The apparatus and the characteristics of the LED lamp E40

LEDs methodically squeezed out of circulation, not only household incandescent bulbs, but also industrial lighting. The desire to save, forcing entrepreneurs and municipal authorities to look for less energy-consuming devices.

Suitable for illuminating a large area of ​​organization is a lamp LED E40, construction of which is compatible with a number of in-use lights.

In this article we will talk about the device, LED lamps, their varieties and scope.

The content of the article:

  • LED lamp device
    • General structural elements
    • Features Edison Screw
    • Wiring Diagram
  • Variety of LED bulbs E40
  • Features of industrial LED lamps
  • Areas of application E40 lamps
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

LED lamp device

Due to the large diameter of the cap LED lamp E40 without problems accommodates inside itself a plurality of electronic components. And it increased the volume of housing allows to distribute the heat evenly, preventing overheating of the product.

Due to its design features LED-lamp E40 receives and many other advantages.

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General structural elements

E40 LED bulb can be quite different appearance. They all share a screw-type cap with a diameter of 40mm. Despite the external differences, the design of such lights have in common.

The block diagram of the LED lamp E40

More preferred homogeneous open radiators which directly transfer thermal energy from the heated printed circuit board to the surrounding air

The main component parts as follows:

  1. diffuser. It represents matte bulk plastic shell disposed around LEDs. It ensures a maximally even distribution of light across the lamp circumference.
  2. LED crystalsIt is direct light emitter. They are located on the printed circuit board and are available in three varieties: SMD, COB, Filament.
  3. Printed circuit board. It has the form of a thermally conductive metal plate that facilitates the transfer of heat from the working LED chip to the heat sink.
  4. Aluminum or Metal-radiator. Is generally located between the socket and bulb has a ribbed form designed to increase the heat transfer area of ​​the bulb.
  5. Driver. It is a chip that provides a reduced voltage and constant current LED crystals. Qualitative driver must not lead to the lamp flashing at her work.
  6. Dielectric plastic or ceramic linerWhich delineates the energized base and the other structural elements of the LED light.
  7. Metal screw cap E40Diameter 40 mm. It is used for fastening the lamp in the luminaire and provides the current holder of the driver.

If the socket E40 LED lamp type is always the same, the external shape of the bulb, and the radiator can vary greatly.

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Lamp device E40 «Corn»

The advantage of forms of "Corn" is a fast heat dissipation due to the even distribution of the LEDs on the surface

The driver inside the LED lamp such as "corn"

Hollow LED lamp contains a lot of space for the driver elements, which allows to extend its functionality

Pear-shaped LED lamp in the context of

Most of the volume of pear LED bulb takes the air, and its shape is caused mainly by the desire to keep the classic design

Drivers LED bulbs

A larger number of series-connected capacitor current ripple is smoothed, and hence the flashing LEDs

Lamp device E40 «Corn»

Lamp device E40 «Corn»

The driver inside the LED lamp such as "corn"

The driver inside the LED lamp such as "corn"

Pear-shaped LED lamp in the context of

Pear-shaped LED lamp in the context of

Drivers LED bulbs

Drivers LED bulbs

Powerful light emitting chip generates heat by-lot. To maintain acceptable operating temperatures within the housing such lamps requires a radiator with a high surface area.

Therefore, the size and shape of the LED devices is largely due to their power and other technical specifications.

Features Edison Screw

The letter E in the marking of the threaded cap owes its origin to the inventor Thomas Edison lamp, which is patented engineering solution more than 100 years ago.

Its design has not changed for a century by a number of advantages:

  • ease of assembly and strength;
  • a large area of ​​contact with the inner surface of the cartridge;
  • ease of production;
  • possibility of installing the cap inside the additional parts.

The most common formats are screw caps E14, E27 and E40. The two-valued figure in the marking indicates their outer diameter.

Sizes of the threaded cap

If the size of the screw cap bulb smaller than the inner diameter of the cartridge, it is possible to acquire an inexpensive adapter. It will allow the device to adjust to each other

E40 Cap has previously been used in mercury arc lamps and incandescent light bulbs. Its large size is due to the necessity of increasing the area of ​​contact with the cartridge, as well as the desire to reduce heating of the glass base in a narrow place.

E40 LED lamps are made only in order to ensure compatibility with older fixtures. There are no objective reasons for using such large plinths at the moment.

Wiring Diagram

The cost and reliability of LED-lamps E40 depends on the quantity and quality of the driver details. And it is based on a chip which can be manufactured in the various functional variants.

In the simplest execution of the driver consists of a small capacitor and a voltage rectifier. load current limiter acts SMD resistor disposed on the LED board. This simple circuit does not contain even a transformer that makes use it strictly defined number of LEDs.

Simple wiring of LED lamps

Repair the LED lamp with a simple scheme can a person with basic knowledge in the field of electronics. For perepaivaniya burnt LEDs need only multimeter and soldering

In such a low-cost version of the lamp light is pulsed, which may adversely affect the general health of people nearby.

the most complex Driver LED bulbs include the following structural elements:

  • voltage bridge rectifier with a capacitive ballast, limiting the input current;
  • several high-capacity capacitors arranged at different levels circuit;
  • feedback system allowing to regulate the voltage and current;
  • Dimming wiring, making it possible to smoothly control the luminosity of the lamp.

Qualitative driver completely eliminates pulsation LED-lamp and stabilizes the voltage supplied to the LEDs.

Multifunctional circuitry LED lamp

Large internal volume LED bulb E40 format allows you to easily place in it all the necessary elements of the chip

This increases the overall life of the product and increases its efficiency. Complex schemes have disadvantages:

  • big size;
  • the complexity of the repair;
  • expensiveness.

In addition to the two electrical circuits discussed there are many options for the internal intermediate device driver. Consumers demand bulbs of various designs. For example, for night lighting deserted industrial sites will suffice lamp with a simple driver.

Variety of LED bulbs E40

Industrial lighting equipment structurally more diverse household. Accordingly, lamps are required various characteristics for it. Of great importance is the direction of light, the possibility of continuous operation and security of the case.

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Single-sided LED bulb E40

In the absence of the coating to protect the LEDs flask and venting individual lenses can be applied light

Cylindrical LED bulb

E40 bulb size can be sold with pre-built adapter, unscrewing which transforms them into Type E27

LED lamp with a semicircular radiator

Overheated LEDs reduce their luminosity, so the cooling efficiency depends on the efficiency of lamps

actively cooled LED lamps

In active cooling of high-power LED lamps it takes about 10% of the electricity they consume

Single-sided LED bulb E40

Single-sided LED bulb E40

Cylindrical LED bulb

Cylindrical LED bulb

LED lamp with a semicircular radiator

LED lamp with a semicircular radiator

actively cooled LED lamps

actively cooled LED lamps

Manufacturers also follow the demand and offer consumers the following modifications of LED lamps:

  • dust- and waterproof;
  • a working voltage of 110 or 220;
  • emission angle of 120 to 360 degrees;
  • power of 10 to 500 W;
  • of plastic, aluminum, heat-resistant materials;
  • matt, transparent bulb, LEDs open;
  • a light sensor, motion;
  • dimmable;
  • vibration-proof, explosion-proof.

In little-known manufacturers of LED lamps additional options may be more a marketing ploy than a real advantage. Therefore, priority should be given with the purchase of lighting products of famous brands.

Features of industrial LED lamps

Lighting fixtures with E40 socket is used only in the industrial and public sector. Household goods such structures simply do not produce.

For industrial luminaires are increased requirements for reliability and resistance to external factors. Therefore, working in them, E40 LED bulbs also have a number of features:

  1. Power value ratio is 0.9-0.95, and in household bulbs - 0.7-0.9.
  2. LEDs often have individual lenses change the direction of light.
  3. Extended operating temperature range. E40 bulbs driver is designed for heating up to 110-120 ° C and cooling to -50 ° C frost.
  4. Extended service life - up to 10 years of continuous light.
  5. The housing often has anti-vandal protection to prevent mechanical damage to the LEDs.
  6. Placement of LEDs on the board suggests the possibility of their replacement during repair.
  7. Most E40 lamp is protected from wind, rain and dust.
  8. Reinforced radiator allows you to actively remove heat at a clock work.
  9. Increased CRI.
  10. Unlike mercury lamps, LED does not require the installation of additional triggers.

The above advantages significantly increase the cost of the LED lamp socket E40. But at the expense of increased reliability and extend the life of such products reduce the operating costs of enterprises. Once putting in fixtures are LED bulbs, you can not worry about them for several years.

Comparison of mercury arc lamps and LED

LED light bulb, unlike mercury, environmentally safe, consume less energy and last longer, with a similar light flux

Lighting equipment with E40 socket is replaced by current models rather slowly. The reason - the lack of new alternative standards for the connection of removable LED lamps. Another obstacle is the hardware upgrades unresponsiveness industrial customers to design and obsolescence of devices.

Areas of application E40 lamps

Niche devices with light direction in the industrial sector for a long time occupied the LED spotlights. Light bulb with E40 socket assigned niche diffused lighting large areas and premises.

LED street lighting

Cold light is best perceived by the driver's eye at night, so the road is illuminated mainly E40 lamps with high color temperature

The main points of use are:

  1. Outdoor areas of industrial facilities, warehouses, transport bases, and public institutions.
  2. Roadside lampposts.
  3. The yards of private homes, villas.
  4. Shopping and entertainment centers.
  5. Production halls with high ceilings.
  6. Stadiums.
  7. Angara.
  8. Playgrounds.

In winter, the LED lamps are good because they are in contact with the snow does not create a difference in temperature in different parts of the body. This not violated the strength characteristics of flasks.

Cap E40 is a relic of the past, so it is hardly in the future it will be used in new areas.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

The videos are displayed E40 LED bulb in work and also seen their internal structure.

Compare LED lamps with different caps:

The review and the internal structure of E40 LED light bulb:

Testing powerful LED lamp E40 type "corn":

Native socket E40 LED light bulb is used in less and less. The reason is the desire of manufacturers to please the maximum number of consumers. Often they are simply component parts of E27 format adapter for a larger diameter. However, this does not prevent the LED-lamps with a base diameter sorokamillimetrovym quality cover huge areas and save money municipal and commercial enterprises.

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