How to wash a pillow - back to life 2 different filler


  • 1 The correct approach to each type
    • 1.1 1 filler: synthetic
    • 1.2 2 filler: natural
  • 2 findings
To correctly wash the pillow, you know how it is filled with filler.To correctly wash the pillow, you know how it is filled with filler.

My friend believes that the cushions do not need to wash. Enough to change the dirty pillow cases periodically. I do not agree with it. Sooner or later, pillow-case, and finally the filler is stained, worn out and have to throw pillow. Can I wash the pillow in a washing machine, and how else it can be cleaned? Let's look together.

The correct approach to each type

Before you find out how to wash the pillow, you need to determine what it is made of the material. The most popular are:

  1. Pillows made of feathers and down. As a filler used feathers and down of poultry;
Feathers and down quickly and take the necessary form is easy to recover from compression.Feathers and down quickly and take the necessary form is easy to recover from compression.

Pooh poultry - a strong allergen. Before purchasing a feather pillow, find out whether you have an allergy to it.

  1. Synthetics. You can select sinteponovye pillows and stuffed hollofaybera. Their price is relatively low cost - compensates for their fragility.
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Sintepon does not cause allergies and is very soft to the touch.Sintepon does not cause allergies and is very soft to the touch.
  1. organics. The filler acts as bamboo, buckwheat husks, horsetail, herbs, etc.. D.
Organic fillers are endowed orthopedic effect.Organic fillers are endowed orthopedic effect.

Wash pillows of organic matter can not be - filler inevitably deteriorate. After losing its properties orthopedic pillow can only be replaced by a new one.

1 filler: synthetic

To process the wash pillows made of synthetics was successfulYou need to spend a little test. Instruction is simple:

  1. Place a pillow on a hard, flat surface;
  2. Top put on it something heavy - such as a book or a bag. Immediately remove;
  3. Now watch carefully prepared recess: if the material is leveled off - a pillow can be washed, if not - can not be washed.
Formless sintepon holofayber and can not be washed.Formless sintepon holofayber and can not be washed.

Pillows with synthetic filling will transfer easily machine washable. All you need to do is to remove the pillow case and send it to the contents of the drum. Include a delicate cycle with an extra spin.

In one approach can be washed several pillows.In one approach can be washed several pillows.

To get the maximum effectTogether with detergent into the drum, add liquid detergent for dishes. At the end of the wash the pillow to dry in a well ventilated area, preferably in direct sunlight.

During drying pillows at home, she must not touch anything.During drying pillows at home, she must not touch anything.

2 filler: natural

To make it easier to wash down pillows, regularly whip and ventilate their contents.

Where clean pillows if they are a long time did not respond to cleaning? Give them to the dry cleaners, where professionals will clean not only the high quality feather pillow, but also process the disinfectant solution.

Professional cleaning pads gives the product extra volume.Professional cleaning pads gives the product extra volume.

If you're determined to cope with their own handsIt is necessary to take into account that:

  • Wash down pillows - a laborious process. Pre-select a suitable time;
  • Find out what kind of a bird feather was used filling. Cleaning to be only the feathers of waterfowl;

Filler chicken pen wash is impossible, as after exposure to detergents and water, and stray feathers turn into solid lumps. It is better to use dry cleaning.

  • Be sure to stock up on new naperniki.
Napernik - gasket between the filler and a pillowcase that protects the contents of the pillow from dust and stains.Napernik - gasket between the filler and a pillowcase that protects the contents of the pillow from dust and stains.

How to wash a feather pillow at home by hand? This will require:

  • bath;
  • several kinds of detergent;
  • water for washing and rinsing.

The sequence of actions represented in the table:

Picture Procedure
yvaoryvaorvao1 stage 1

Type in a tub of water so that the airbag can fully immerse themselves in it. The water should be hot enough.

yvaoryvaorvao2 step 2

Pour detergent in hot water. Better to use a liquid formulation, it gently works on all kinds of fabric.

For better cleaning liquid blend powder for laundry and dishwashing detergent in a proportion of 1: 1.

yvaoryvaorvao3 step 3

Then lower down pillows in water and actively rub them with your hands.

yvaoryvaorvao4 Step 4

Then let the product drain and rinse in clean water. Pillows should take lightly crumpled form, as in the photo.

To finally wash detergent, rinse, repeat at least 2 times.

Pay particular attention to the fact that the old feather pillows in the machine Machine wash is not recommended - or dry cleaning or washing by hand. Otherwise, you get a crumpled solid block.

There is another way to wash the pillow at home - clean the filler separately from napernika. To do this:

  1. Cut an old pillow-case;
  2. Pour feathers in soap solution. Any suitable means well-foaming soap.
Feathers should be washed in portions, so they are not stuck together.Feathers should be washed in portions, so they are not stuck together.
  1. Leave excipient in solution for 5-6 hours.
  2. Next, take a kitchen colander and dosed rinse under warm water and fluff.
  3. Then decomposed filler uniformly on a horizontal surface;
  4. Dry in a well ventilated placePeriodically turning them;
  5. After complete drying tamp feathers in the pillow-case and tightly sew it.
After washing, the feathers are not only significantly increase in size, but also leave a musty smell.After washing, the feathers are not only significantly increase in size, but also leave a musty smell.

Can I wash the pillow in the washing machineIf it is packed full of fluff? Can. Only here there are some important nuances:

  1. For each product you need to sew multi-layer gauze bag;
Cover protects parts washing if napernik burst.Cover protects parts washing if napernik burst.
  1. To wash the pillow in a washing machine need only include delicate cycle and the temperature was 40 ° C;
  2. Every 30 minutes, you need to get the pillow out of the car and shake;
  3. after washing - mandatory drying in a ventilated area, preferably in air.
If you do it right, the pillow will look like new!If you do it right, the pillow will look like new!


I think now you will make the right conclusion - to erase not only need pillowcases - excipient and napernik also require periodic cleaning. This is important not only for long-term use of cushion, but also for health and sound sleep.

How to wash pillows in the washing machine and by hand, I told you. A video in this article show the process clearly. If you have questions - contact the comments.

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