Tips for choosing and using corn oil, taking into account its beneficial properties and contraindications

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Corn oil, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are well studied, has been used in cooking and traditional medicine for more than 100 years. Like most other vegetable oils, it has a high smoke point( about 160 °), which justifies its use for frying. Recently, natural oils from corn grain began to sell even in pharmacies. But still ordinary housewives have many questions about whether the benefits and harm of corn oil, how to take the various types of this product.

Composition and types of corn oil

Three compounds that are part of any vegetable oil are: monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and saturated fatty acids. Depending on the type of oil, only the percentage ratio of acids varies, which in turn affects the caloric content and properties of the product. Corn oil, whose caloric content is 900 calories, contains 28% monounsaturated fats, 55% polyunsaturated fats and 17% saturated fats.

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If we study the range of corn oils on offer, we can distinguish conditional subtypes:

  1. Refined, deodorized, and non-deodorized.
  1. Unrefined( first spin).

Refined with a D-lettering is used to prepare dietary and baby food, and marked with the letter P is used to prepare food on an industrial scale.

Corn oil, refined, deodorized, is suitable for everyday cooking. And for the manufacture of homemade cosmetics and use for the purpose of recovery, it is necessary to purchase unrefined first pressing oil. Also be sure to pay attention to the fact that the bottle was marked "non-GMO".

The difference between the two main types of oil

Studying the beneficial properties and contraindications of corn oil, you need to remember that almost all popular recipes are based on unrefined product. On this basis, the hostesses decide "not to save" and use a rather expensive unrefined oil for frying. To do this is not recommended. The fact is that when heated, the crude oil begins to release dangerous carcinogens. But the refined oil marked “D” is completely free from unnecessary impurities and is ready for aggressive thermal exposure.

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It can be said that the benefits and harms of unrefined corn oil depend entirely on how it is used. If you do not experiment and try to take the product in large quantities, then positive changes in health and appearance can be seen in a month.

We must not forget about contraindications in the form of individual tolerance and possible allergic reactions.

How is cold pressed corn oil useful?

A fragrant product not only improves the taste of food, but also helps improve health. A large amount of omega-6 fatty acids in the composition is responsible for strengthening the immune system and preparing the body to combat seasonal viruses. One tablespoon of oil a day relieve constipation, will improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Such a natural remedy is shown to those who suffer from pressure drops.

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With regard to official studies, scientists have shown that cold-pressed corn oil can be used to increase the level of "good" cholesterol. And phytosterols in the composition of the oil( campesterol, beta-sitosterol and stigmasterol) are responsible for reducing “bad” cholesterol. We must not forget that such positive effects are inherent only in the oil of the first extraction.

Consuming large amounts of grocery oil can have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system.

The use of unrefined corn oil in home cosmetology

Due to the presence of linoleic acid in the composition, corn oil is great for skin care. Massaging the oily suspension activates the intracellular mechanism of regeneration, which leads to the renewal of the upper layer of the skin. Also, cosmetologists recommend using oil to remove makeup from the skin, because it does not block the pores. As a result of this simple care, the skin becomes smooth and soft. Those who use such a tool on an ongoing basis, note that the skin begins to "glow" from the inside.

It is recommended to use corn oil and to care for the scalp, hair and eyebrows.

Massaging into the roots of warm( not hot!) Oil will help to strengthen the hair and restore its natural shine. In order not to waste time manufacturing multi-component homemade masks, you can add a few drops to any store conditioner designed for dry hair.

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Some professional cosmetic brands( for example, Israeli Christina) offer to buy ready-made cosmetics, the main ingredient of which is specially prepared corn oil.

Where, in addition to cooking, can you apply refined corn oil?

The beneficial properties and contraindications of the unpurified product give rise to the erroneous idea that refined oil can only be used in cooking. In fact, the purified oil of such a bright plant benefits people on an industrial scale.

Oil is used:

  • in soap manufacture( including for the preparation of home cosmetics that require heat treatment);
  • as a major component of various insecticides;
  • for the manufacture of drugs for heart disease( including the well-known nitroglycerin);
  • as a basis for biofuels that do not harm the environment;
  • to protect certain metals from corrosion.

Taking into account all the above facts, you can get a fairly clear idea of ​​the advantages and disadvantages of corn oil. Only the use of the right type of product in reasonable quantities can bring tangible benefits to health. If daily consumption of oil does not provoke the appearance of individual side effects, then you can try to refuse other( cheaper and more common) types of vegetable fats.

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