When to thin out radishes and how to feed them

Radish is considered the most popular early ripening crop and belongs to green vegetables. The leaves and root vegetables contain a large amount of vitamins. At first glance it may seem that the cultivation of this culture is a simple process. However, to obtain a rich harvest, you should remember about the basic rules for growing and do not forget to thin out the seedlings.

Table of contents

  • Do I need to thin out the radish?
  • When and how to cut the garden correctly?
  • How to water the seedlings
  • How to feed radishes for a good harvest

Do I need to thin out the radishes?

Usually, a common sowing method is used for radish, so that it is easier for the crop to make its way and it is not drowned by weeds. In addition, they do this so that poor seed germination does not affect the future harvest.

Caring for radishes consists of:

  • watering;
  • thinning;
  • loosening;
  • top dressing.

Approximately in 5 days, when the first shoots appeared, the first thinning should be carried out, since the radish is a light-loving culture and from shading it will be pulled out and early to start the arrows.

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The distance between sprouts of 2–3 cm is considered optimal. Seedlings with unfolded cotyledon leaves can be transplanted to a new location. And plants with small leaves are destroyed.

In addition, due to thinning the leaves of the plant assume a horizontal position. This situation prevents the appearance of arrows.

It is also recommended to carry out the first weeding along with thinning, since during this period weeds start to grow actively in the beds.
Unspringed Radish

When and how to thin the bed?

Just in time, it’s hard to say when it should be thinned. Usually the second time you need to thin out in about a month. It is necessary to leave a distance so that the root crop can grow and develop. To do this, thinned seedlings at a rate of 5-6 cm between plants. Picked root vegetables can already be eaten.

Basic rules for thinning:

  1. We recommend thinning after watering.
  2. The optimal thinning time is vespers.
  3. Around the sapling one should hold the ground with one hand and pull the plant out of the ground with the other. This simple procedure will reduce the risk of a possible capture of a nearby plant.

After thinning, the soil should be compacted with hands and water the remaining sprouts with warm water. To improve aeration, it is recommended to loosen the ground between rows.

To avoid thinning, you can mix radish seeds with semolina or sand.
Thinning radish

How to water the seedlings

If this crop is not regularly watered, the roots will grow dry, bitter, hollow. However, the plant should not be poured either, as the root crop will rot. Therefore, in order to get a good, rich, crisp and sweet crop it is necessary to control the dosage and flow of moisture. After each irrigation it is recommended to loosen the soil.

To avoid early and premature flowering of the plant, it is recommended to water the radish in small portions 2-3 times a week. This procedure helps to reduce the temperature of the soil. In addition, it is necessary to control the ground, and as it dries, to carry out watering the beds with the plant.

In hot weather, you may have to water this plant daily.

The first time the soil is watered immediately after sowing the plant.

The important point when watering is the depth of watering:

  • first water the bed so that the water penetrates to a depth of 8 cm;
  • when root crops have formed they should be watered to a depth of 15 cm.

A simple clean water, solution of tobacco or ash, and a herbal extract will suit for watering. It is recommended to combine watering with prevention against pests. Radish has a developed root system and in some varieties the root can grow up to 30 cm deep.

This should be taken into account when watering, it is necessary that he had enough moisture to power. Improper moistening and drying out of the soil can lead to a rasklevaniyu plants, dry and empty root crops.

A few hours before the harvest, the last watering of the plant is carried out. Thanks to this, the roots will be tasty, juicy and will last longer.

Watering radish

Than to feed radishes for a good harvest

Radish requires nutrient soils, and for this you need to feed the soil. However, this cult can accumulate nitrates. For this reason, feed carefully and avoid fertilizer chemicals.

In the fall, the main fertilizer application takes place. When digging into the soil add organics. In the spring, before planting in the ground add complex mineral fertilizers. It is enough such top dressing on fertile soils.
Poor poorlands need fertilizing, which is carried out with irrigation.
As a fertilizer during the growth of radish, perfect:

  • potassium chloride;
  • superphosphate;
  • solution of bird droppings or slurry.

However, it should be remembered that a glut of nitrogen can cause scrub of the shrub, and not a buildup of the root.

Planting radishes is recommended to be mulched with compost. Such a growing scheme allows for watering vegetables useful and nutrients to gradually penetrate into the soil and feed the roots of the plant.

In addition, at the top of the soil can be fertilized with humus and peat. However, their layer should not be higher than 1 cm. Due to this procedure, less evaporation of moisture occurs, and it is retained in the ground.

When growing radish in greenhouses, airing should be carried out after each irrigation to reduce the risk of disease of the "black leg"
. Feeding the soil for planting

radish. Radish is contraindicated to fertilize with fresh manure, since such feeding will cause flowering of the plant, and not the development of the root crop. To harvest a rich and large crop of this crop, it is recommended to weed and loosen the aisle regularly.

Radish needs thinning. Without this procedure, the root crop will grow small and deformed, since the seedlings will fight among themselves for the necessary conditions for growth: water, food, light. Therefore, many gardeners spend thinning radish at least twice - the first time after germination, and the second time about a month after planting.

https: //www.youtube.com/ watch? V = 3jML1dhiRDQ

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