The use of calcium nitrate( calcium nitrate) in the garden

Calcium nitrate is a chemical that can fertilize plants. In agriculture, it is usually referred to as calcium nitrate. There are other names for this substance: calcium nitrate, calcium nitrate, calcined or Norwegian. Used also in construction and other industries. Next, let's talk about the properties and application.

Content of a combination of nitrogen and calcium content

Composition and release form of calcium nitrate

Calcium nitrate belongs to the category of nitrogen mineral fertilizers. The composition is as follows. The amount of valuable substances varies from different manufacturers. Approximate indicators: nitrogen - 15%( from 11.6%), calcium - from 16 to 19%.

Urea is richer in nitrogen( 46%), as is ammonium nitrate( 34%), but they have no other useful components. Being less concentrated, calcium nitrate acts softer.

This drug is packaged in different companies in Russia. The retail garden stores and small wholesale bases most often include the brands “Bui fertilizers”( packaging of 1 kg, 25 g, 20 g), Fertika( 1 kg).Г

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the storage period is usually indicated in the range of 1-2 years, , but the shelf life of such chemicals does not imply certain restrictions( in sealed packaging).

The substance dissolves well in water( especially in warm). Available in the form of snow-white rounded granules or crystals( like salt, sugar).The granular form is more convenient - it absorbs moisture from the air less. Crystals need to be stored strictly in a sealed package, otherwise they quickly dampen, bleed, slyaty.

Granular form of release of calcium nitrate

The value of nitrogen and calcium complex

Nitrogen is the most important element in plant nutrition. But it is poorly absorbed with increased acidity of the soil. Many nitrogen fertilizers( urea, ammonium nitrate) acidify the substrate. Calcium nitrate manifests itself otherwise. It is important combination, the interaction of the two components.

Calcium promotes the penetration of nitrogen into plants. This is especially valuable in acidic and weakly acidic lands.

Most cultivated plants do not like high acidity. Calcium nitrate neutralizes or reduces it. The role of calcium in the life of the soil and plants is multifaceted. This element:

  1. promotes the development of beneficial soil microorganisms, which improves the structure of the soil;
  2. neutralizes harmful salts and metals, blocks their entry into plants;
  3. stimulates the germination of tubers, bulbs and seeds in the soil;
  4. activates the growth of root hairs;
  5. strengthens the cell membranes of plants, helping to resist attacks of diseases and pests;
  6. improves nitrogen absorption and other metabolic processes, chlorophyll synthesis;
  7. helps the movement of carbohydrates, increasing the sugar content and other nutritional qualities of fruits, seeds;
  8. increases crop yield and transportability.

Regular fertilizing with calcium nitrate on acidic soils reduces the incidence of vertex rot( tomatoes and peppers), kelp( cabbage, radish);give bright color to fruits( apples, etc.).

  • honeysuckle, barberry, viburnum
  • acacia, maple( decorative)
  • lupine, chamomile, poppy

Plants that are responsive to the use of calcium nitrate

The preparation is appropriate to use for those crops that are most fruitful( decorative)

for the crops that are most fruitful( decorative)

can be used for those crops that are most fruitful( decorative,

), for those crops that are most fruitful( decorative,

), it is appropriate to use the product for those crops that are most fruitful( decorative,

) for the crops that are most fruitful( decorative,

), for those crops that are most fruitful( decorative,

).The effect is especially noticeable in plants carrying a lot of nutrients - with abundant green mass or a large load of fruits.

Basic List
bone marrowie fertilizers

  1. Soil type is not recommended to use calcium nitrate on alkaline lands.
  2. The most effective application is on weakly acidic and acidic soils.
  3. Excellently respond to calcium nitrate gardens and vegetable gardens located on sod-podzolic soils. This is a territory of mixed forests and forest-steppes in the East European and West Siberian plains.
  4. On heavy clays and loams feed less often, on light sandy loam - a little, but more often.
Fertilization with calcium nitrate of young seedlings

Timing, methods and dosage

Calcium nitrate is convenient to measure, because it is equal to water in weight and volume, that is, 1 liter of this fertilizer weighs 1 kg. In a standard glass - 200 g, in a tablespoon or a matchbox - about 20 g.
  1. When spring plowing the plantation, digging beds are made by dry granules - from 1 to 2.5 kg per 10 square meters. This method is rarely used - if there is no organic matter.
  2. Dry fertilizer is poured into the wells in the spring before planting. Especially useful for cabbage, tomatoes, peppers on acidic lands( 1 teaspoon per well).
  3. Fertilizing seasonal irrigation : 20 g of the drug is dissolved in 10 liters of water, spent on 10 square meters of planting. Under a bush, a sapling at a time pour out 2-3 liters of mortar, under an adult tree - near a bucket.
  • Cherry, plum, apple, grapes, ornamental shrubs, perennial flowers - 1 time in spring before bud break or early vegetation.
  • Lilies - 1 time: when shoots grow to a height of 10 cm.
  • Strawberries, strawberries - after the snow melted and in early August.
  • Seedlings( tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, cabbage, celery, flowers) - 1 time in 2 weeks.
  • Cucumbers, zucchini - repeatedly, every 7-14 days( according to needs).
  • Onions, garlic, lettuce, celery, potatoes, tomatoes, beans, peas, petunia, siderats - 1-2 times in the green stage.
  • Lawn - 3 times, every 30 days( from mid-April to mid-summer).Dosage 400 grams per 10 square meters.
  • foliar dressing allows you to quickly deliver food to the plant tissues.
  • is especially useful in cool or hot weather( when the flow through the roots decreases)
  • is needed on acidic soils for the prevention of disease( rotting tomatoes and peppers, bitter orange flowers are needed on acidic soils for the prevention of disease( rotting tomatoes and peppers, bitter orange flowers are needed on acidic soils for the prevention of disease( rotting tomatoes and peppers, bitter orange flowers are needed on acidic soils for the prevention of disease( rotting tomatoes and peppers, bitter orange flowers are needed on acidic soils for the prevention of disease( rotting tomatoes and peppers, bitter orange flowers are needed on acidic soils for the prevention of disease( rotting tomatoes and peppers, bitter orange flowers are needed in acidic soils for the prevention of disease( rotting tomatoes and peppers);longevity, improve coloring( apples, tomatoes, etc.)
  • give splendor to decorative and deciduous plants, improve the presentation of

Solution: 20-30 g of fertilizer per 10 liters of water. Spraying of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, cherries, plums, grapes, and apple trees is carried out two to four times per season( for early greenery, at the budding stage, at the beginning of fruit formation).Spend 1.5-2 liters per 10 square meters of planting or on a large bush, half a bucket on a tree.

This soluble fertilizer is conveniently fed through a drip irrigation system and when sprinkling.
Watering just planted tomatoes with calcium nitrate with water

Additional rules

The same principles apply to working with calcium nitrate as with other nitrogenous fertilizers:

  1. Liquid root dressing gives perennial crops only in the first half of summer, otherwise their hardiness decreases.
  2. It makes no sense to fill the land with nitrate during the autumn digging: nitrogen will be leached before the next season.
  3. Do not feed "fattening" plants with signs of excess nitrogen.
  4. Do not exceed doses.

overdose, so that they quickly overheated. A similar mixture( only the concentration of fertilizer is made half as much) is taken as a substrate for the forcing of tulips.


Experienced gardeners advise not to mix calcium nitrate with any other drugs at all - neither in dry nor in a dissolved state.

foliar irrigation nitrate solution

calcium strongly not recommended to combine with:

  • other nitrogen fertilizers( and mineral and organic)
  • humates
  • superphosphate
  • potassium chloride
  • calcareous substances
  • stimulants,

pesticides allowed dry blending the granules with phosphate flour, potassium sulfate,ash - just before entering into the soil.


Calcium nitrate must be stored in sealed original packaging. The open pack should be kept in a dry room, used for six months.

The substance belongs to hazard class III. This means that with standard use it is not dangerous to humans and the environment. Strong concentrations can cause burns to the skin and mucous membranes. All actions with fertilizer must be done carefully, in work clothes and rubber gloves. If the chemical gets on the skin and eyes, wash it with running water, if crystalline dust is inhaled, wash the mucous membranes, if accidentally swallowed, drink a large amount of water, take activated charcoal and consult a doctor.

The information about the explosion hazard of calcium nitrate is highly controversial. The fertilizer producer Buysky Chemical Plant calls the substance “explosion-proof and non-flammable,” according to the State Technical Supervision Authority. However, the research team of "InfoMine" warns that with a strong shaking or impact, the chemical can ignite with an explosion( like ammonium nitrate).

Cargo carriers note: calcium nitrate practically does not ignite when ignited, but during heating and strong impact, it can decompose with an explosion and a flame, releasing toxins. It is recommended to keep fertilizer away from any other substances, from organic matter, away from fire. The fire is extinguished by a very large amount of water. The compacted fertilizer mass is not split by blows, but dissolved.

Calcium nitrate is a valuable nitrogenous fertilizer for gardeners and farmers, farms and peasant farms. Its use is especially beneficial on land with high acidity. Improved nutrition and stimulation of immunity are observed in those crops that prefer a less acidic soil solution.

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