To help summer residents photo and names of different varieties of melons

Contents of the article:

How to spud potatoes?

How to spud potatoes?Gardening

Content of the article: The need for hilling potatoes The time of the first and subsequent hillingand protection of tubers from adverse weather conditions. That is why all ga...

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What varieties of zucchini to choose for growing in the Urals and Siberia

What varieties of zucchini to choose for growing in the Urals and SiberiaGardening

Content of the article: The best varieties of zucchini for the Urals The best varieties of zucchini for Siberia Video about the beautiful variety of zucchini-zucchini ...

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Why doesn't the potato sprout?

Why doesn't the potato sprout?Gardening

Contents of the article: The reasons why the seedlings do not appear 1. Weather conditions 2. Diseases and pests 3. Improper storage of seed How to achieve...

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