Video about planting beetsin open ground. The culture is two years old, but if cultivated incorrectly, the formation of a peduncle will begin, while the root crop will not work or it will be small and ugly. Cultivating varieties that form round heads and elongated cylindrical fruits. Beetroot canteen, fodder and sugar. The color of the table root can be not only burgundy, sometimes there are varieties with a different color. There are leafy beet varieties. Soil preparation and sowing seeds
Beet loves fertile light soil with a neutral reaction. Therefore, the bed under the culture is prepared in the fall. The best predecessors will be the culture, demanding fertility of the soil. This may be onions, cucumbers, tomatoes. You can not sow beets after cruciferous crops, because they have common pests. The bed should be made in previous years. Before sowing, superphosphate and potassium chloride are additionally added to the soil. For fertility is important enough humus content, which is created with the introduction of compost or humus.
Do not add fresh manure to the flower beds for root vegetables. Beetroot well absorbs nitrogen fertilizers and stores them in root vegetables. Therefore, an excess of nitrogen in the soil is unacceptable.
The earth is deeply loosened and cut into furrows with a distance of 25 cm. Seeds unfold at a distance of 9-10 cm. From above, they are sprinkled to a depth of 2 cm, the soil is moistened. Shoots will appear in a week, if pre-sowing seed treatment is carried out.
Seeds from beets are harvested in nodules and on top are in a common shell, which must be destroyed in order to accelerate seed germination. They are soaked in ash solution, in stimulants followed by germination. To do this, seed in a wet state is kept for a day or two. During this time, the seeds swell, and their germination in the ground is faster.
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Up to five seedlings can appear from a nodule. Therefore, after germination of the plant should be thinned, leaving one strong sprout from the ball. There are single-root beet seeds, and this information is written on the package. How to plant beets, at what distance, depends on further care. If you need to use young leaves and nodules, sow beets more often to thin out and use early products.
Beet care in the summer
In order to grow tasty root crops with good yields, you need to follow simple rules of care:
- sowing at the optimum time;
- proper watering of plants;
- weed and pest control;
- plant nutrition.
If the beets are intended to produce marketable products for winter storage, there is no rush to sow. The soil must be heated to 10 degrees, seedlings should not fall under the cold snap, otherwise the beets will shoot themselves. Therefore, sowing begins when sustainable heat is guaranteed to young seedlings.
In each region, heat comes at a different time. Therefore, for Ukraine, sowing may be in April, in the Moscow region in the middle of May, in Eastern Siberia at the very end of May. When growing beets, there are several features that will help grow a gentle root vegetable.
Only beets need to be fed with regular table salt. At the same time, it becomes sweeter and sweeter. The explanation of the phenomenon lies in the origin of the plant. In the Mediterranean for centuries it blew the sea, saturated with salt air, and it became a physiologically necessary plant.
After thinning the plants it is watered with the addition of fertilizer for the rapid development of the outlet. Than to feed the beets for growth is chosen according to circumstances. This can be herbal infusion with nettle, potassium nitrate or urea. Any fertilizer present contains nitrogen.
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After the 6-7 developed leaves appear, you should conduct foliar feeding with microelements, the most important of which will be boron for beets. If after adding nitrogen the beets do not grow well, than they decide to feed them after analyzing the acidity of the soil. It is possible that the acidic environment prevents the assimilation of elements. An ambulance in this case will be the introduction of ash.
A lack of boron in the soil must be replenished. Signs of a lack of an element will be fomoz beets - the formation of black spots on the root. Preventive spraying with a solution of 5 g of boric acid in 10 liters of water will protect the roots from the flaws.
After the fruit has formed in the size of a walnut make the second feeding, phosphate-potassium fertilizers. Than to feed the beets in July, choose based on the requirements of plant development. Since the beginning of the formation of the root, any supplements with the inclusion of nitrogen compounds should be excluded. An example of such a balanced top dressing is the Agricola-4 fertilizer. At the same time fertilizing is done without splashing, from the nose closer to the plants, without wetting the leaf blade. Any dressings are done on wet soil after watering.
Sometimes the question arises how to water the beets in the open field. Root crop develops poorly with uneven soil moisture. Abundant watering of dry land can lead to cracking of root crops. Therefore, water-charging irrigation is required by sprinkling with supply of up to 20 liters of water per square one time. In between, weekly irrigations are necessary, which stop 2 weeks before harvesting.
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Pests and beet diseases
Healthy beet leaves have a shiny surface without spots. The emergence of non-characteristic chlorotic manifestations, dry spots indicates that it is time to conduct foliar treatment with fungicidal preparations. The best would be prevention with the use of Fitosporin or Bordeaux mixture concentration of 1%.
Pests inflict great damage to beets:
- beet flea;
- nematodes and wireworms;
- winter and cabbage scoops.
Combating these pests includes methods for mechanically sampling pests from the earth, biological and chemical methods of control. Use on developing crops of scaring agents is the best prevention. The use of soil stimulants will allow microorganisms to restore their own balance without the use of chemicals. Therefore, regular use of drugs such as Radiance and EM-1 Baikal will help increase plant immunity to pests and diseases. In addition, a film is created on the leaves that prevents spores from penetrating and puncturing.
How and when to harvest beets for storage
The most valuable are the roots of medium size. That is why you should not hurry with the spring sowing of seeds. The larger the beet grows, the coarser the fiber. Remove the beets until frost, as the root crop does not tolerate sub-zero temperatures and will be unsuitable for storage. And the biology of the plant is such that the grown root rises above the surface. Therefore, remove the beets early.
From the scapes, the vegetable is released without a knife, by twisting the tops. The cut with a knife dries for a long time and more juice leaves a root vegetable than with uneven twisting. The earth dries out and gently peels off the surface without breaking the thin skin. Damaged fruits are unsuitable for storage. You can store beets in a box of sand and just on top of the potatoes. She takes away excess moisture from the cellar.
Video about planting beets