Plant care process is not easy, requiring some time and effort. But no difficulties can keep flower growers from planting a climbing rose on their site. Popular varieties of climbing roses
Before you buy the planting material of this flower, you need to have information about its varieties. Depending on the species, the care and planting of a climbing rose may differ. Some varieties are quite unpretentious to the soil, irrigation and fertilizer. And the other way around.
The most common varieties of climbing roses:
- "Flammentants" - a species that tolerates cold;
- "Dortmund" - growth of a bush reaches two meters, blossoms with bright red flowers on a dark green background from leaves;
- "Heidelberg" - winter-hardy and unpretentious, blooms with large scarlet blooms;
- "New Down" - the height of the bush can be six meters. The color of the buds is light pink, resistant to diseases;
- "Climbing Minekhah" - blooms in pink in the last month of spring, the height of the bush can reach four meters;
- "Dorothy Perkins" - the buds of this variety are not large( up to three centimeters in diameter), the plant has bright green leaves.
When is planting a climbing rose, and how to prepare the soil?
Growing a climbing rose begins with its planting. Advance it is necessary to purchase planting material, select the site and prepare the soil.
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The planting of climbing roses is carried out in spring or autumn.
Pre-plot the land you need to dig to the depth of a bayonet spade. In the soil to make equal proportions of peat, lime and humus. Planting climbing roses begins with digging holes. Pits should be half a meter by half a meter. The wells should be well shed water.
At the bottom it is better to put a mixture of manure( 2.5 kilograms), clay( 5 kilograms) and phosphobacterin tablets( 2 pieces).The compound should be thoroughly mixed until smooth.
Planting Climbing Rose
The purchased bush of climbing rose requires preliminary preparation for planting. Shoots and root system should be cut to the same length, not more than thirty centimeters. This approach will strengthen the bush and provide abundant flowering.
Cuts on the roots are treated with ashes, and on shoots with garden pitch. This is done in order to protect the climbing rose from infections and speed up the healing process. After planting, the seedling is worth earthing up, for a successful wintering. Between young bushes need to leave a distance of about a meter and a half.
When placing a seedling in a planting hole, it is worth carefully spreading the roots of the plant. Filling the soil you need to tamp it up so as not to form voids. If gaps remain between the roots, there is a risk of frost damage.
When planting a weaving rose near fences or walls of a house, you need to leave a distance between them of about half a meter.
Care for a climbing rose
The basic rules for the care of a climbing rose are:
- pruning;
- top dressing;
- watering;
- shelter in winter.
It is especially important to keep track of young steam trays, they should be regularly watered and fertilized with useful minerals. Radical piece of land as weed weed weed and loosen.
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Already from the middle of autumn you need to start preparing for the winter period. On any September day, weak shoots are chosen and pruned. Scourge climbing roses alone begin to fall to the ground( a little later they are covered).After a couple of weeks, the branches of the plant will get used to the horizontal position. At this time, the whips must be collected into bundles consisting of three or four pieces, and treated with a solution of copper sulphate.
When the temperature drops below five degrees, it is necessary to cut off all the leaves, and cover the bare branches.
Sheltering for the winter
Care for a climbing rose is also to properly cover her for the winter. In the place where the plants lashes lay, you need to dig small depressions. Lay the fallen leaves on their bottom, place the roses there and cover them with the same material. On the natural shelter is placed another film or roofing material. In the spring the plant will need to open.
Proper care for a climbing rose is not possible without the trimming process. In the spring on the bush need to identify weak and damaged shoots. Such branches are necessarily removed.
In summer, the faded whips are cut off, in this way the bush rejuvenates and forms new shoots.
What and how to feed
If you know how to care for a climbing rose, you can grow a beautiful bush with abundant flowering. The plant is demanding to feed, in the period of growth you need to fertilize the flower more than five times. Positively on the development of roses will affect the introduction of mineral and organic substances. It is desirable to alternate them. During the flowering period, the plant is not fed.
Climbing roses are drought-resistant flowers, over-wetting the soil for them can lead to death. There is also a high risk of various diseases. Therefore, the plant is not watered often, about once every seven days.
Fighting diseases and pests
Some of the most common diseases for climbing roses are:
- bark cancer;
- powdery mildew.
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If they are not treated, the plant will quickly die. Powdery mildew is disposed of using Bordeaux mixture. This tool is worth spraying the bushes at least three times within two weeks.
With bark cancer, the fight is difficult, so it is better to carry out preventive measures. For example, timely shelter and release from it. If the plant has undergone a disease, then you need to cut off the damaged area of the rose. It should definitely be burned.
The pests of the climbing beauty are:
For the detection of parasites need to carefully inspect the bush. If such are present, then it is urgent to begin to fight them.
The safest method of protection against aphids and spider mites is spraying a bush with decoction of nettle and horsetail. But in the case of a strong defeat of the rose, you need to resort to the help of insecticides.
Climbing roses are the most popular decoration of arbors, fences, walls. A photo against the background of this plant is an indescribable beauty that any gardener is able to grow.
Video - care for a climbing rose