What kind of peperomia you choose for yourself?

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Peperomia, striking the decorationClear foliage of various shapes and colors, very popular with gardeners. To collect all kinds of tilts, the widest window sills in a spacious apartment are hardly enough. Botanists have identified and described about 1,200 species, most of which live in nature in the tropics of South America.

It is no wonder that among such a variety there are ampelous and erect plants, species that lead the way of life of a real succulent, and peperomia with long creeping shoots. With such a different appearance, all members of the genus have the same name, derived from the words peperi and omos, which translates as "perceptive."

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Flowering culture occurs in spring and summer. Unlike foliage, spike-shaped inflorescences, peperomia candles do not strike with the brightness of color, but give the flower an original memorable appearance.

Perperomy velvety( P. velutina)

Among cultivated indoor peperomy species, this plant has outstanding dimensions. The height of the flower with upright, purple stems reaches 40 cm. The shoots are alternately covered with pointed, ovate or broadly lanceolate leaves. Dark green with light streaks sheet plates on the back are painted in a greenish-purple shade. During flowering on the tops of the stems or in the sinuses of the velvety peperomia, spike-shaped inflorescences of about 7 cm long are formed.

Peperomia silver( P. argyreia)

One of the most striking varieties of the flower is silver peperomy. The plant with short, abundantly branching shoots attracts attention with glossy reddish petioles up to 10 cm long and bright silver-green leaves. Sheet-shaped plates of pointed-ovate form of this species are not monophonic, but decorated with a succession of light and dark stripes. In nature, the plants of peperomia silvery grow both on the ground and as epiphytes, growing on trees of the tropical forest.

The main decoration of the flower is smooth leaves, but no less decorative peperomia looks in flowering form when greenish or slightly yellowish cobs of 4–6 cm towering above the leafy rosette on long peduncles. P. grayise-argentea

The size of the rosette, the shape and structure of the leaves, this type of peperomia resembles a silvery variety, but the color of the leaf plates is different. There are no pronounced bands. The entire background of the glossy sheet has a rich silver color, on which the very wrinkled relief created by the veins is very clearly visible.
Read also: Methods of reproduction of room perperomy: by seeds, cuttings or by dividing the bushThe length of the oval, elongated at the base of the leaves reaches a length of 15 cm. Sprawling stems gradually lodge and root in places of contact with the ground.

Among the florists, the variegated flower form is most appreciated. The front surface of the leaves of peperomia is kusielite colored in fancy green, white, and pink-purple tones. The middle of the leaf plate is green, and bright white or yellowish strokes separate the purple outline along the edge from the green.

Spotted Peperomia( P. maculosa)

Peperomia got its name due to brownish-brown spots covering thick shoots, which can be both erect and semi-occuring. This species is also called peperomia multi-spotted or dwarf pepper. Stems and leaf cuttings can be smooth or covered with a short, barely visible pile. Pointed heart-shaped leaves are colored bright green. On this background, thin light streaks passing across the plate are perfectly visible.

The lower side of the spotted peperomy leaf is lighter in color. During the flowering period over the lush foliage shows brown-purple, greenish or brown inflorescences. The height of such cobs can reach 40–50 cm.

Peperomia reddish( P. rubella)

A graceful perennial plant with long-lasting drooping pinkish-purple shade. Unlike other species, the small oval leaves of the reddish peperomia sit not alternately on the stem, but oppositely. Their upper side has a rich green color, the plates are reddish from the bottom. And on the stems and foliage a short whitish pile is noticeable.

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Marble Peperomia( P. marmorata)

The wide-oval, fleshy leaves of the marble peperomia are distinguished by a silver-green background color. It is clearly distinguishable vague, concentrating near the veins of bright silver spots. The erect stems of a grassy plant are painted in bright purple hues, enhancing the decorative effect.

Creeping Perperomy( P. serpens)

A graceful, ivy-like perennial with ivy that hangs or hangs as the shoots grow back and will decorate any collection of florist. In nature, creeping peperomia grows like an epiphyte, and its stems strewn with pointed heart-shaped leaves hang freely along tree trunks. The most decorative variegated peperomia.

Pleperomia pleasant( P. blanda)

Perenomial peperomia pleasant in height reaches no more than 20–30 cm and forms a compact dense crown. The plant has erect branching shoots with oval leaves tightly seated on them. The bright green of the upper side of the leaf plates looks great against the background of purple stems. From below mature leaves are purple, on young ones this shade is weaker and may look like a border or spots along the veins. Small greenish inflorescences in length do not exceed one and a half centimeters.

Wrinkled Peperomia( P. caperata)

The most popular type of peperomia in indoor floriculture impresses with a pressed textured leaf surface and an abundance of extraordinarily beautiful varieties. The plant is compact and very small. A rosette of ovoid leaves, sitting on long petioles, does not exceed 10–15 cm in height.

See also: Triangular acid: home care, photos and descriptionsso completely green or spotty. The leaves of wrinkled peperomia are also seriously different. Their color varies from rich green to purple. There are original variegated varieties with fantasy foliage.

Relief is achieved due to the leaf plate fabric gathered from the vein. This species of plant blooms beautifully, showing white, brownish or pinkish blossoms over the rosette.

Perperomy gray( P. incana)

The name perperium gray is due to a grayish or silver shade of broadly oval, almost round leaves. The original shade provides and whitish pile, covering both the young foliage and shoots. The flower, up to 50 cm high, willingly bushes and forms a compact crown of dense fleshy foliage.

Peperomia tupolistnaya( P. obtusifolia)

In nature, pepermia tuberous is a inhabitant of the upper and lower tiers of the tropical forest. Plants feel equally good both as an epiphyte and as a terrestrial species. Leaves on short petioles have an oval shape with a base narrowing towards the stem. The length of the sheet plate is 5–8 cm, the color may be different. In the greatest honor in the florist variegated varieties.

But there are also very bright varieties with dense green foliage, the color of which becomes darker and more saturated as it grows.

The genus perperium is not limited to the specimens described. Amateur flower growers have at their disposal hundreds more species and even more varieties of this plant.

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