Alokaziya plant poisonous or not, and how his house growing is dangerous for family members?

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Alocasia, trefoil, and weatherplant - indoor flower, which occupies a special place in flower arrangements. A tall plant, very beautiful leaves make alokaziya desirable for the grower. To draw attention to the warnings of experts that alocasia is a poisonous plant or not depends on the decision of the amateur.

Houseplants and their importance in human life.

A man has long put a barrier between his home and living nature. However, our ancestors intuitively planted a green garden on the windowsills. Most of the indoor plants have certain medicinal properties and helps out in difficult moments. Everyone knows about medicinal flowers such as agave and geranium. Many have heard about the dangers of poisonous alokazii for cats.

Intuitively, plants for home breeding were chosen with beneficial properties. Travelers carefully brought flowers from other continents not only for beauty, healing properties. On the other hand, if a pet has properties to heal, absorb harmful substances from the air, collect and process tobacco smoke, then the processed products become available in small amounts. Any poison can be a medicine in micro doses, and kill, taken in large quantities.

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Before you bring a new plant home, you need to ask about its effect on humans, children and pets. Many flowers and their healing power are legends based on facts. It is known that human waste products accumulating in an apartment poison the air. Plants, absorbing excretions, instead of saturating the air with oxygen and its ions, release volatile substances that kill bacteria.

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One of the flowers, dangerous and healing, is a rainbow. There are warning signs of danger in nature. One of the signs is considered a bright coloring. The trefoil loves free placement and warns with its bright leaves that it is dangerous. How poisonous alokaziya is, whether it can be kept in a dwelling, we shall understand with the help of experienced flower growers.

The chemical composition of the plant and its action

All botanists and flower growers warn about the dangers of flower care work without latex or rubber gloves. Not only the plant juice is poisonous, but its evaporation from the root when plants are planted. When cutting, there is a characteristic smell of the present cyanides.

However, in folk medicine, trefoil is considered a valuable raw material for the production of dosage forms:

  • tinctures on alcohol or vodka;
  • water extract;
  • Ointment.

In pure form, the juice does not apply because of its exceptional stinginess. By accidentally hitting the eye in any amount of toxic substances alokazii, can cause blindness. Lizn selected on the surface of a leaf of moisture, a person is doomed to prolonged anguish. Therefore, the plant should be in places inaccessible to animals and people. In life there should not be situations like this. For a grower who has a blog, this is an unforgivable frivolity in relation to his own child.

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alokaziya The leaves of alokasy contain an explosive mixture of mercuric chloride, it is an active mercury compound, mercury dichloride, and hydrocyanic acid, the strongest poison. In microdoses, these poisons have a healing effect, they destroy the cells of the neoplasms, since the young cells are unstable to their effects. The scant information about the mechanism of action of these strongest poisons allows only to use the age-old wisdom of herbalists, not exceeding the dose recommended by them.

It is precisely due to potent poisons that healing occurs in low concentrations, where medication is sometimes impotent. However, it is possible to presume that one should prescribe medication for oneself, using open sources of information, which borders on suicide.

How dangerous is the sublimate drug can be understood from the example: in the nineteenth century, sublimate was administered to patients in the dosage, the spelemoid sublimate was dissolved in half a liter of water, later it was diluted before administration.

Cyanides, and one of them is prussic acid, are substances that can cause instant paralysis and respiratory depression. In a small dose of other components of the green pharmacy is used as a drug for treatment.

Softens the effect of poisons present in the composition of the volatile ester aroin, which has its own effect. In the plant there are many other biologically active substances, each of which has a specific effect.

Warned, it means that choosing a home plant will be critical to a florist. A beautiful plant can be useful in a difficult life situation. But knowing about the danger posed by him, it is necessary to take measures to limit access to the flower and most carefully take care of the plant.

One type of Alokazia that is readily kept at home is Polly Alokaziya, a poisonous plant with tuber-like roots. This hybrid has up to 7 decorative leaves, is not used in treatment. Traditional healers use only one plant variety - large-root alokaziya, the leaf of which in natural conditions grows up to two meters long.

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If the content of the flower of alokaziya meets all its requirements, it can release the peduncle, the cob into the sheets. At this time, phytoncides secreted are so strong that the aroma of the plant can cause headaches in others. The flowering plant must be removed from the room where people are. The flower can be arranged on the balcony, in the winter garden, but not left at home.

Alokaziya place in the apartment, in the bathroom or in the kitchen. It can be settled in the living room, but not in the nursery or bedroom. At night, the plant breathes and takes oxygen from your living space with its large leaves. And in the nursery, this flower will become a time bomb. A curious child once gets and tastes a beautiful leaf.

Knowing the danger, which is associated only with the wrong plant maintenance, you can take precautions, and alokaziya will become the center of your green corner in the apartment.

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