The benefits and harm of green onions and human health

According to some studies of , onions are cultivated and eaten by humans for more than 5,000 years of .The healing properties of vegetables are mainly due to the presence of volatile substances - phytoncides. Onions are well preserved, and green feathers in our climate can be successfully grown on a windowsill and saturate the body with biologically active substances. About the benefits and dangers of green onions for human health - our article.

Table of Contents

  • Chemical Composition of Green and Onion
  • Healthy Vegetables Awareness Hearing Aids for Humans
  • Human Health Benefits
    • For Pregnant Nursing Women
    • For Men and Women
  • Harm and contraindications
  • Usage for People in Dentistry in men and women
  • Harm and contraindications for
  • Use in adult medicine in men and women
  • Usage of people in
  • the chemical composition of green and onion can highlight some of the features of :
    • feathers contain half as many calories as compared with bulb;
    • instagram viewer
    • in bundles of green is 3 times more vitamin C;
    • there is no carotene in the powder, whereas in the green product it is present in the loading dose;
    • in both species contains a large amount of such an element as cobalt( 50% in the bulb, 70% of the daily norm in green);
    • despite a wide variety of micro and macro elements, their content in both products is small( except for molybdenum, the pen contains 29% of the daily norm).
    As a result of the analysis performed, it can be concluded that with a significantly lower caloric content, the green onion has a richer mineral and vitamin composition.

    Green feathers - an excellent supplier of vitamin C , especially in the winter, as opposed to the bulb.

    After all, hardly anyone would venture to replenish the body with this valuable food element to eat about a kilogram of onions per day.

    The chemical composition of green and bulb onions is different from

    . Since has a high cobalt content of in vegetables, consider the effect of this substance on the human body:

    • helps the immune system fight against foreign bacteria;
    • is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin, thereby reducing the risk of anemia;
    • regulates optimal blood cholesterol levels;
    • helps to maintain the hardness, strength of bone tissue, contributes to its recovery.

    What is more healthier and healthier - green onions or bulb:

    Useful properties of vegetables for the body

    In addition to preventing colds or flu , eating green feathers in the diet has a beneficial effect on the digestive system .Only one appearance can provoke excessive salivation and increase the appetite.

    At the same time, the use of green onion feathers along with the main dish helps the body to cause a feeling of satiety and not to overeat.

    The product is widely used in various diets due to its high fiber content and low calorie content. Even diabetes is not a contraindication to use.

    Nutritionists noted another useful feature of green feathers: to improve the taste of dishes. Such seasoning is an excellent alternative to salt.

    Many men who love to crunch a bunch of sharp greens for lunch or dinner, do not even know how much they bring to the body.

    Consumption of this seasoning stimulates the increased production of the testosterone hormone , affects the quality of sperm, increases the number of sperm, improves their mobility and ability to conceive.

    The systematic use of green feathers reduces the risk of developing prostate and relieves its symptoms in case of illness. The product is practiced as a prophylactic against impotence.

    The product is widely used in various diets due to its high fiber content and low calorie content.

    In addition to combating colds and infectious diseases, the use of onions helps to reduce blood sugar , helps the body cope with intoxication, get rid of heavy metals.

    The latest research conducted by scientists, prove the effectiveness of onions in diseases associated with vascular lesions.

    Therefore, in the absence of contraindications, it is desirable for the elderly to use a small amount of the product daily.

    Human Health Benefits

    For pregnant women who are lactating

    During pregnancy, moderate onion consumption is beneficial not only for the expectant mother, but also for the fetus.

    A woman who will eat a vegetable in this crucial period of time, protects itself against viruses and bacteria and creates the prerequisites for the emergence of a strong immunity in a child.

    Experts recommend to refrain from eating a healthy vegetable while breastfeeding, as the taste of milk will change and the baby may refuse to breastfeed.

    During pregnancy, moderate use of onions will protect against viruses and bacteria.

    For men and women

    Which man in his right mind would refuse a fragrant kebab on skewer with this baked, crispy vegetable? Onions are useful both in raw and cooked form.

    He, like green, is able to enhance the production of testosterone in the male body .In addition to improving sexual function, the spicy plant has a tonic effect.

    With its ability to influence the metabolism, onions help members of the strong half of humanity to maintain body weight at an optimal level.

    The ability of a vegetable to strengthen the roots of hair is noted, so the product can be used as a prophylactic agent in the fight against baldness.

    Green and onions are useful for both men and women.

    The use of onions has a positive effect on the health of the female body.

    Everyone knows an illness such as osteoporosis, and although men are also susceptible to this ailment, it is still in women, it is much more common.

    Therefore, as a preventive measure, the use of this vegetable will be very helpful, the risk of bone fracture will be minimized by .

    Another important feature of the vegetable for women is the positive effect on the health and appearance of the skin .Adding onion to the dishes not only helps to preserve the youthfulness of the skin of the whole body.

    Masks based on onion juice with olive oil are recognized by cosmetologists as anti-wrinkle products.

    Mask for the skin of the bow:

    Harm and contraindications

    Although onions are not allergenic products, can cause individual intolerance to in some people. Children are recommended to give a healthy vegetable in its raw form not earlier than two years of age.

    With care the product should be treated by people:

    • having a high acidity of the stomach;
    • suffering from liver and kidney disease;
    • with diseases of the stomach and asthma.

    It is not advisable for to eat vegetable to nursing mothers, since the smell of onions can penetrate the milk.

    Onions can cause allergies, is contraindicated in asthma and stomach diseases
    Onions have been known since time immemorial as an anti-worming agent.

    Recipe : Pour medium-sized finely chopped onion with two cups of boiled water and leave for about half a day.

    Strain and consume 150 ml for 5 days before meals. Effective remedy proven for centuries against ascaris and pinworms.

    As a remedy for hair loss .Recipe: First you need to prepare a decoction of burdock root.

    Cool and add onion juice to the broth, based on the ratio of 6 to 4. In the finished solution, it is desirable to add one part of brandy( or how much is not sorry).

    Onion mask for hair:

    Green and onions are not only tasty and healthy food and seasoning to dishes, but also an affordable and effective drug.

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