Heat for cucumbers is an important and necessary component that guarantees good yields. Spring vagaries of weather and climate features of some regions complicate the process of growing cucumber, despite its unpretentiousness. There are several ways of arranging the beds, providing favorable conditions for cultivation.
As an alternative to a greenhouse, you can prepare a wooden device with your own hands in open ground, and fill it with a layer of manure, which, when interacting with water, will produce a gas of a certain acidity with heat, which will warm the soil.
Table of contents
- What is a warm bed for cucumbers in open ground
- Advantages and disadvantages of
- device When to prepare a warm garden bed for growing cucumber ASPSsoil
- Preparation scheme and width for planting
What is a warm garden bed for cucumbers in open ground
A warm garden bed is an manyLojny pie composed of organic ( manure, compost) and wood waste( sawdust, chopped twigs), arranged in an excavated trench on the site or installed directly on the surface of the earth.
There is also a mobile version, which involves the use of a tall wooden box with a filler. Fertile soil is poured on top of various types of organic matter.

The process takes place due to the combination of manure or humus with the waste of housekeeping:
- sawdust, trimming;
- eggshell;
- vegetable peels, etc.
A trigger mechanism is boiling water, which is used to pour the prepared pie. When the two components of the interlayer join, the microorganisms oxidize the methane, which ultimately forms carbon dioxide.
With proper arrangement of the heat-accumulating layer, it will be possible to use the beds for for about 10 years , there are enough nutrients for the growth and development of vegetable crops.
Advantages and disadvantages of
device Arrangement of such beds has several advantages:
- sow cucumber seeds or plant tomato seedlings earlier than the usual term ;
- warmly stimulates young shoots for rapid development, strengthens the immune system;
- accelerates and nitrogen, which in the interlayer is a large amount;
- care for the culture is facilitated, because the need for feeding is eliminated;
- to maintain a restricted area is easier;
- The mulch layer prevents the intensive growth of weeds;
- root system is always warm, so you can harvest until the cold.

A warm bed does not have disadvantages, if you do not take into account the labor costs for its arrangement. The process is not really easy, it requires not only strength, but knowledge.
To achieve the desired result, you can only if you comply with the technology , so you should get acquainted with it and prepare a diagram of the accumulating cake. This will eliminate errors in the performance of work.
When to prepare a warm garden bed for growing cucumber
You can prepare for a warm garden bed in autumn, but many gardeners prefer spring. This is due to the active process of decay after the combination of all components.
During the winter period, the initiated reaction is euthanized under the influence of sub-zero temperatures, so fermentation should be started in the spring, repeating the autumn phases again. In the spring to do extra work will not have to.

Under a warm ridge, an place is chosen on a hill with good illumination .The sun's rays will maintain the desired temperature in the soil. It is not necessary to choose a site well blown by the winds, drafts are considered enemies of cucumbers.
Arrangement work can be started in late March - early April .But in any case it is worth waiting for the complete descent of snow.
Types of
Warm ridges are of several types.
Deep Bookmark This option provides for digging an trench to a depth of 2 shovels, up to one and a half meters wide. The length is chosen individually.
The first layer consists of shredded wood waste .Here you can use all that remains after trimming the garden, sawing boards and other chores.
Next, a layer of plant waste is laid: straw, leaves, mowed grass. The next layer is laid out manure mixed with the soil. The process is completed by watering with hot water( almost boiling water).
To start the heat accumulation, cover the bed with a dark film, the edges of which need to be carefully fixed to prevent warm air from escaping. After warming up the soil, you can start planting.

film. On the surface of the
The parameters of this option are limited: length - within the limits of 3-3.5 m , width - not more than 1 m .The surface of the land is cleared of weeds and covered first with a bucket of manure, then with 2 buckets of compost.
Fertilizers are leveled on a selected area with a rake, in this case it is not necessary to dig up. To warm up and start the process of decay, the top of the bed is poured with hot water and covered with a dark film.
Above the surface of the ground
The arrangement principle is similar to the version with a trench, only the laying of the interlayers should be done in the over the ground box .You can knock it out of the boards, slate and other scrap materials. After filling of the fillers, the surface is watered with hot water and covered for heating by the film.

How to make your own hands
After determining the type of warm beds, you can proceed to the preparatory work.
Composition of layers
When using the method of deep bookmarking or arranging a bed above the ground, forms a multi-layered soil cake .The sequence of the layers is as follows:
- metal mesh laid along the edges of the trench( in the elevated version, a box made of wood or other material is installed);
- first layered layer of coarse household waste( branches, wood pruning, knots);
- further crushed cardboard, paper, chips;
- after wood comes the turn of organics( kitchen waste);
- the next layer is laid leaves, tops of garden plants;
- on top of compost;
- the top layer of the cake is formed from the fertile earth( 25-30 cm).
The process is completed with a light tamper that will seal the interlayer.
Proper preparation of the required soil
The top layer of the cake of warm beds is garden soil or garden soil. It should be poured with hot water and cover the surface with plastic film, firmly securing the edges.
To warm up the soil and start the process of decay, you will need from several hours to 2 days of .
Preparation Scheme and Width for Landing
According to the reviews of experienced gardeners, warm beds should be constructed according to the following scheme:
- can be chosen as long as desired, restrictions exist only for the surface method( up to 3.5 m);
- width, allowing you to comfortably take care of plants, is selected within 0.8-1 m ( with a deep tab can be increased to 1.5 m);
- total cake thickness - 1.2–1.4 m ( the largest thickness is on the first layer 35-40 cm and soil 30 cm).

When using a warm bed, should be watered in a timely manner, preventing from drying out. In dry soil, the process of decay stops.
A well-made bed with heat accumulator is suitable for growing many vegetable crops and ornamental plants. Having spent several hours on the formation of a multilayer cake, it is possible to take record yields from a small area for more than 5 years.