Learning to vaccinate an apple in the summer

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Grafting an apple in the summerIt is only necessary to pay attention to some important points. It is also worth observing the rules for harvesting cuttings, this will increase the chances of successful engraftment of a new branch.

Procurement of cuttings for

grafting In order to successfully graft an apple tree in the summer, it is necessary to carry out the process of harvesting cuttings - grafts. These objects are small segments of branches of another apple or other fruit tree, or whole annual shoots. They must be fully formed. Cutting should be carried out only after the trees are stiff and entered a state of rest - in late autumn( after leaf dropping) or in early winter.

Theoretically, cuttings can be harvested right up to the middle of January. In extreme cases, it is allowed to cut the scions at the end of this month. There is no point in doing the harvesting later, since the grafts thus obtained either do not take root at all, or take root very poorly. This is explained quite simply - when the sun begins to warm, special platelets begin to move downwards.

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After this, an insufficient amount of caplusum remains in the shoot, which does not allow the graft to settle down to the stock. This is the reason for the inappropriateness to carry out the harvesting in the following months:

  • January;
  • February.

Grafting an apple tree in the summer of

Preferably, the process of this type should be implemented in the spring. But if necessary, it is also possible to vaccinate in summer. It is only necessary to observe some of the nuances of this process. You can figure out how to plant an apple tree in the summer, quite simply. The following methods exist:

  • in splitting;
  • in the cut;
  • bridge.
Read also: Spring feeding of fruit bushes and trees


Grafting an apple tree in the summer into a cleave is a fairly simple process. But still it is best to implement it not alone, but with an assistant. One person will produce splits in a bitch for grafting, the second one will insert cuttings. You should first make special cuts, they will simplify the process of splitting the branches of the stock into two parts. The following rules should be observed:

  • if the tree is relatively young - cutting the branch at a distance of 40 cm from the trunk;
  • if a tree is many years old and its branches are thick enough, you can cut it at a distance of 1 meter from the trunk.

But in the latter case, the thickness of the branch to be cut should be no more than 5 cm. At the same time, two or even more knots can be cut to graft on one skeletal branch. Be sure to keep some distance between them. If the tree is young, but there is a need to plant several cuttings, it is advisable to perform sections on different branches - and as far as possible from each other.

It is important to prepare a special garden piping in advance. They will need to lubricate the cut after vaccination.

The process of grafting in splitting itself is as follows:

  • a strong, sharp knife is put in place of the saw;
  • with a hammer or other similar tool should hit the end of the knife blade;
  • the branch will split into two parts - you should separate them to the side and insert the previously prepared cuttings into the split;
  • knife removed;
  • vaccination site is smeared with a garden warmer.

If necessary, you can use regular tape - fix grafted branches with the help of it in the desired position. The stronger the graft and the stock will be pressed together, the higher the likelihood that the vaccine will be successful.

Read also: Herbicides for potatoes: what drugs are used for treating plots after sproutingMoreover, it can be done in two ways: angular
  • ;
  • lateral.

Graft angular method is also quite often used in summer. This process is implemented as follows:

  • , you must choose a branch with a thickness of no more than 2 cm with a still quite thin bark;
  • on hemp with a thin, sharp knife should be made two parallel corner notches - the knife is placed at a distance of 3 cm from the edge at an angle of 30( depth must be at least 6 mm);
  • cutting must be tightly inserted into the incision and the vaccination area should be shed with a special garden pitch.

In the future, the vaccination site is sealed with electrical tape and covered with plastic wrap. This will increase the chances of engraftment, as well as protect the unprotected bark from infection by any disease-causing organisms.

Graft lateral clearance is not significantly different from the method described above. It is performed as follows:

  • with a sharp knife should be made oblique incisions at a distance of 20 cm from the base( one should be 1 cm longer than the other);
  • prepared in advance with the bare edge of the cutting is inserted into the mortise and shed garden pitch.

It is also required, after vaccination is completed, to wrap its place with plastic wrap and, if necessary, fix it with tape.

The timing of grafting apple trees in the summer is not limited by anything, but it is advisable to perform it before flowering begins. As the substances promoting fast engraftment are contained in larger quantities.

Read also: Grafting a pear on an apple tree - when and how to make

Grafting a bridge

Grafting an apple on a dick is most often implemented if it is necessary to restore the damaged bark. It often happens that hares or any other animals gnaw it in the spring and the owner discovers serious damage to the fruit-bearing tree.

The process of this type must necessarily be realized at the time of the most active sap flow. It falls just in the summer time. Grafting by the bridge is performed as follows:

  • wound edges on the surface of a tree trunk should be necessarily extended to the appearance of healthy tissues;
  • slightly below and above the damaged area make the corresponding gaps behind the bark;
  • at the ends of pre-prepared cuttings are cut in the same plane;
  • insert each cutting into one of the notches in the bark;
  • graft arched in an arc, after which the second side is inserted into the other notch;
  • vaccination place is filled with garden pitch, wrapped with electrical tape and plastic wrap.

The process of the type in question is easy to implement on your own, you just have to remember about important nuances( processing with garden pitch, proper preparation of surfaces).It is best to get acquainted with the video of the summer grafting of the apple tree with green cuttings before its implementation. Thus, it is possible to avoid the accomplishment of the most typical mistakes of gardeners performing this operation in the first, and not having sufficient experience. For this work, it is worthwhile to select the most sharp instrument. There are also special devices.

It is important to remember that grafting a tree is a lot of stress, it becomes very vulnerable. Therefore, you must first ensure that there are no nearby plants infected with any diseases. Otherwise, the tree may simply die.

Video about grafting apple trees in the summer of

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