry out a separate service penetrations.
After that, the first start-up of gas in the system and runs check for leaks. This service is paid for separately. At this point it should already be a contract for servicing of existing gas equipment.
After the first start-up gas service company technician must perform the adjustment of such equipment, it is an important point, on which the warranty.
If not yet possible for any good reason, the connection to the main gas system, pay attention to the option of installation of gasholder. It is possible that at the moment this method of gas supply company in the house for you personally would be more attractive.
Conclusions and useful videos on the topic
Details of private homes gasification procedure presented in this video:
It contains practical advice that can help you avoid common mistakes in the process of laying gas:
Execution of works on gasification of any object - a job for professionals with appropriate skills and licenses. On the site owner's obligation is imposed on registration of necessary documents, selecting a contractor, etc..
Manages the whole procedure is usually not cheap, but the result is worth the money and effort.
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