Proper use of boric acid for plants

It is often the case that the cultures stop growing, the leaves become brittle and wrinkled, the flowers do not form, and the fruits are small and deformed. This speaks of the boric starvation of plants, and to cope with this, the correct use of boric acid is necessary.

Table of contents

  • Useful properties of boric acid
  • Mechanism of action
  • Use of boric acid in the garden
    • Use for fruit trees
    • Use on vegetables and tomatoes
    • Use for the fruit trees with the
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Useful properties of boric acid

After boron treatment, the roots of the plant are supplied with oxygen, calcium is supplied to all the fibers of the plant, increasingXia amount of chlorophyll accelerated exchange reactions.

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Spraying the seeds before planting, stimulates their germination .

Plants are able to consume boron only in the form of a solution - boric acid.

After fertilizing tomatoes and crops in the garden, increases the yield of by 1/3, improves taste, prolongs the shelf life of fruits.

When using boric acid, the yield of tomatoes is increased by one third

Mechanism of action

The boron microelement, entering the plant, accelerates biochemical processes, helps to saturate it with nutrients. Acid is most often used in the form of spraying, since boron ions in plants tend to migrate very slowly.

Fertilizer is used for many crops:

  • Potato tubers are processed before planting. This is necessary to protect the culture from scab disease.
  • Tomatoes are recommended to be sprayed in the period of the appearance of flowers and budding. Due to the processing of , the number of ovaries will increase , and the sugar content, taste properties will improve, and the size of the fruits will be more.
  • Beets can be fertilized to increase yields.
  • Apple trees and pears are sprayed with to increase the yield of and reduce the drop in ovaries.
  • For strawberries, this fertilizer is necessary for better fruit formation, a set of sugar content, as well as protection against gray rot.
  • After spraying, grapes will have much more ovary than without it.
  • The rose will bloom longer, the buds will become larger, and fungal diseases will not appear.
  • Gladiolus also does not get the fungus, they will increase the number of bulbs.
  • Dahlias, due to boron, will become larger. Therefore, it will be necessary to garter flowers.

Use of boric acid in the garden and garden

The fertilizer uses on all types of soil and for most garden and fruit crops. If they are fed in a timely manner, then rapid growth and strengthening are guaranteed.

For complete dissolution, boric acid must be diluted in one liter of hot water. After cooling, you need to bring the solution to the desired amount by adding water.
Before use, boric acid is diluted with water to the desired concentration.

Use for

fruit trees In apples and pears, there must be a high concentration of boron. But it is impossible to saturate them, otherwise the lower leaves can get burned.

To treat trees, should be diluted with 15 grams of powder per 10 liters of water. Spray need all the crown at sunset twice: during the opening of the buds, then a week later.

Use on vegetables and tomatoes

For tomatoes, apply the solution better during the appearance of ovaries and the formation of green fruits. 10 grams of acid is diluted with 10 liters of water.

Cucumbers every 2 weeks is treated with a solution of 5 grams of boric acid and 2 grams of manganese sulphate per 10 liters of water.

Pepper is fertilized three times during the period of growth on moist soil at the rate of 1 gram per 10 liters of water.

Beets are fed in the appearance phase of 5-6 leaflets, then after 2 weeks. On 1 gram of , 10 liters of water are taken.

Application on beds with

berries. Timely boric acid fertilization improves the growth of berry crops, helps them to become strong, increases fructification, preserves the crop and gives resistance to negative conditions, as well as to pests and infections.

Feeding strawberries with boric acid increases

's disease and pest resistance Before planting strawberries, the material needs to be held for 2 days in a solution, for the preparation of which 0.2 grams powder is consumed 1 liter of hot water.

Strawberries are fed 3 times:

  • . In early spring 1 gram of potassium permanganate and 1 gram of boric acid must be diluted in 10 liters of water. Then you need to shed the roots of plants, it will be enough for about 35 bushes.
  • Before the formation of flowers should be sprayed berry culture. To prepare the fertilizer is taken 5 grams of boron powder per 10 liters of water.
  • During the flowering period of , strawberries can be sprayed or its root system sprinkled with a nutrient solution. To do this, 1 cup of wood ash to fill 2 liters.boiling water, stir and let it brew for 2 hours. Then add 3 grams of potassium permanganate, 3 grams of boric acid, 1 tablespoon of iodine and 8 liters of water.

For the enrichment of raspberries and strawberries in early spring with nutrients, you can take a bucket of water with a pink solution of potassium permanganate, add boric acid on the tip of the knife, mix everything thoroughly.

Safety measures when working with

. It is believed that this fertilizer in a small amount will not cause harm to humans. But while working with him, you need to use special clothes, gloves and a respirator. After completion, you should thoroughly wash your face and hands with soap and water.

The fertilizer can easily ignite , therefore it is unacceptable to leave it in the fire zone. It is recommended to close the package well and use a dark and cool place for storage.

Boric acid should be kept tightly closed and protected from fire.
Boron-containing products lose their usefulness when stored at -1.

Compatibility with other drugs.

Boric acid is compatible with many fertilizers. The main condition, when preparing a solution with other substances, the concentration of the powder should be reduced twice .

First aid for poisoning

Boric acid, getting inside a person can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, redness. In case of accidental ingestion of fertilizer in the stomach, you need to drink several glasses of water and cause vomiting .

If it gets on the open area of ​​the skin, it is necessary to wash it with with soap.

An experienced gardener who in a timely manner finds signs of starvation of boron in garden crops will definitely feed them with boron. The use of boric acid is useful for all plants. Indeed, thanks to its action, the harvest is rich, the taste of the fruit is improved, and the shelf life is extended.

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