Growing tomatoes in the garden for any gardener is a fascinating and informative process. There is an opportunity to experiment and bring something more, more rational. It is even more interesting to try cultivating vegetables right on the windowsill of the house. Among the wide range of varieties of many varieties of dwarf plants. One of these representatives is tomato bonsai, the description and characteristics of which are presented below.
.C.TM.C.the size of the bush, whose height barely reaches half a meter( usually 25-35 cm).This gives the ability to grow fruits at home( on a windowsill, balcony) .However, the possibility of cultivation in the open field is not excluded. Agrotechnology does not contain difficult conditions, there is no need for stading. Vegetation - 85-90 days.

The appearance of the bush has aesthetic value, a beautiful overlap of green with red dots brings natural features to the design. However, in addition to the beauty of the fruit have excellent taste.
The yield of the variety is high, one 1-1.7 kg of tomatoes is removed from one bush. The average weight of a tomato is 35-55 grams; a good tomato flavor is noted during tasting. Vegetable is ideal for different salads, saturate the dish with freshness or become decoration.Advantages and disadvantages of
Growing tomatoes Bonsai has several advantages:
- high yield , about 2 kg of fruits can be harvested from a compact bush;
- plant introduces into the interior of natural freshness thanks to the beautiful forms of and color contrasts( thick green is literally overlaid with small red tomatoes);
- simple agrotechnology , the bush does not need to be tied up;
- from planting to harvesting takes about 98 days ;
- you can eat vegetables at the time, when has long been picked from the beds of tomatoes;
- is a well-lit for culture, but whether it is shading or direct sunlight does not matter.

The main advantage of the variety is the ability to cultivate it in home or in the open field.
There are no obvious drawbacks to Bonsai, except the plant is slightly capricious for watering. The peculiarity of crops grown on the windowsill is the difficulty of creating favorable conditions with centralized heating.
Landing time
Planted seeding at the end of February or the beginning of March. When the seedlings reach the 55 age, you can prepare for the transplant. It is usually performed in early May, but given that the culture is grown at home, the time allowed to move by 2-4 weeks.
Preparation of soil for tomatoes

The soil for tomatoes should not be heavy, as an option to use a universal substrate from the hardware store. A self-prepared mixture of the following components is also suitable:
- fertile soil;
- wood ash;
- peat;
- river sand.
After thoroughly mixing , the soil should be decontaminated with with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
Preparation of seeds for planting
Many gardeners are of the opinion that the seeds of hybrids bought in sachets do not need special training. Disinfecting seed should be in cases of acquiring it from strangers.

Conventional preparation includes moistening the seeds and wrapping them in a damp napkin. After 1-2 days, the seeds will be ready for planting.
Seeds are placed in boxes with a moistened soil mixture. Works are planned for February - March. Filled containers even a few days before seeding watered with warm water. This should be done in small portions by spraying. Grains are buried in the ground on the 0.8-1 cm, the surface is slightly sprinkled with earth, the top is covered with foil or glass. You should not put more than 2-3 seeds in a plastic cup. Shoots appear after 5-6 days. Of the sprouts that appear, leave one of the strongest ones, which must be subsequently pinned.

Ready seedlings should be transplanted into separate pots, the capacity of which is 5-7 liters. At the bottom of the containers used should be drainage holes, which will ensure that the excess moisture from the soil. Approximately the fourth part of the hill is filled with expanded clay or other drainage, after which the soil mix is poured. Before planting seedlings need to moisten the hole.
In addition to home cultivation, some gardeners plant seedlings in open ground. Seeding is performed in early March. In small plastic cups filled with a moistened substrate, put 3 seeds and cover the surface with film. Through 55-60 days, seedlings will be ready for transplantation, this period falls to the end of May. For early harvest should be planted in early May, but the beds must be covered with foil to protect against frost. When planting, the following scheme is used: 70x30 cm( 7-9 plants per 1 m2).The bed must be well lit, without shading.
Features care and growing varieties
To install the pot is better to pick up the window sill from the south or south-east side. This will provide the plant with good light. In case of insufficient light, it is recommended to install fluorescent lamps.
Watering a crop is sufficient once a week, leaves may turn yellow or fungus from an abundance of moisture. When the air temperature rises, the number of procedures increases up to 2-3 times a week. Before the flowering period, foliage can be additionally sprayed with water at room temperature.

At the stage of recruitment of forces, the plant requires nitrogen fertilizers, and in the formation of fruits - potash. During the growing season, 3-4 supplements are administered.
Masking variety Bonsai does not require. However, to increase yields, remove the top of the stem before flowering.
Pollination rules
The pollination plant handles on its own, but it will not help. To do this, it is enough to shake the branches slightly during the flowering period every 3-4 of the day. It will not be superfluous to water after the procedure, so that the pollen sprouts on the stigma of the pistil.

A beautiful colored bush on the windowsill will not only be a decoration for your home, but also allow you to enjoy the taste of fresh tomatoes in late autumn or even winter.