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Ground cover plants - is a required elementbeautiful flower beds. Among them favorably distinguished alissum perennial for its unpretentiousness and long flowering. His other names are burachok, lobularia, and a stone. Strong honey aroma emanating from alissum, attracts insect pollinators.
Description of the alissum of the long-term
Alyssum belongs to the cabbage family. About 40 species of borage grow in Russia, among which there are both annual and perennial. Low-growing plants, small four-petal flowers of white, yellow or lilac color are collected in brushes. The fruit is a pod containing a huge amount of small seeds. The root system is fibrous, lying shallow.
Perennial varieties are low - only 20–40 cm. Alyssum starts growing in early spring and blooms quickly. The birthplace of the flower is the mountains of southern Europe. Therefore, it looks beautiful on Alpine slides, curbs, rabatkah. On flowerbeds creates a continuous carpet of delicate and bright colors. Photos of alissum in landscape design:
Among the perennial representatives of the genus, the following species are popular: rock, mountain and sea.
Alyssum rocky
Perennial shrub with strongly branching stems up to 30 cm in height. With age, the plant requires a rejuvenating pruning, as the stem is exposed. Popular varieties of rocky alissum:
- Golden wave - sprawling bushes up to 20 cm high. In this kind of alissum, a golden cloud of inflorescences appears in late spring - early summer. Blooms in the second year after planting. Hairy leaves of a silver-green tone. The plant tolerates drought well and unpretentious care.
- Aphrodite - low compact bushes with purple flowers. Blooms in early June. Needs a little shading in the midday heat and moderate watering. Prefers fertile soil. It responds well to fertilizing with complex universal fertilizers. On a bucket of water they plant 20–40 g.
- Plenum - the variety is distinguished by terry inflorescences of golden color.
Alissum mountain
Frost-resistant perennial no more than 20 cm in height with creeping stems and densely pubescent leaves, making them appear grayish. Flowering begins in late April. Inflorescences are yellow, with a strong sweet smell.
Marine Assum
This species of borage reaches a height of not more than 20 cm. As a perennial plant it is grown only in southern latitudes. In central Russia, it is popular in the annual culture. It has hard, almost recumbent stalks. Flowers, small with a honey smell, are collected in dense numerous brushes. It blooms from June until the onset of frost white, pink, purple and purple inflorescences. Easily propagated Alyssum sea - a mountain plant. For abundant flowering, he needs a bright sun and nutritious soil with a neutral reaction.
This type of lobularia is especially effective in wide ribbons, arrays, borders. It is irreplaceable as the lower tier of uneven flower beds.
Taini Tim variety - snow-white flowers cover the bushes like a hat. This creeping variety of not more than 8 cm in height creates the full illusion of sea foam among the rock garden boulders.
Violet Koning - an ample variety creates in the hanging pots whole purple waterfalls.
The Princess in Purple variety is another ampel variety. In a planter, this variety forms long, hanging shoots of purple. On the flowerbed, it will look like a solid carpet.
Reproduction of the alissum of perennial
. This plant is propagated in three ways:
- seeds,
- grafting,
- division of the bush.
Seeds are sown in open ground in early spring, after the threat of frost has passed.
For germination of perennial alissum seeds, sunlight is needed, so seeds are scattered over the soil surface and gently pressed down by hand.
To increase the germination rate, it is better to cover the sowing site with plastic wrap. A few days later it is removed. Seedlings do not dive, so it is undesirable to sow them thickly. Extra shoots blur out, leaving at least 10 cm between sprouts.
Reproduction by cuttings is suitable for an adult plant. This procedure can be combined with the forming trim from the beginning or end of summer. The sharp branches cut out the excess branches and root them in the ground. The resulting young plants are planted in a permanent place no closer than 30 cm from each other.
The division of the bushes is made in April. Shrubs dig and chop with a shovel. On each part there should be several shoots. Delenki are seated in the same way as rooted cuttings. After landing, the alissum is watered.
How to properly prune the alissum
All varieties and varieties of lobularia require regular pruning. It promotes strong growth and better flowering.
Shrubs that are not pruned, over time, begin to lose decorativeness. At them stalks become bare and the quantity of inflorescences decreases. In addition to pruning of faded buds, additionally shorten shoots to 7–10 cm, at the same time forming beautiful, lush and moderately rarefied bushes. Proper pruning increases the decorative effect and significantly reduces the chance of powdery mildew. Rock bloom after flowering is shortened to a third length.
Alissum pests and diseases
Like all plants of the cabbage family, an alissum flower suffers from a cruciferous flea. To protect against flea, spray it with infusion of garlic, wormwood, tobacco dust. In case of severe injury, chemicals are used: “Aktar”, “Aktellik”, “Fitoverm”.
When humid and thickened, the little beetle suffers from root rot and powdery mildew. The rot is manifested on it by yellowing leaves. Sick specimens are dug, washed the roots in a pink solution of potassium permanganate and planted in another place.
With powdery mildew, leaves become covered with a whitish bloom and over time become brittle and brittle. Strongly affected plants are destroyed, the rest are treated with a solution of a fungicide. In the future, you must comply with the regime of watering and try not to thicken the landing.
Alyssum is a perennial in landscape design.
Designers prefer to combine perennial alissums with ampelous and ground-covering petunias, pelargonium, and Turkish clove.
A favorite place for alissums is Alpine slides. The dense scattering of delicate flowers elegantly frames the stones, covering all with a solid carpet.
High varieties traditionally cut, adding honey notes to the aroma of bouquets. In flowerbeds they are combined with irises, tulips, begonias.
When choosing a site for planting lobularia, it is necessary to take into account its strong sweet aroma. Neighboring plants should not interrupt him.
In addition to perennials, annual grades of white snow carpet and Esther Bonnet are very popular among summer residents.
Landing on the summer cottage of a perennial alissum will allow you to enjoy the lush flowering and delicate honey aroma from early spring to the very frost.