How to wash the white stuff - 7 tested recipes


  • 1 washing rules for white things
  • 2 Options washing white things
    • 2.1 4 People's recipe
    • 2.2 3 purchased means
  • 3 Finally

I had often wondered how, in the absence of any household chemical goods and washing machines to our grandmothers managed to keep tablecloths, linen and clothes snow-white? Familiar situation? And over time, all of this age-old wisdom and made it before me, so I hasten to share with you my knowledge, as an ideal vystiryvat white stuff.

To white was white, it is necessary to know the rules of washingTo white was white, it is necessary to know the rules of washing

washing rules for white things

Before I tell you how to wash children's clothes from stains and how to return to their former freshness products, like washing outline some rules. They will help keep the long white garment white:

Picture washing rules
table_pic_att14946989921 Rule 1. bright separately

White laundry service to be held separately from other clothes. Furthermore - it is not enough simply to separate the white stuff from colored or dark, you need to sort them by type of fabric.

Cotton, silk, synthetic or mixed fibers or wool materials require different temperature regimes and cleaners.

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Even the best washing powder for white things will not save, if the wrong approach to their sorting.

table_pic_att14946989932 Rule 2. The quantity and quality of bleach

To make it snow-white linen from flax or cotton - feel free to use chlorine-based bleaches. But the more "gentle" means should be adjusted for other materials.

table_pic_att14946989943 Rule 3.Regular cleaning of the washing machine

Faced with the problem, when the washing machine is not washes things, moreover, they appear yellowish spots?

Maybe it's in zabivshemsya draining the washing machine, which prevents quality rinsing things. Or PETN has a scale which should be removed.

Rule 4.Using softener

Adding stiralku detergent white things do not forget to complement it with a softening agent. After that their appearance is much improved.

If you consider these tips for washing, your clothes permanently retain the snow-white color.

Options washing white things

How to wash a white blouse, dress, blouse, underwear and other wardrobe items with the help of popular recipes and ready-purchased materials? I will point out the means, whose effectiveness has been verified with your hands - is confident in each of them.

Return articles original appearance by using soap, ammonia, soda or hydrogen peroxideReturn articles original appearance by using soap, ammonia, soda or hydrogen peroxide

4 People's recipe

If you are not a lover of modern household chemicals, but want to know how to wash the spot with children's clothes and underwear for sure, it's time to get acquainted with the simple folk recipes. Whites may become perfectly white, even without modern devices, I assure!

Illustration Recipes and instructions
table_pic_att14946989955 Recipe 1. Laundry soap

Add about 200 g of chips host. soap in 5 liters of water and you have the perfect solution for digestion things.

boiling time depends on the type of fabric. For example, a white T-shirt made of thin material is necessary to bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat, but dense linen can boil over low heat for half an hour.

Soap perfectly washes pollution, it can be safely used for washing children's clothes.

table_pic_att14946989966 Recipe 2. Hydrogen peroxide

200 ml of hydrogen peroxide dissolve in 5 liters of water. Better pre remove all dirt on clothes by normal washing, and the resulting solution was used for bleaching.

Soak in it product for 2-3 hours, then rinse.

table_pic_att14946989977 Recipe 3. Ammonia

To whiten your favorite things, you can resort to the help of ammonia. Mix it with hydrogen peroxide (at 2 tbsp. tablespoons per 5 liters of water) and the product soak in the solution for half an hour.

Note dilute ammonia need not in warm water, and hot enough (about 50-70 ° C).

table_pic_att14946989988 Recipe 4. Salt and soda

These two components are there for every kitchen, as their price is more than available. Soda can be added to the washing machine or combine it with salt and soap for soaking clothes.

These seemingly simple recipes may well be enough to cope with serious pollution, for example, to remove the powder or foundation with a white garment, and so on. D.

3 purchased means

If you already know how to wash the white stuff and even tried a few popular recipes, but the result is still far from the desired - you can proceed to the "heavy artillery."

Purchased funds can hardly be called ideal, but still they are able to help in the most extreme cases. I would single out those of the whole range of household chemicals:

  • White. I hasten to note that this tool aggressively, and his frequent use can dramatically shorten the life of things. But sometimes you can still add a bit of "whiteness" in the drum of the washing machine - it removes yellowing and gray shade on things.
In the photo - household chemicals, which can sometimes be used in the washing processIn the photo - household chemicals, which can sometimes be used in the washing process
  • Dishwashing liquid. This option eliminates the matter well with sweat traces and grease. The detergent is best added directly to the department for a washing powder.
  • Domestos. To some it may seem strange, but it's great helps to restore the original appearance has lost its white mother. Just soak for 10-20 minutes things in a weak solution of Domestos, and then wash the usual method.
The white should be white!The white should be white!


I told him how to wash the white stuff with the help of popular recipes and household chemicals. Now it's up to you - follow the advice and return the dress perfect whiteness.

In comments sure to share your recipes, there you will be able to ask any clarifying questions on the topic. A video in this article clearly shows how to keep things on a white background.

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