Especially if it grows perennial shrub - calcium. The plant belongs to the heather family. It was first discovered in North America. There is a shrub found on swampy areas, forest edges or dense thickets. Under natural conditions, calcium grows to a meter and a half, although there are also undersized species - about 30 cm. The shrub got its name in honor of the Finnish environmental researcher Pierre Calm.
Nowadays, calcium is adorned with gardens not only in America, but throughout Europe. Thanks to the diligence and hard work of botanists, the plant appeared in the suburbs.
Shrub General Information
The charming branchy shrub has unusual oblong-shaped lanceolate leaves. Their length reaches 6 cm. From above they are green, and from below a bluish ebb is seen. Their tips are pointed, which resembles bay leaves.
With the onset of summer, delicate cupped flowers appear on numerous stalks. They are:
- red;
- pink;
- white;
- cream;
- maroon;
- patterned.
It is interesting that the buds are collected in small umbrella-shaped bouquets. Each of them reaches a diameter of 1 cm. When the shrub blossoms, a huge number of such delicate inflorescences appear on it. In this photo, the calcium is striking in its charm and beauty.
There are many different types of overseas shrubs that grow well in Russia. Many of them are quite winter-hardy, so they are used in summer cottages and in the Moscow region. One of these varieties - Calcium broadleaf.
Description of the famous species
This type of calcium is a wide-spread plant, reaching a height of about 3 meters.
In the natural environment, there are trees of calcium, which grow up to 12 m in height. At the same time, they are distinguished by a wide and branched crown. In the suburban areas are most commonly used shrubs.
The height of the broad-leaved kalmida in the Moscow region reaches an average of about 80 cm. It grows 2 cm in a year.
The leaves of the plant are elliptical, lanceolate. Outwardly, they resemble leaves of laurel tree. Their average length is from 10 cm to 50. The upper plate is painted in dark green color, the lower part - with a yellowish tinge.
Particularly distinguished saucer-shaped flowers, collected in umbrella inflorescences. The color of delicate buds is most often pink. Inside each flower are dark anthers that are involved in the reproduction of the plant. During the flowering period of the shrub, the buds cover almost the entire crown of calcium.
If you carefully consider the individual flowers, they look like miniature porcelain cups.
The diameter of such a work of art is only 2.5 cm. The plant begins to bloom in the last month of spring or early summer. After that, on the calcium appear fruits in the form of elegant boxes, tightly filled with seeds. By mid-autumn, they fully mature.
As biological studies show, flower buds form a whole year before the start of flowering. Therefore, it should not be in vain to worry if the young plant did not bloom immediately after planting.
There are some features of planting broad-leaved calcium and caring for it.
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If you want to quickly dissolve shrubs in the garden, it is advisable to plant it in the spring. To do this, you can purchase seedlings that are grown in pots.
Plants must have leaves of dark green color, which indicates its vitality. If they are located only on the tips of the shoots, it means that the calcium is damaged, or the fallen root system.
The most suitable place for a bush is a semi-shaded area in the country. It can be planted next to a tall tree, which will provide the plant with ideal conditions for growth.
Acidic soil with good permeability is suitable for planting broad-leaved calcium. It may be sandy soil, fertilized with humus.
Immediately before planting the seedling in the hole, it is desirable to put peat. So the plant will get enough minerals for growth.
Due to the fact that the root system of calcium is close to the soil surface, it is not necessary to plant other plants next to it. They can stifle it, which will lead to disease or complete drying.
When caring for shrubs, you should follow these rules:
- Top dressing. Three times per season, the soil around the plant must be fed. In the spring, you can use a solution of urea( 30 grams per 8 liters of fluid).In the autumn, mineral fertilizers are scattered under the bushes. When the plant is actively developing, the root system can be fertilized with slurry. For this, one part of the manure is diluted with 15 parts of water. Then, bushes are watered with this solution.
- Watering. To shrub well developed, it is necessary to provide a competent watering. It is a moderate distribution of moisture under the bush. It is important that the soil dries out a little before the next watering. When preparing a shrub for wintering, it should be plentifully filled with water and mulched with bark and peat.
- Regular care of the branches. As soon as spring comes, the bushes of calcium should be cleaned from dry branches and inflorescences. Cut the plant is not necessary, since it always has a beautiful crown.
- Soil loosening. As a result of abundant spring precipitation, the soil under the bushes hardens. Therefore, the ground should be carefully plowed up. Due to this, the roots receive oxygen, and the plant develops well.
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In addition to broad-leaved calcium, there are other types of shrubs. Consider some of them.
Popular species of enchanting shrub.
. The genus of evergreen calcium has about 8 species, which are widely known in America and Europe. Of these, only a few well settled down in Russia. For many gardeners in the Moscow region, calmia has become a favorite decorative ornament of the garden.
Kalmia narrow-leaved
This type of shrub grows up to 1.5 m in height. Also known are dwarf varieties growing to 40 cm.
The leaves of the plant are oblong lanceolate, about 6 cm long. Their upper part is colored green, and the lower part has a bluish tint.
Narrow-leaved Kalmya has amazing cup-shaped inflorescences. Almost always they are pink, and only occasionally - white. Buds are collected in umbellate inflorescences. Each bud in diameter reaches approximately 1 cm. In general, the inflorescences have a gorgeous look, especially when they are blooming simultaneously. Therefore, we can safely say that calcium is a real natural masterpiece at the dacha.
Ornamental narrow-leaved shrubs began to be bred since 1736 outside of Russia. Only a century later, the evergreen shrub was brought to Moscow. Since 1988, the plant grows in the Botanical Garden. There she blooms every year and pleases the eye for a whole month.
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The original lanceolate leaves of the multi-leafed calcium are painted in a dark blue-green color. Buds appear on shoots in late April or early May. In shape, they resemble miniature bells, which are collected in exquisite bouquets. Flowers are painted in pink color, which originally looks on the background of green leaves.
Planting perennial
Competent planting of calcium and plant care requires the following requirements:
- to plant only in loose drained soil;
- to prevent stagnation of fluid;
- during a drought, water 1 time in 2 weeks with plenty of water( up to 10 liters per bush);
- , if necessary, watering in the morning or evening;
- timely fertilizer contributes to the rapid growth of the shrub.
These types of calcium multiply in two ways: using seeds and by separating the roots from the main plant. Choosing the appropriate option, you should consider your capabilities.
One of the simplest methods for the cultivation of calcium is the use of root growth. For this, the offsprings are planted in containers, where they develop over 3 years. When the plant turns into a full-fledged seedling, it is transferred to the garden plot. There he occupies his honorable permanent place, where he will serve for many years to adorn the front garden.
In order to grow calcium from seeds, it is necessary to gather planting material in time. The most suitable period is the middle of autumn. After collecting the seeds, they must be dried and stored in a dry place.
For better germination, seeds are kept in the cold for about 2.5 months, and only then sown.
Sown in special containers of calcium, will ascend after 30 days. At first they grow very slowly, but with patience, we will receive a reward. When they grow to 4 cm, seedlings can dive, if necessary.
After 2 years, the seedlings begin to feed with mineral fertilizers. Because of this, they will start to grow faster. When young Kalmi begin to branch, it is better to transplant them into new containers, where they will be up to 5 years of life. Then the seedlings are planted in a permanent place in the garden. And then they will become the gentle charm of the summer cottage in the Moscow region.