Thinsulate insulation: heat at least for a walk, even in space


  • 1 What is Thinsulate
    • 1.1 material Features
    • 1.2 where to apply
    • 1.3 modifications
  • 2 Comparison with other heaters
  • 3 care Regulations
  • 4 conclusion
Thinsulate - the most modern insulation with excellent featuresThinsulate - the most modern insulation with excellent features

I recently chose the winter clothes and grandson came across the counter with thin overalls. At first I thought they were in the spring and autumn, but the label claimed that this winter version. All became clear when the label was found the inscription "Thinsulate Insulation", and I found in the store on the internet description of this material.

Winter is on the wane, and I can say that the suit was very comfortable - warm, breathable, waterproof, do not hold down movements. And for those who doubt whether to buy such things, I can help to dispel doubts.

What is Thinsulate

In English thinsulate thin and insulating means. This is one of the most modern synthetic insulations, which appeared thanks to NASA for the development of the space industry.

Initially, the material intended for the manufacture of space suitsInitially, the material intended for the manufacture of space suits
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It is well known that all the best consumer goods are a byproduct of research and development for military and space needs. And Thinsulate - is no exception. Because this is a unique material that surpasses other heaters in many ways.

material Features

Deficiencies in the material slightly. It is the ability to accumulate static electricity, which is typical of any synthetics, and the high price. However, it will not seem too high, if you know all the positive properties of the insulation:

  1. Warm. It is known that the more air pores in the material, so it is warmer because air has a very low thermal conductivity. In such Thinsulate air layers is greater than any other material, including natural fluff. Because it consists of extremely thin fibers.
Photo Thinsulate fibersPhoto Thinsulate fibers
  1. Breathing. This is one of the most important indicators of quality of insulation. When the skin under the clothes breathe and sweat accumulates and evaporates out, freezing chance less.
Thinsulate keeps heat withinThinsulate keeps heat within
  1. Thin and light. Thinner fibers than the Thinsulate, is not yet in any of the material. Due to this and its weight is significantly lower than that of counterparts, and a small thickness of the product is sufficient for heat retention.
Comparison fiber thicknessComparison fiber thickness
  1. hypoallergenic. Allergies in humans occurs mainly in the dust and micro-organisms living in it. Thinsulate not attracts and does not accumulate dust, microorganisms do not grow in it. Moreover, it does not emit into the air and no chemicals that can cause unpleasant reactions.
It is an ideal material for children and allergy sufferersIt is an ideal material for children and allergy sufferers
  1. Universal. Unique heat-saving and elastic properties of Thinsulate filler you can use it in various fields.
  2. moisture-proof. The material does not absorb moisture, so that keeps you warm in all conditions.
Moisture easily evaporates without being accumulated in the insulation structureMoisture easily evaporates without being accumulated in the insulation structure
  1. Hardwearing and practical. Even with long wear and frequent washing jackets and down jackets on tinsuleyte retain original shape. The filler is not crumpled, not rolled, it becomes thinner and does not fall down. Products with it can be dry cleaned.
The material does not lose properties during washing or dry cleaningThe material does not lose properties during washing or dry cleaning

where to apply

Thanks to all of the listed properties, Thinsulate filler used in various fields. For example:

  • For warming overalls. Since for protection against the cold needed quite a thin layer of insulation, which does not hinder movements, it is used when sewing outerwear for northern workers, hunters, fishermen. And even for suits, in which astronauts spacewalk.
Tops with Thinsulate will not freeze even polar explorersTops with Thinsulate will not freeze even polar explorers
  • Sew winter clothing for children and adults. It is convenient to move and always warm. Perhaps only for the infants should not buy such things as the material retains the heat that is released during the movement. And such babies sleep walking normally.
  • For the manufacture of comfortable sportswear. It refers to the winter sports. And sew from it not only coats and overalls, but also hats and gloves.
Gloves, Thinsulate insulated, thin and warmGloves, Thinsulate insulated, thin and warm
  • For warming winter shoes. Thin, durable and absorbent layer of insulation - the best you can come up with to create a warm footwear.
These shoes warmer and more practical bootsThese shoes warmer and more practical boots
  • To fill bedding - blankets, pillows, sleeping bags.
Blanket with a super-fillingBlanket with a super-filling
  • For stuffing soft toys and other textiles. Including sewn by hand.

On clothes usually specified at what temperature it is designed. These recommendations are desirable to observe, as in a fairly warm weather, you can get the body to overheat.


Thinsulate is different depending on the stitching, the presence of seals, surface type and density. Each type has its scope. For making upper garment most commonly used types of C, CS, CDS. The difference between them lies in the method of fastening gaskets and stitching step.

The table shows the main characteristics of the other modifications:

Type of subtype Density, g / m2 Scope
R P-100 101 Tailoring professional and children's clothing, manufacture of haberdashery.
P-150 151
P-230 230
The (water-resistant) B-100 105 For tailoring footwear.
B-200 210
B-400 420
TIB TIB-100 98 Filling covers, blankets, sport clothing.
TIB-120 119
TIB-200 191

Comparison with other heaters

We have long been accustomed to the light winter jacket, successfully replaced the heavy coats and coats. A synthetic filler for down jackets is not serious, that he could not protect them from frost.

"Pioneer" was sintepon, but almost every year there are new and better materials. Let's try to compare what is best - Thinsulate or any of the popular heaters:

  • Pure fluff. Its main advantage - naturalness. But he's in the process of socks becomes a disadvantage, since the fluff loses volume and rolls of washes. In addition, it can cause allergic reactions in susceptible people to her. Finally, even this natural insulation Thinsulate inferior in ability to store heat: the latter is 1.5 times higher.
Swan's down slips and loses volumeSwan's down slips and loses volume
  • Izosoft. The layered insulation of synthetic fibers twisted into microscopic balls. It does not lose volume and shape to wear, and little inferior Thinsulate thermal conductivity. But, in contrast, is only used as insulation for clothing, but not filling for other products.
Izosoft no offers versatilityIzosoft no offers versatility
  • hollofayber. A material with a uniform pore structure, very practical in operation and having a wide field of application. If you choose: Thinsulate or hollofayber, it should be noted that the first is much warmer, and the second is cheaper.
Hollofayber - inexpensive and practical synthetic insulationHollofayber - inexpensive and practical synthetic insulation
  • Termofinn. Perhaps this domestic development, only recently appeared on the market, most similar in its characteristics to Thinsulate. Termofinn nearly as warm, thin and light, as well it keeps the volume and shape, not wrinkled, and is different durability.
Termofinn - the Russian equivalent of the foreign heatersTermofinn - the Russian equivalent of the foreign heaters

Each of these materials has its own advantages. But Thinsulate something, but ahead of them. If not for the high cost, it could be considered an ideal option for any winter outfit. But while the jacket on natural fluff can buy 2-3 times cheaper.

care Regulations

Despite the simplicity and durability of things with this vehicle, you need to take care of them properly. Clothing to last a long time, has not lost its shape and unique properties, remember how to wash the jacket:

  • Choose wash delicate cycleAnd the water temperature not more than 60 degrees;
Do not wash clothing in very hot waterDo not wash clothing in very hot water
  • Spin mode - no more than 600 rpm per minute;
  • Use liquid detergents for washing - powder can be left on light colored yellow spots;
  • If there is a very dirty placeTheir better pre faded manually smeared detergent and rubbing brush.

If the clothes are heavily soiled and not satisfied with this content, feel free to wear it to the dry cleaners.

also has its own instructions for proper drying of such things. Them Do not dry on the battery or flow of hot air. It is better to hang on coat hangers and leave at room temperature. Already after 3-4 hours it is perfectly dry.

Rules drying products with ThinsulateRules drying products with Thinsulate


Summing up, I want to say that if not for the price, I would not consider any other options for winter clothes either for themselves or for all other family members. Especially since some of them have to work a lot of time on the street.

But then things really last longer and hold heat better, but still very comfortable to wear. So to change clothes every season and with a price tag can be put up, if not in the habit.

Doubters suggest to watch the video in this article, and the lucky owners tinsuleytovyh veshchichek to share your impressions in the comments.

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