The better to feed the cabbage after planting in the ground

This vegetable has long been grown in Russia, is one of the important products in the preparation of a huge number of dishes. Previously, cabbage was fertilized with organic matter, but today, after planting it in the ground, more and more spraying is carried out with agrochemicals, which allows getting good yields from small plots. Many gardeners do not trust mineral supplements and prefer to feed it with natural means. They believe that vegetables are saturated with nitrates, which have a bad effect on health. Opinion is fundamentally wrong. After all, with proper use of the compounds are no more dangerous than organic fertilizer. They are also useful not only to pour into the wells, but also to splash against pests, although vinegar, ammonia and other special means are more suitable for the purpose of saving the plant.

So that cabbage can be fertilized not only with natural, but also with chemical compositions applied separately or combined to achieve good indicators.

Table of Contents

instagram viewer
  • Do you need top dressing of cabbage planted in a garden?
  • types of fertilizers for proper fertilizer seedlings
    • Nitrogen, well pour the root for the formation of the fetus
    • Potash, needed for the growth of head
    • phosphorus, chemicals for processing at the end of the growing season
  • Natural fertilizers - the ability to feed and cure
    • pests Drizzle manure - accelerate
    • growthThe use of yeast helps save
    • from diseases. Urea, a popular source of obtaining nitrogen,
  • . What to process cabbage before planting?
  • How to water after planting in the open ground

Do need top dressing for cabbage planted in a garden?

To answer the question of whether to feed or not, recall biology and chemistry, the order of plant nutrition and their growth. Nutrient components fall from the soil composition, dissolved in water, pass through the stem, penetrate the leaves. Exposure to sunlight and water, carbon dioxide and mineral components creates organic substances that are necessary for growth. From them and formed cells - the plant grows. The process is called photosynthesis.

The third dressing of cabbage is done on time.

Substances consumed by the roots from the ground are divided into macro - and microelements. Most of all plants need:

  • nitrogen;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • sulfur;
  • Magnesium;Calcium
  • ;
  • gland.

The plant needs less microelements, but they are also necessary for normal development. This group should include:

  • boron;
  • silicon;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • zinc and others.

Without nitrogen and phosphate additives cabbage will slow down in growth, foliage will change shade. Lack of calcium will negatively affect the entire development of the plant, which will remain small. A copper-free vegetable will die even at the seedling stage. So it turns out that a normal crop can be achieved if you feed a crop transplanted into the soil in a timely and correct manner. So if you want the stalks to be plump and the heads are strong, you should definitely fertilize the plants.

Top dressing white cabbage

It is still important to remember that fertilizer formulations should be used in a timely manner. For example, from the beginning of seed germination and before foliage formation, phosphorus is most needed for a plant. And as soon as the root system begins to develop, it should be sprayed with nitrogen and potassium. But at the time of aging there is a need for nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus at the same time. Of course, cabbage care is a painstaking task.
In a word, for the entire growing season, the vegetable must complete three to four supplements in order to achieve a good harvest. The first two( mandatory) are in the initial stage of growth, the third and fourth( if necessary) are performed in June and August, respectively.

Types of fertilizers for the correct fertilizer seedlings

Seedlings transplanted in spring to open ground must be fed at least twice. The first procedure is carried out a couple of weeks after planting, the second - at the initial stage of the formation of the fetus( after picking - required).
For the first feeding use potash, phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers at the rate of two hundred grams per hundred area. This is necessary to speed up the setting up of the head. But if organic matter, compost or humus were used for fertilizing the soil, then five hundred grams of ammonium nitrate should be added to each planting area. The second time it is necessary to process the days after twenty, for which it is necessary to water chicken manure and mullein, loves the vegetable and also the slurry.

Important: if you decide to give frequent feed, you should maintain an interval of fifteen days, alternating mineral solutions with organic ones.

Nitrogen, well podsypat under the root for the formation of the fetus

Ammonium sulfate crystalline

This group may include the following drugs:

  • ammonium nitrate. It looks in the form of crystals of a dirty white color. The price of fertilizer is acceptable, the composition contains more than thirty percent of the nitrogen available to plants. Fertilizer composition is considered the most concentrated of the entire group. Using it, is not recommended to exceed the dosage so that the culture does not accumulate excess nitrates in itself;
  • ammonium sulfate. These are salts of sulfuric acid. In appearance, the fertilizer represents white crystals, contains about twenty percent of nitrogen and a sufficient amount of sulfur. Make it at the rate necessary in the amount of one hundred and fifty percent of the nitrate to give the plants the right amount of nitrogen. But at the same time, remember that this fertilizer can increase the acidity of the soil composition , which is not very desirable. And it is not necessary to spray the plant to get rid of pests;
  • urea. These are ammonium salts of carbonic acid. White crystals contain up to forty six percent of nitrogen, which entails a reduction in the additional feeding rate by one and a half times.

Potash, needed for head growth

Fertilizer potassium chloride

Cabbage, like Bulgarian pepper, badly needs potassium, which is needed for root formation and development of the aerial part so that it can start heading, especially at an early stage of development. Otherwise, the plant will be tall, but empty. It performs an important function in the transfer of organic compounds. About this, you must always remember and feed the vegetable so that it forms a head with potassium-containing compounds:

  • potassium chloride. In its pure form, it is represented by white crystals, resembling ordinary salt. In nature, in this form it is rare, but the natural version is distinguished by reddish tones. Available potassium in the composition - about sixty percent. Acidification of the soil is high ;
  • potassium sulphate. These are potassium salts of sulfuric acid, containing up to fifty percent of the component. In most cases, the composition is used for chlorophobic crops, which do not include cabbage. It is possible to apply as top dressing structure.

Phosphoric, chemicals for processing at the end of the growing season.

For cabbage, phosphorus is not very necessary, but it is not recommended to ignore its use. It plays an important role at the time of heading and the collection of nutrients at the final stage of the growing season. Superphosphate treatment is most often used. The compositions can be of two types, according to the amount of phosphorus, so it is necessary to check the packaging.

Superphosphate ammoniated

Natural fertilizers - the ability to feed and pest control

Culture responds well not only to fertilizers purchased in the store, but also to nutritional formulations made according to popular recipes. They also help the plant to form a large and strong head.

Organic Manure Manure

Fertilize with manure - accelerate the growth of

This is one of the best options, especially if it is a white or color variety. Pre-manure is diluted with water at the rate of 1 to 5. For the first time such composition can be used two weeks after the seedlings are transferred to unprotected soil. After the procedure, the feed beds must necessarily spud. The second feed is performed before the formation of the ovary. But in this case, it is recommended to add wood ash in the amount of forty grams to the slurry.

For the third time, manure is applied at a three-week interval after its second application. Watering with manure also allows you to save the plant from pests and save from further troubles. It is good for this to also sprinkle liquid ammonia, this is both protection and fertilizer.

The use of yeast helps to save

from diseases. They contain a lot of useful components, vitamins and amino acids. Such an additive will help the seedlings fight diseases and move the transplant well, we do not need black spots on the leaves. This activates the development of the root system, improves the overall soil composition.

Despite its advantages, yeast can lower the content of potassium and calcium in the earth. So when they are applied, it is advised to add wood ash or eggshell( chicken) to the soil in ground form.

Yeast feeds three weeks after the introduction of the first feeding composition. Two hundred grams of dry yeast is diluted with a liter of warm water, a teaspoon of sugar, infused for two hours. Then the whole mass flows into a bucket of water. Consumption of the resulting composition should be from three to four hundred grams per plant;

Yeast top dressing

Urea, a popular source of nitrogen production

Chemical compound, originally obtained from the product of human activity. Today, urea is produced from mammalian proteins and individual fish individuals. With the help of such top dressing, the plant gets the right amount of nitrogen, gaining faster in green mass. Before dressing should be thirty grams of urea diluted in a bucket of water. Under one plant poured half a liter of composition.

How to process cabbage before planting?

As soon as the saplings form two or three leaves, it is allowed to transplant it into an open bed. For its good adaptation, it is necessary to begin the gradual tempering of in advance. In addition, the seedlings are fed with humate solutions or mineral fertilizers are used, of which Agricola and Kemira can be considered as examples. But they do this only if the soil composition contains a small amount of useful elements. As a preventive measure against harmful parasites, spraying the leaves and dusting the beds with tree ash are performed. This will protect the plant from pests such as slug, flea and caterpillar.

Organic fertilizer -

ash How to water after planting in open ground

Water the crop thoroughly, observing a certain interval in a couple of days during the first two weeks. Water consumption for each square of the plot should be from seven to eight liters. Then the number of procedures can be reduced to once a week, pouring ten to twelve liters per square meter of beds.

Be sure to follow the precautions if you prepare all formulations and solutions at home!

Often, water procedures are combined with the application of fertilizers. This helps the root system to better assimilate the beneficial components entering the soil.
It should be noted that the application of fertilizers should be performed on cloudy days or in the evenings, combining them with abundant irrigation. Compliance with all recommendations will help you grow a rich harvest of this tasty and healthy vegetable.

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