Video on diving in the course of drawing a course for the alissum after planting in open groundlilies or garden roses, lush flowers, but the plant does not cease to acquire all new fans. A modest alissum, planting and care in the open field for which the beginner can do, captivates with unpretentiousness, long flowering and honey aroma spreading over the flowerbeds. Several annual and perennial alissum species are used as ornamental plants for open ground. All of them are stunted or creeping cultures with stems up to 40 cm, small, sometimes pubescent leaves and flowers of different colors gathered in corymbose inflorescences. Since alissum is a representative of the Cabbage family, its corollas with a diameter of up to 5 mm have a structure in common with related plants, but are very fragrant at the same time.
The smell of flowers increases in sunny, warm weather, which attracts many insect pollinators in the garden to the clumps of the alissum.
As an annual for open ground, alissum is used in the design of low borders, in mixborders and in the foreground of traditional flower beds.
At the dacha, the alissum can be grown in several ways:
- by sowing in the spring to a permanent place at once;
- through seedlings grown at home and transferred in spring to open ground;
- using autumn sowing in the ground for early spring shoots.
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Which way is it better to plant an alissum in the ground when planting flowers in a particular climatic zone?
Planting alissum in open ground with seeds
Sowing seeds of alissum in the spring is carried out when the ground is thawed and the air warms up to +15 ° C.In the middle lane, optimal conditions are formed by mid-April. In the southern regions, landings are 7–10 days earlier. In the north, the right moment due to returning cold can be delayed until the first decade of May.
In spring, planting alissum in open ground and caring for plants is preceded by site selection and soil preparation. Both annual and perennial species prefer dry, without stagnation of water, aerated places with a light substrate:
- The soil before sowing is rolled, removing weeds and breaking clods.
- Plot allocated for alissum, watered.
- Seeds are spread over the surface of the substrate and lightly sprinkled with a layer of earth.
To ensure germination and simplify care after planting in Siberia, alissum before germination is covered with a film or nonwoven fabric. Young plants in flower beds appear after 7–10 days, and after 6–8 weeks, flowering begins. Until this point, the plot is regularly weeded and watered, and the grown-up seedlings are thinned, leaving an interval of 15–20 cm between them.
This method of planting an allissum is simple. But if the spring is protracted, the emergence of shoots and flowers is postponed. In regions where there is such a risk, including the middle lane, planting seedlings is more commonly used.
Alissum seedlings: planting and care in open ground
Sowing on seedlings is carried out in March or April in shallow containers filled with light substrate. The soil is pre-moistened slightly, and the seeds distributed over the surface and slightly pressed into the ground are covered with a thin layer of soil or sand.
Alyssum grows better at temperatures above +15 ° C, in a greenhouse or home greenhouse, while seedlings must be ventilated to prevent condensation.
Shoots appear in less than 2 weeks. Up to this point, the container is exposed to a well-lit place. If the seedlings are planted thickly, the seedlings dive. And when several real leaves are revealed on them, they pinch the tops so that the alissum in the flowerbed is actively bred. Planting alissum for outdoor care is carried out in May or in the first half of June with an interval of about 20 cm.
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After 2-3 weeks, such plants bloom and, with proper care, are notlose their decoration until the frosts.
Planting alissum in open ground in autumn
Pre-winter sowing of alissum permits to stratify seeds under natural conditions and in spring get strong plants adapted to the conditions of open ground.
Stratification improves germination, which is important when growing perennial plant species. Planting alissum in open ground in autumn is carried out so that the seeds did not have time to swell and slip. Therefore, it is planned for the end of October or November. Dry seeds are embedded in a pre-prepared soil to a depth of about 2 cm.
To protect the seed from rotting, a sand cushion can be made at the bottom of the furrow. Over the plot mulch.
Care for alissum after planting in open ground
Alyssum is one of the most undemanding plants, content with minimal care. Annual and perennial varieties bloom beautifully in open areas, for many hours in the sun. At the same time, care for the alissum in the open ground after planting consists of:
- in irrigations that provide soil moistening to a depth of at least 10–15 cm;
- in weeding and loosening the soil around the flowers;
- in 2–3 fold supplementary feeding of plants with mineral mixtures with a minimum nitrogen content, causing the growth of greenery and reducing the intensity of flowering;
- in the removal of wilted inflorescences.
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When flowering is completed, the agricultural machinery for perennial plants and letniki begin to differ.
Annual Alissums are removed from the flower bed, the site is cleared of plant residues and dug. If this is not done, the seed boxes will open, and in the spring the summer resident will face massive self-sowing.
When the perennial was planted on the plot, care in the open ground behind the alissum consists of:
- in cutting curtains, involving the removal of dried inflorescences and pruning of the shoots by more than half;
- in prewinter weeding and loosening the soil;
- in the protection of shrubs from frost.
Fallen leaves, needles or thick non-woven material can serve as a shelter for the winter. Vienna protection removed, they carry out sanitary processing of plantings. Plants are watered and fed.
Video about the pickup of the seedlings of the alissum