7 tips for design and decoration of the porch of a private house + photo


  1. №1. Basic requirements for the porch
  2. №2. What to consider when designing a porch?
  3. No. 3. Registration of stair steps
  4. №4. Decoration of railing and fencing
  5. №5. Decoration of a canopy
  6. №6. What to decorate the porch?
  7. №7. The main design styles of the porch of the house

Porch is the face of the house. This simple truth does not need additional explanations. It is clear that the porch should be aesthetically pleasing, combined in style with the house and the house area, and be strong, reliable, safe and, if possible, functional. Despite the fact that these requirements are well understood by everyone, it is sometimes very difficult to equip a porch by all the rules. Beginning with the independent design and design of the porch of a private house, it is worth familiar with the basic principles of its organization.

№1. Basic requirements for the porch

The porch is a kind of annex to the house and serves to ensure that a person can comfortably move from ground level to level floor in the house, because the latter is always higher, sometimes by 20-30 cm, and sometimes by 1 m (all depends on the features of the erection foundation). Porch

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it seems quite simple and unpretentious construction, but if you understand, then it includes severalfunctional elements:

  • stairs;
  • rails and fences that serve for easier and safer movement, and also play an important decorative role;
  • The platform serves not only to approach the entrance door, but also becomes an additional functional space outside the house. It is desirable that the site accommodates at least 2-3 people;
  • shed for rain protection;
  • the sanitary zone is usually organized only with a mat for wiping shoes.

All these details should be combined with each other, and also be in harmony with the facade of the house, the plot, and echo with the fence, gates and other elements of the adjacent territory.

Of course, the design of the porch is of no small importance, especially in the perception of the house, but since it will be assigned to the daily load, itmust be, first of all, veryconvenient, practical and thoughtful. Each structural element of the porch must meet the requirements of the owners of the house, so it is so important in advance to create a project and determine the required number of steps, the size of the site and the canopy, the height handrails.Consider it worthfollowing nuances:

  • Doorit is desirable to do at a height of 3-4 cm from the level of the site, so that in case of icing it is possible to open it freely;
  • tosite dimensionsThere are no strict requirements, however, it is better that it accommodates 2-3 people, but there are also projects of houses in whichThe playground plays the role of a veranda or terrace, or evenit encircles the house. In all these cases, the porch receives an additional function - the ability to place a rest area on it. Some experts advise not to make the surface of the site completely horizontal, but, on the contrary, to createslight bias of 2-3 degrees. This will allow rainwater to flow freely and not accumulate on the site, but the usefulness of such a solution it is doubtful: if you build a canopy by all the rules, then rainwater will not fall on porch. Consequently, the slope can be done only if the canopy does not cover the whole area;
  • railingit is necessary to equip only if the height of the porch exceeds, m, and the fence is necessary for safety. In other cases, it plays a purely decorative role. The optimum height of the railing is -1 m;
  • awningmust necessarily protrude beyond the porch, at least 2-3 cm, providing a normal protection of the site from precipitation;
  • number of stepsit should preferably be odd that the person stepped onto the platform from the same foot as the lift began. The optimum height of the step is 15-20 cm, the depth is 30-35 cm, with increasing both parameters, making the step becomes inconvenient. Wooden steps may have a slight slope for free running water.

Lighting is an important element of the porch. In addition, if the area allows and there is a need, you can arrange on the porchrecreation areawith benches, chairs, sofas, a table and organize breakfasts or lunches in the fresh air.

№2. What to consider when designing a porch?

Comparing hundreds and even thousands of private houses, we are unlikely to find two similar porches, unless, of course, it is not a typical building house. Everyone has their own preferences, tastes and requirements, which form the basis of the design of the porch. But the desire to stand out and create an original solution should not be forgotten andSome principles that will help organically enter the porch into the surrounding area.

When choosing a stylemust be taken into accountthe desired size of the site, the height of the future staircase and its configuration, the material of the facade decoration of the house, as well as the features of landscape design.

The easiest way- use in the arrangement of the porchthe same materials and colors as for the house itself.This is the most common solution that allows you to create a harmonious input group. For example, if the house is built of wood, then it is logical to use the tree for the arrangement of the porch, for the brick house - the paving slab for brick. And vice versa, a brick porch will be very inappropriate to look around the house of wood. When settling, you canalso focus on the elements of the site:If the fence and gates are decorated with forged elements, then they can be used for the porch railings.

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A more complicated way is todesign of the porch in a different style from the house. This is allowed, but it will require an exceptional taste. To unite the house and the entrance group, it will be necessary to think over the general details: these can be elements of the same color or some geometric figures.

There is one more solution- To arrange a porch in the style as close to the site as possible. In other words, the entrance group should become a continuation of the garden paths and flower beds, rather than part of the house. Similarly, you can create very interesting solutions and blur the boundaries between the entrance to the house and the site itself.

No. 3. Registration of stair steps

The entrance to the house begins with a climb up the steps, they take on a significant load, so their arrangement must be approached very seriously. Choosing the material for finishing the steps of the porch, it is necessary to take into accounttasks assigned to it, among which the protection of the base from destruction, giving the staircase a complete and aesthetic appearance.

Steps and steps, usually,are made from the same material. It must necessarily be wear-resistant, non-slip, withstand temperature changes and high humidity, and also be resistant to decay and immune to rodents. Finishing material preferably should not burn out in the sun and be easy to clean, and, of course, be aesthetically pleasing. Ideal for all parameters of the material has not yet been invented, but there are several quite suitable.

The most popular materials for arranging the steps and the porch area:

  • a natural stone- an expensive and elegant way of finishing the porch. There are a lot of rocks, they differ in color and texture, but they are resistant to any weather and mechanical influences. Use it is possible as a sawn stone, and a tile or a strip from a stone. Most often, for porch facings usesandstone, marble and lameite, agraniteis considered one of the most expensive and durable options (this porch will last you at least 100 years). Slippery rocks are subjected to heat treatment or engraving, but if you do not want to "mock" the stone, you can purchase special rubber lining. Another interesting option -rubble stone, which will fit in the areas made in the rustic style;
  • paving slabis considered the most common variant of the porch facings. The secret of popularity lies in a wide variety and excellent performance. The material is made of sand-cement mixture with special additives and dyes. May beany shape, color and size, mimic different rock types. Tiles can be used to create interesting patterns. The material is resistant to high humidity, temperature changes, direct sunlight, sufficient frost resistance, strength and durability. The installation of paving slabs must be approached responsibly, otherwise it can sink. A significant disadvantage -in the cold, the material becomes slippery, therefore it is not enough to choose a tile with a well-embossed rough surface, - it is necessary to provide rubber linings or additionally to lay the coating for the time of low temperatures;
  • concrete tiles- morebudget analogue paving. There are ready-made items on sale, as well as special forms for self-extinguishing. Of the advantages, we note the strength, high resistance to moisture, sunlight and abrasion, as well as the possibility Simulate a stone covering, but if the frost is severe, the concrete tile may crumble or go cracks;
  • ceramic tile. For tiling the porch is suitable only for those tiles that can be used in street conditions, which is easy to verify bymarking. On the package should be painted foot, and under it - shaded surface, also in stock should be a snowflake icon. Pay attention to the flame icon and the number in it, which means the number of firing: for street conditions, a tile with one firing is better, it is less porous.The main advantage of the material- a huge variety of shapes, colors, sizes and textures. Ceramic tiles can be glossy, matte, embossed, for mosaic, wood or stone - you can realize any idea into reality. The material is relativelyinexpensive,moisture-resistant, but veryfragileand more or less strong mechanical loads will not survive, and in winter such tiles also become slippery;
  • clinker tile- one of the best options for the steps and the porch area. Produce material from special types of clay at a very high temperature. Clinker tilesdurable and very strong- in winter you can not be afraid to clean the snow from it with a tool - it can not be damaged by a blow. Moreover, the materialmoisture resistant, so even in severe frosts it does not crack, resistant to sunlight, hasrough non-slip surface;
  • porcelain stonewareon strength is approximately at the same level with clinker tiles, it looks very solid, oftenimitates natural stone, but it is not cheap. The material is made by special technology from clay, feldspar, quartz and additives, resulting in a material withhigh moisture resistance, wear resistanceand the ability to withstand any mechanical stress. Porcelain does not take any fungus, mold, sun rays, nor time. Winter, however, will have to solve the problem with a slippery surface;
  • metalalthough it pleases with durability and allows you to equip a nice openwork porch, it is used infrequently and, mainly, for houses where people come only occasionally, and do not live constantly;
  • natural wood- it's beautiful and environmentally friendly, only verytroublesome. It is better to choose the most resistant to moisture rocks (larch and oak) or wood, which came heat treatment, but still have constantly treat the surface with protective materials, preventing the appearance of mold and fungus, but the steps in the frost will not become slippery. Even with proper care, the tree is unlikely to last very long, and the material is afraid of fire;
  • terracottahas almost the same advantages as a natural tree, but it is more practical to use,resistant to moisture and sunlight, does not slip, does not rot, easy to install and boasts a huge variety. A terraced board is manufactured using different technologies, but alwaysthe surface has a noticeable relief. A special kind of material is a board made of wood-polymer composite, which includes wood chips or sawdust and binding material. Such a board, though less environmentally friendly, is more resistant to negative natural influences than other types of terraced board.

When choosing a material, consider the features of the facade of the house: for wooden houses, a natural wood or a terrace board, for brick or stone houses it is appropriate to use different types of tiles, stone and granite, for a plastered facade it is also suitable tile. The ladder does not have to be strictly opposite the front door - it can be on the side, be semi-circular or even with two marches. To ensure maximum comfort and safety in winter, you can arrange under the stepsheating systemwith the help of electric underfloor heating.

№4. Decoration of railing and fencing

The functions entrusted to the railing are clear to each of us, this is to ensure the safety of movement and the additional decoration of the porch. When choosing material for them, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of finishing the house and feet, as well as the expected load.

You can use one of the following materials:

  • metalIs the leader in strength and durability. Fences can be made both from metal rods and pipes, and be forged - there are options for every taste and budget. The metal must be treated with an anti-rust composition and tinted during use to prevent the appearance of rust. It is important that such a fence does not contain sharp elements, which can be injured or tear the clothes. Metal can also serve as a handrail, alternatively wooden or plastic pads. The metal fence is in good harmony with the brick facade and the staircase of tile or stone;
  • tree- warm, durable, natural and aesthetic material, from which it is possible to make a fence of almost any shape. Excellent for houses, in the design of which there is a tree, but with a brick, stone, tile and plaster will look great. Install a wooden railing is not difficult, and the design itself will be much safer than metal. Among the minuses is low durability, instability to moisture and direct sunlight, insects, rodents and fungi, as well as the need for constant care, but the beauty of the natural wood of that costs;
  • polyvinyl chloride- the most affordable option. Among the main advantages of durability, the widest variety of shapes and colors, good wear resistance and ease of installation. Of PVC made very nice fences, and in such a variety that they can be combined with any facade;
  • concrete. Such fences look capital and even aristocratic, because often of concrete cast figured balusters that prop the handrail. Main advantages: strength, durability, wear resistance, a wide variety of shapes, resistance to negative environmental factors. Minus - a lot of weight and increased load on the platform and steps. Such fencing will be appropriate for the design of a large country house with a spacious adjoining plot;
  • a rockIs a synonym for strength and durability. Like the stone steps, this fence will last a very long time, but it will require a lot of investment. Alternative to natural stone -artificial, it is easier and cheaper, and on reliability almost does not concede to it. Naturally, combining a stone fence is necessary with an appropriate staircase and facade. An interesting solution is a handrail made of stone on metal rails.

№5. Decoration of a canopy

Ideally, the canopy should completely cover the porch area and go beyond it, but with limited means, you can make a visor just above the front door. If the canopy is small and light, then as afixturesyou can use beams or pipes coming from the wall of the house. For large and heavy visors it will be necessary to equip the supports, which, by the way, can become part of the decor of the porch. Moreover, in two- and three-story private houses the canopy can be combined with a balcony.

Featuredmaterials for canopy arrangement:

  • tree- beautiful and easy to process material. This canopy is easy to install, combined with a number of facade materials;
  • metal- a durable and durable material that can be decorated with forged elements, but in the rain this visor will be unnecessarily noisy;
  • corrugated board- an inexpensive material that differs light weight, easy installation and high fire safety;
  • polycarbonate - a semi-transparent, well-curved material, with which you can equip the canopy of any shape. Excellent with forged metal parts;
  • metal tile- Another version of the arrangement of a durable and durable, and most importantly, a nice canopy. Excellent when the roof of the house is also made of metal. When installing it is important to choose the right angle of inclination - 20-25 degrees: if the angle is less, snow may accumulate, and if more, the canopy will close the view and prevent the door from opening;
  • the clothIt is used only in the warm season, protects the area from sunlight. It is often used in those cases where the porch is combined with a terrace and serves as a rest area.

Some materials can be successfullycombine with each other. The form of the canopy can be anything: often visors doarched, dome, flat, one- and two-sided, less often they choose a concave shape. Trying to create a unique solution, we must not forget that water should flow freely from the peak, without lingering on its surface.

№6. What to decorate the porch?

The location of the main elements of the decor should be considered at the design stage of the porch.

Featuredways of decorating:

  • plants- a universal decor, which will be combined with wood, and with stone, and with metal. On the porch you can put flowers in flowerpots, plant climbing plants that will weave rails, build flowerbeds built along the stairs or use hanging pots - lots of options. It is better to choose flowers that blossom throughout the warm season. You can also use dried flowers, evergreen shrubs and even artificial flowers, but choose those that are virtually indistinguishable from natural ones;
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  • lighting- at the same time a functional and decorative element of the porch. The choice of garden lamps is huge, so you can decorate the entrance to the house with an unusual lantern, LED lighting, stone-lamps or even garlands;
  • garden furniture- an optional item on the porch, is used only if there is enough space on the site. It can be just a bench, a chaise longue or a table with chairs and sofas - it all depends on the parameters of the porch and your own preferences;
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  • curtains - a beautiful light element of the porch-veranda decoration. With their help, the home recreation area can be turned into a semblance of a summer café;
  • seasonal decorations. The porch of a private house for different holidays and seasons can be decorated in different ways. For example, in winter, the decor will be spruce branches, cones, rowan, garlands, on the eve of Halloween - pumpkins, and in the autumn - ears, fruits and yellow leaves.
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№7. The main design styles of the porch of the house

Among the designers professionally engaged in arranging the entrance groups of houses, there is a classification of styles that can be used in the design of the porch. Their main features and principles will help everyone to create a tastefully decorated porch.

Basic styles:

  • medieval, or the style of the house-fortress. It is assumed the use of natural stone as for the design of the site and the stairs, and for the base of the house. Everything should be rough and massive, lamps in the form of torches are welcomed. As a decor, flowers are used, which with their lightness and brightness will emphasize the solidity of the finish;
  • classic styleassumes the presence of a double-shed canopy, columns and decorative balusters, strict forms and maximum functionality of each element are welcomed. As a decoration can be used stone, tile or painted wood;
  • European style- these are strict and geometric regular straight lines without any curls and smooth rounded lines. Such a style in the arrangement of the porch has much in common with minimalism in landscape and interior design. Items of decor should not be much, often in their quality garden figures and lanterns are used;
  • French styleis a kind of European, and its main distinguishing feature - the presence of a glazed and decorated with openwork grille doors. The porch is complemented by a large number of plants and wicker furniture;
  • porchin the style of a gingerbread housediffers by the use of bricks, openwork metal gratings, climbing plants. If wooden parts are used, they must necessarily be painted in natural colors;
  • porchin Russian style- option only for wooden houses. The main differences are in the use of wood, chiseled balusters, ornate patterns and carved elements.

It is not so difficult to independently design the porch of a private house. It is enough to determine the basic preferences and adjust them to the requirements of functionality and security.

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