the most popular winter-hardy berry plants. Their peculiarity is that they withstand very harsh weather conditions, so they easily adapted and found wide application in Russia and other northern regions. The main plant species
To date, there are several varieties of shadberry. In addition, breeders managed to bring many of its varieties.
The most common types of shadberry are:
- ;
- blood red irga;
- older;
- Canadian.
Each of the varieties has its own distinctive features, which we consider in this article.
Irga Smokie and Hybrid
Irga Hybrid includes three main varieties - Spike Irga, Lamarck Irga, as well as the large-flowered. From these species, many other varieties were grown. They all differ in form and taste.
As for irgi smouki, it first appeared in Canada. The bush has a huge number of trunks, while the branches grow first vertically, and when the period of fruit ripening arrives, they become sprawling. The berries of this variety are dark blue and even glitter a little. Their shape is more spherical, the diameter reaches sixteen millimeters. The fruit tastes quite sweet, juicy, has a delicate pleasant smell. In addition, they are very healthy.
Some varieties of irgi are suitable for growing Moscow region.
Many gardeners grow irgu smokas to enjoy the taste of wonderful berries, and also use them for processing. The first fruits appear no earlier than three years after planting the plant in the ground. Wild flowering begins in mid-May, and the berries ripen in August.
Irga Smoke does not need special care. It is resistant to various diseases and pests. The only thing that is required is protection against birds, because they are the first to want to eat amazing berries.
Irga smooth
This type of plant is widely popular among summer residents. Its features consist in leaves that have a purple tint. Branches are wide, hanging in the form of brushes. They look very impressive and beautiful.
When the bush blooms, tasty and healthy berries appear in place of the leaves.
Since the plant grows strongly, it should be planted in large areas. Irga smooth can reach ten meters high. In the hole must be poured drainage. You can make it from broken brick or expanded clay. This will prevent water from stagnating and will prevent root rot.
The plant is quite unpretentious. It does not need to constantly water and use special skills in the care. That is why this culture is loved by many gardeners.
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In addition, another distinctive feature of the plant is resistance to various weather conditions. It easily transfers temperature drops, strong winds, frosts and snow.
The disadvantage of the irgi is that it is quite difficult to grow it from cuttings. She very rarely takes root in this way.
Often a smooth irga is planted in apiaries, thereby increasing the amount of honey.
Irga smooth can be attacked by some pests, so at the first signs immediately cut off the damaged branches, and treat the bush with special means. It is also necessary in the period of the disease to make dressing. It is best to purchase a universal mix. It should be used according to the instructions.
Irga spiky
A distinctive feature of the variety is small fruits, which by weight reach a maximum of half a gram. Berry has a sweet taste, but it is not juicy, and therefore not as tasty as other varieties.
The height of the bush reaches seventy centimeters. Prefers to grow a culture mainly in rocky areas and in mixed forests.
The spiked irga propagates in many ways - by seeds, dividing a bush, undergrowth and cuttings. Seeds before sowing must first be prepared. They need to be stratified for ninety days. The temperature in this process should be from one to five degrees plus.
Unlike other species, the irosa is spike-shaped, easily propagated by cuttings and dividing the bush. Separated shoots take root quite easily and quickly.
This type of plant, like the previous one, perfectly tolerates changes in temperature, frost and wind, does not need shelter in winter and does not require special care. It differs from its relatives by the presence of leaves on the back side, the so-called gun. In addition, it is still present on the pedicels and on the tops of the branches.
Due to the fact that the berries on the shrub are small, they grow a huge amount. They are mostly rich dark colors. Leaf color after frost does not change, like in other varieties.
Irga vulgaris
The simplest and most widespread variety of irgi. Its height reaches three meters. It has a broad crown, thin twigs and a large number of fruits. After the first planting, the culture, without requiring significant care, can grow in one place for up to fifteen years. Young twigs are light silver in color. As they grow, color changes. In just a few years they become a gray-brown hue.
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Irga ordinary is also called large leaf. The name speaks for itself. The leaves grow in length to five centimeters. Mostly they are located on young shoots, the old branches are almost bald.
In shape resemble an egg. The edges are slightly jagged. As for the color plates, it varies depending on age and season. When the leaves only grow, they are light white. With the onset of hot weather, they acquire a dark green hue, and closer to the autumn they become red-orange. Light leaves can be observed on young leaves and branches; however, after a while it disappears and the plant becomes smoother.
On the branches that grow in the first year, there are scrubby cysts, on which flowers grow. The petals are narrow at the base and slightly expanding closer to the edge on the sides. Buds have a pink-white shade. Their size is small, the diameter reaches only three centimeters.
The period of flowering of common irgi is not long. It is approximately seven to ten days. However, during this time you will have time to admire just gorgeous shrubs.
The first fruits appear on the plant, which is already four years old. The berries taste is no different from other wild varieties, they are quite small in size. The color is predominantly blue-black, with a slight white bloom.
This type of shrub is used to decorate suburban areas. Does not require special care, quite unpretentious.
Irga Canadian
This bush is characterized by the fact that the leaves fall. Often the culture is used as an ornamental plant. In height can grow in the interval from one and a half to eight meters.
Canadian game is striking in its beauty at all times of the year. In the spring, when the buds just begin to bloom, the branches seem to be covered with frost. Then the period of flowering begins, and the whole bush is covered with snow-white small flowers. He secrete peculiar aroma that attracts bees to him.
If you plant an irgu close to each other, then its shoots will be pulled upwards.
After flowering, berries appear. Ripe fruits have a beautiful purple-blue hue.
As the weather changes, the leaves change their color from dark green to burgundy. In winter, the plates fall off, but still the bush looks very beautiful due to the dark branches of red-brown shade.
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Irga Canadian is resistant to frost, does not need shelter for the winter. Planted plants should be at a great distance from each other, so that they can grow to the sides, forming a lush bushes.
Irga Lamarck
This is a no less popular variety. Irga lamarka often grows up to five meters high. The shrub, just like the previous species, is deciduous. The shoots are quite thin, and the leaves are oblong. Each of the plates at the edges is covered with teeth. The length of the leaves reaches nine centimeters, and the width - five. During the season, they change their shade several times. They first acquire a copper-purple color, but after a short time, acquire a green color, and then a reddish-orange tone. After this, the leaves fall for the winter period.
The distinctive feature of the irgi lamarck is that the flowers during flowering do not have any pronounced smell, while they are quite small. The fruits begin to ripen closer to mid-August. Their color is rather dark. Berries can be purple-black or blue. Irga Lamarck is a bit like Canadian, but its main difference is that it has larger sizes of both the leaves and the berries themselves.
Irga olkholistnaya, slate
Shrub irgi olkolistnoy famous for its beneficial properties. The composition of the berries contains a large amount of vitamin C, as well as carotene, fiber and pectin.
Used berries for medicinal purposes. They help to cope with problems of digestion and strengthen the intestines. Also used for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Juice of berries of this variety is used to treat angina and other colds.
Among the varieties of Canadian irgi, it is worth highlighting the slate. The berries have a rich black color.
They are quite large in diameter. In addition, the fruits are distinguished by their taste. They are very sweet, juicy and have a pleasant aroma. Because of its taste, the irgu slate especially needs to be protected from birds, otherwise you will not be able to enjoy this incredible taste.
Knowing the varieties of irgi and their features, you can grow a beautiful and at the same time useful plant on your plot. This culture does not need special care, so it will be able to please with its delicious berries for many years.
Irga at their summer cottage - video